
Function New-AGMLibAWSVM ([string]$appid,[string]$appname,[string]$mountapplianceid,[string]$imageid,[string]$imagename,
    Mounts an image as a new AWS VM

    New-AGMLibAWSVM -g

    Runs a guided menu to create a new AWS VM.

    New-AGMLibAWSVM -vmname "avtest" -appid 46455214 -mountapplianceid 1415013462 -volumetype "General Purpose (SSD)" -regioncode "us-east-1" -vpcid "vpc-1234" -accesskeyscsv "/Users/anthony/Downloads/av_accessKeys.csv" -network1 "subnet-5678;sg-9012;"

    This mounts the latest image for the specified appid using the specified cluster ID.
    The subnet ID is "subnet-5678" and the security group ID is "sg-9012"

    New-AGMLibAWSVM -imageid 1234 -volumetype "General Purpose (SSD)" -regioncode "us-east-1" -vpcid "vpc-1234" -accesskeyscsv "/Users/anthony/Downloads/av_accessKeys.csv" -network1 "subnet-5678;sg-9012;"

    This mounts the specified imageid.
    The subnet ID is "subnet-5678" and the security group ID is "sg-9012"

    A function to create new AWS VMs using a mount job

    Image selection can be done three ways:

    1) Run this command in guided mode to learn the available images and select one
    2) Learn the image ID and specify that as part of the command with -imageid
    3) Learn the Appid and Cluster Id for the appliance that will mount the image and then use -appid and -mountapplianceid
    This will use the latest snapshot, dedupasync, StreamSnap or OnVault image on that appliance

    poweroffvm - by default is not set and VM is left powered on
    rehydrationmode - OnVault only can be: StorageOptimized,Balanced, PerformanceOptimized or MaximumPerformance
    selectedobjects - currently not cated for
    cpu - autolearned from the image so they should only be issued if you want to vary them from the per image default
    memory - autolearned from the image so they should only be issued if you want to vary them from the per image default
    ostype - autolearned from the image so they should only be issued if you want to vary them from the per image default
    volumeType - Get list by running: Get-AGMImageSystemStateOptions -imageid $imageid -target AWS
    tags - comma separate if you have multiple
    regioncode - Get list by running: Get-AGMImageSystemStateOptions -imageid $imageid -target AWS
    privateipaddresses - comma separate if you have multiple
    migratevm - by default is not set
    networks - each network should have three semi-colon separated sections:
    subnet id ; SecurityGroupIds comma separated ; private IPs comma separate
    e.g.: 1234;5678,9012;,

    bootdisksize - autolearned from the image so they should only be issued if you want to vary them from the per image default

    Note image defaults can be shown with: Get-AGMImageSystemStateOptions -imageid $imageid -target AWS

    If you have the access keys CSV file downloaded from the AWS IAM panel you can use that with -accesskeyscsv, else you will need to supply -accesskeyid and -secretkey

    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"
    $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion
    if ($sessiontest.errormessage)
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "AGM session has expired. Please login again using Connect-AGM"

    # if the user gave us nothing to start work, then ask for a VMware VM name
    if ( (!($appname)) -and (!($imagename)) -and (!($imageid)) -and (!($appid)) )
        $guided = $TRUE
        write-host "Running guided mode"

        $appliancegrab = Get-AGMAppliance | select-object name,clusterid | sort-object name
        if ($appliancegrab.count -eq 0)
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find any appliances to list"
        if ($ -eq 1)
            $mountapplianceid = $appliancegrab.clusterid
            $mountappliancename =  $
            write-host "Appliance selection menu - which Appliance will run this mount"
            Write-host ""
            $i = 1
            foreach ($appliance in $appliancegrab)
                Write-Host -Object "$i`: $($"
            While ($true) 
                Write-host ""
                $listmax = $
                [int]$appselection = Read-Host "Please select an Appliance to mount from (1-$listmax)"
                if ($appselection -lt 1 -or $appselection -gt $listmax)
                    Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]"
            $mountapplianceid =  $appliancegrab.clusterid[($appselection - 1)]
            $mountappliancename =  $[($appselection - 1)]

        write-host "Fetching VM and SystemState list from AGM for $mountappliancename"
        $vmgrab = Get-AGMApplication -filtervalue "apptype=SystemState&apptype=VMBackup&managed=True&clusterid=$mountapplianceid" | sort-object appname
        if ($vmgrab.count -eq 0)
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "There are no Managed System State or VMBackup apps to list"
        if ($vmgrab.count -eq 1)
            $appname =  $vmgrab.appname
            $appid = $
            write-host "Found one app $appname"
            write-host ""
            write-host "VM Selection menu"
            Write-host ""
            $i = 1
            foreach ($vm in $vmgrab)
                Write-Host -Object "$i`: $($vm.appname) ($($vm.apptype)) on $($"
            While ($true) 
                Write-host ""
                $listmax = $vmgrab.appname.count
                [int]$vmselection = Read-Host "Please select a protected VM (1-$listmax)"
                if ($vmselection -lt 1 -or $vmselection -gt $listmax)
                    Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]"
            $appname =  $vmgrab.appname[($vmselection - 1)]
            $appid = $[($vmselection - 1)]
        if ( (!($appname)) -and (!($imagename)) -and (!($imageid)) -and (!($appid)) )
            $appname = read-host "AppName of the source VM"

    if ( ($appname) -and (!($appid)) )
        $appgrab = Get-AGMApplication -filtervalue "appname=$appname&apptype=VMBackup&apptype=SystemState"
        if ($ -ne 1)
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to resolve $appname to a unique valid VMBackup or System State app. Use Get-AGMLibApplicationID and try again specifying -appid."
        else {
            $appid = $

    # learn name of new VM
    if (!($vmname))
        While ($true)  { if ($vmname -eq "") { [string]$vmname= Read-Host "Name of New VM you want to create using an image of $appname" } else { break } }

    # learn about the image
    if ($imagename)
        $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue backupname=$imagename
        if ($imagegrab.count -eq 0)
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $imagename using: Get-AGMImage -filtervalue backupname=$imagename"
            $imageid = $

    # this if for guided menu
    if ($guided)
        if (!($imagename))
            write-host "Fetching Image list from AGM"
            $imagelist = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue "appid=$appid&jobclass=snapshot&jobclass=StreamSnap&jobclass=dedupasync&jobclass=OnVault&clusterid=$mountapplianceid"  | select-object -Property backupname,consistencydate,id,targetuds,jobclass,cluster,diskpool | Sort-Object consistencydate
            if ($ -eq 0)
                Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to fetch any Images for appid $appid"

            Write-Host "Image list. Choose based on the best consistency date, location and jobclass."
            $i = 1
            ($image in $imagelist)
                if ($image.jobclass -eq "OnVault")
                    $target = $
                    Write-Host -Object "$i`: $($image.consistencydate) $($image.jobclass) (Diskpool: $target)"
                    $target = $
                    Write-Host -Object "$i`: $($image.consistencydate) $($image.jobclass) (Appliance: $target)"
            While ($true) 
                Write-host ""
                $listmax = $imagelist.Length
                [int]$imageselection = Read-Host "Please select an image (1-$listmax)"
                if ($imageselection -lt 1 -or $imageselection -gt $imagelist.Length)
                    Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($imagelist.Length)]"
            $imageid =  $imagelist[($imageselection - 1)].id   
            $jobclass = $imagelist[($imageselection - 1)].jobclass

    if (($appid) -and ($mountapplianceid) -and (!($imageid)))
        # if we are not running guided mode but we have an appid without imageid, then lets get the latest image on the mountappliance ID
        $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue "appid=$appid&targetuds=$mountapplianceid&jobclass=snapshot&jobclass=StreamSnap&jobclass=dedupasync&jobclass=OnVault" -sort "consistencydate:desc,jobclasscode:asc" -limit 1
        if ($imagegrab.count -eq 1)
            $imageid = $
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to fetch a snapshot, dedupasync, StreamSnap or OnVault Image for appid $appid on appliance with clusterID $mountapplianceid"

    $systemstateoptions = Get-AGMImageSystemStateOptions -imageid $imageid -target AWS
    $cpudefault = $ostype = ($systemstateoptions| where-object {$ -eq "CPU"}).defaultvalue
    $memorydefault = $ostype = ($systemstateoptions| where-object {$ -eq "Memory"}).defaultvalue
    $bootdiskdefault = $ostype = ($systemstateoptions| where-object {$ -eq "BootDiskSize"}).defaultvalue
    $ostype = ($systemstateoptions| where-object {$ -eq "OSType"}).defaultvalue
    $volumetypelist = ($systemstateoptions| where-object {$ -eq "volumeType"})
    $regioncodelist = ($systemstateoptions| where-object {$ -eq "RegionCode"}).choices
    # so many settings to explore
    if ($guided)
        Write-Host ""
        # migrate VM
        Write-Host "Migrate VM?"
        Write-Host "1`: Do not migrate VM(default)"
        Write-Host "2`: Migrate the VM to cloud storage"
        Write-Host ""
        [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-2)"
        if ($userselection -eq "") { $userselection = 1 }
        if ($userselection -eq 1) {  $migratevm = $FALSE  }
        if ($userselection -eq 2) {  $migratevm = $TRUE  }
        # power off
        Write-Host "Power off after recovery?"
        Write-Host "1`: Do not power off after recovery(default)"
        Write-Host "2`: Power off after recovery"
        Write-Host ""
        [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-2)"
        if ($userselection -eq "") { $userselection = 1 }
        if ($userselection -eq 1) {  $poweroffvm = $FALSE  }
        if ($userselection -eq 2) {  $poweroffvm = $TRUE  }
        Write-Host ""
        # cpu and memory
        [int]$cpu = read-host "CPU (vCPU) (default $cpudefault)"
        [int]$memory = read-host "Memory (GB) (default $memorydefault)"
        # ostype shouldn't be needed
        if (!($ostype))
            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host "OS TYPE?"
            Write-Host "1`: Windows(default)"
            Write-Host "2`: Linux"
            Write-Host ""
            [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-2)"
            if ($userselection -eq "") { $userselection = 1 }
            if ($userselection -eq 1) {  $ostype = "Windows"  }
            if ($userselection -eq 2) {  $ostype = "Linux"  }
            write-host "`nOS type: $ostype"    
        Write-Host ""
        #volume type
        Write-Host "Volume Type"
        $i = 1
        $listmax = $volumetypelist.Length
        foreach ($disktype in $volumetypelist)
            Write-Host -Object "$i`: $disktype"
        [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-$listmax)"
        if ($userselection -eq "") { $userselection = 1 }
        $volumetype = $volumetypelist[($userselection - 1)]
        # tags
        Write-Host ""
        [string]$tags = Read-Host "Tags (comma separated)"
        # region code
        Write-Host "Region Code"
        $i = 1
        $listmax = $regioncodelist.Length
        foreach ($region in $
            Write-Host -Object "$i`: $region"
        While ($true) 
            [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-$listmax)"
            if ($userselection -lt 1 -or $userselection -gt $listmax)
                Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]"
        $regioncode = $[($userselection - 1)]
        #vpc ID, access ID and secretkey
        While ($true)  { if ($vpcid -eq "") { [string]$vpcid = Read-Host "VPC ID" } else { break } }

        Write-host "If you have an AWS Access key file in CSV format, you can use that. Otherwise hit enter on the next prompt to type them in manually."
        $accesskeyscsv = ""
        $accesskeyscsv = read-host "Name of AWS Access keyfile (with full path to file)"
        if ($accesskeyscsv) 
            if ([IO.File]::Exists($accesskeyscsv))
                $importedcsv = Import-Csv -Path $accesskeyscsv
                if ($importedcsv.'Access key ID') { $accesskeyid = $importedcsv.'Access key ID' }
                if ($importedcsv.'Secret access key') { $secretkey = $importedcsv.'Secret access key' }
                Write-Host -Object "Could not locate $accesskeyscsv."
                $accesskeyscsv = "" 
        if ((!($accesskeyid)) -and (!($secretkey)))
            $accesskeyid = ""
            While ($true)  { if ($encaccesskeyid.length -eq 0) {  $encaccesskeyid = Read-Host -AsSecureString "Access Key ID" } else { break } }
            $secretkey = ""
            While ($true)  { if ($encsecretkey.length -eq 0) {  $encsecretkey = Read-Host -AsSecureString "Secret Key"  } else { break } }

            $accesskeyid = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $encaccesskeyid -AsPlainText
            $secretkey = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $encsecretkey -AsPlainText
        [int]$networkcount = Read-Host "Number of networks (default is 1)"
        if (!($networkcount)) { $networkcount = 1 }
        foreach ($net in 1..$networkcount)
            write-host ""
            Write-host "Network $net settings"
            Write-Host ""
            [string]$subnetid = ""
            While ($true)  { if ($subnetid -eq "") { [string]$subnetid = Read-Host "Subnet ID"} else { break } }
            $networkinformation = $subnetid + ";"

            $secgroupinfo = ""
            [int]$securitygroupcount = Read-Host "Number of Security Groups (default is 1)"
            if (!($securitygroupcount)) { $securitygroupcount = 1 }
            foreach ($secgroup in 1..$securitygroupcount)
                [string]$securitygroupid = ""
                While ($true)  { if ($securitygroupid -eq "") { [string]$securitygroupid = Read-Host "Security Group ID"} else { break } }
                $secgroupinfo = $secgroupinfo + "," + $securitygroupid
            if ($secgroupinfo -ne "") { $secgroupinfo = $secgroupinfo.substring(1) }
            $networkinformation = $networkinformation + $secgroupinfo + ";"

            $privateipinfo = ""
            [int]$privateipcount = Read-Host "Number of Private IPs (default is 0)"
            if (!($privateipcount)) { $privateipcount = 0 }
            if ($privateipcount -gt 0) 
                foreach ($privip in 1..$privateipcount)
                    [string]$privateip = ""
                    While ($true)  { if ($privateip -eq "") { [string]$privateip = Read-Host "Private IP Address"} else { break } }
                    $privateipinfo = $privateipinfo + "," + $privateip
            if ($privateipinfo -ne "") { $privateipinfo = $privateipinfo.substring(1) }
            $networkinformation = $networkinformation + $privateipinfo 
            New-Variable -Name "network$net" -Value $networkinformation -force
        # boot disk size
        [int]$bootdisksize = read-host "Boot Disk Size(default $bootdiskdefault)"

        if ($jobclass -eq "OnVault")
            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host "OnVault Performance & Consumption Options"
            Write-Host "1`: Storage Optimized (performance depends on network, least storage consumption)"
            Write-Host "2`: Balanced (more performance, more storage consumption) - Default"
            Write-Host "3`: Performance Optimized (higher performance, highest storage consumption)"
            Write-Host "4`: Maximum Performance (delay before mount, highest performance, highest storage consumption)"
            Write-Host ""
            [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-4)"
            if ($userselection -eq "") { $userselection = 2 }
            if ($userselection -eq 1) {  $rehydrationmode = "StorageOptimized"  }
            if ($userselection -eq 2) {  $rehydrationmode = "Balanced"  }
            if ($userselection -eq 3) {  $rehydrationmode = "PerformanceOptimized"  }
            if ($userselection -eq 4) {  $rehydrationmode = "MaximumPerformance"  }

    #some defaults
    if (!($cpu)) { $cpu = $cpudefault }
    if (!($memory)) { $memory = $memorydefault }
    if (!($bootdisksize)) { $bootdisksize = $bootdiskdefault }  

    if ($guided)
        Write-Host "Guided selection is complete. The values entered resulted in the following command:"
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host -nonewline "New-AGMLibAWSVM -imageid $imageid -vmname `"$vmname`" -appid $appid -mountapplianceid $mountapplianceid"
        if ($poweroffvm) { Write-Host -nonewline " -poweroffvm" }
        if ($rehydrationmode) { Write-Host -nonewline " -rehydrationmode `"$rehydrationmode`""}
        if ($accesskeyscsv -eq "" ) { Write-Host -nonewline " -cpu $cpu -memory $memory -ostype `"$OSType`" -volumetype `"$volumetype`" -regioncode `"$regioncode`" -vpcid `"$vpcid`" -accesskeyid ******* -secretkey *******" } 
        if ($accesskeyscsv -ne "" ) { Write-Host -nonewline " -cpu $cpu -memory $memory -ostype `"$OSType`" -volumetype `"$volumetype`" -regioncode `"$regioncode`" -vpcid `"$vpcid`" -accesskeyscsv `"$accesskeyscsv`"" }
        if ($tags) { Write-Host -nonewline " -tags `"$tags`"" }
        if ($network) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network1 `"$network`""}
        if ($network1) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network1 `"$network1`""}
        if ($network2) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network2 `"$network2`""}
        if ($network3) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network3 `"$network3`""}
        if ($network4) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network4 `"$network4`""}
        if ($network5) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network5 `"$network5`""}
        if ($network6) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network6 `"$network6`""}
        if ($network7) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network7 `"$network7`""}
        if ($network8) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network8 `"$network8`""}
        if ($network9) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network9 `"$network9`""}
        if ($network10) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network10 `"$network10`""}
        if ($network11) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network11 `"$network11`""}
        if ($network12) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network12 `"$network12`""}
        if ($network13) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network13 `"$network13`""}
        if ($network14) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network14 `"$network14`""}
        if ($network15) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network15 `"$network15`""}  
        Write-Host -nonewline " -bootdisksize $bootdisksize" 
        if ($migratevm) { Write-Host -nonewline " -migratevm" }
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "1`: Run the command now (default) - NOTE the access ID and secret key ID are not shown here but will be used"
        Write-Host "2`: Show the JSON used to run this command, but don't run it - NOTE the access ID and secret key ID will be shown here"
        Write-host "3`: Show the command with secret key to run it later. This will use the latest available image rather than image $imageid"
        Write-Host "4`: Exit without running the command"
        $userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-4)"
        if ($userchoice -eq 2)
            $jsonprint = "yes"
        if ($userchoice -eq 3)
            Write-Host -nonewline "New-AGMLibAWSVM -vmname `"$vmname`" -appid $appid -mountapplianceid $mountapplianceid"
            if ($poweroffvm) { Write-Host -nonewline " -poweroffvm" }
            if ($rehydrationmode) { Write-Host -nonewline " -rehydrationmode `"$rehydrationmode`""}
            if ($accesskeyscsv -eq "" ) { Write-Host -nonewline " -cpu $cpu -memory $memory -ostype `"$OSType`" -volumetype `"$volumetype`" -regioncode `"$regioncode`" -vpcid `"$vpcid`" -accesskeyid `"$accesskeyid`" -secretkey `"$secretkey`"" } 
            if ($accesskeyscsv -ne "" ) { Write-Host -nonewline " -cpu $cpu -memory $memory -ostype `"$OSType`" -volumetype `"$volumetype`" -regioncode `"$regioncode`" -vpcid `"$vpcid`" -accesskeyscsv `"$accesskeyscsv`"" }
            if ($tags) { Write-Host -nonewline " -tags `"$tags`"" }
            if ($network) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network1 `"$network`""}
            if ($network1) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network1 `"$network1`""}
            if ($network2) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network2 `"$network2`""}
            if ($network3) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network3 `"$network3`""}
            if ($network4) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network4 `"$network4`""}
            if ($network5) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network5 `"$network5`""}
            if ($network6) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network6 `"$network6`""}
            if ($network7) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network7 `"$network7`""}
            if ($network8) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network8 `"$network8`""}
            if ($network9) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network9 `"$network9`""}
            if ($network10) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network10 `"$network10`""}
            if ($network11) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network11 `"$network11`""}
            if ($network12) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network12 `"$network12`""}
            if ($network13) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network13 `"$network13`""}
            if ($network14) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network14 `"$network14`""}
            if ($network15) { Write-Host -nonewline " -network15 `"$network15`""}  
            Write-Host -nonewline " -bootdisksize $bootdisksize" 
            if ($migratevm) { Write-Host -nonewline " -migratevm" }
        if ($userchoice -eq 4)

    if (($accesskeyscsv) -and (!($accesskeyid)))
        if ([IO.File]::Exists($accesskeyscsv))
            $importedcsv = Import-Csv -Path $accesskeyscsv
            if ($importedcsv.'Access key ID') { $accesskeyid = $importedcsv.'Access key ID' }
            if ($importedcsv.'Secret access key') { $secretkey = $importedcsv.'Secret access key' }
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not locate $accesskeyscsv file. Make sure file path is used"

    $body = [ordered]@{}
    $body += @{ hostname = $vmname }
    if ($poweroffvm) { $body += @{ poweronvm = "false" } } else { $body += @{ poweronvm = "true" } }
    if ($rehydrationmode) { $body += @{ rehydrationmode = $rehydrationmode } }
    # selected objects needed
    # [string]$selectedobjects,
    $systemstateoptions = @()
    $systemstateoptions += @( 
        [ordered]@{ name = 'CPU'; value = $cpu }
        [ordered]@{ name = 'Memory'; value = $memory } 
        [ordered]@{ name = 'OSType'; value = $ostype } 
        [ordered]@{ name = 'CloudType'; value = "AWS" }  
        [ordered]@{ name = 'volumeType'; value = $volumetype } 
    if ($tags)
        foreach ($tag in $tags.split(","))
            $systemstateoptions += @(
            [ordered]@{ name = 'tags'; value = $tag } 
    $systemstateoptions += @( 
        [ordered]@{ name = 'RegionCode'; value = $regioncode } 
        [ordered]@{ name = 'NetworkId'; value = $vpcid }
        [ordered]@{ name = 'AccessKeyID'; value = $accesskeyid }
        [ordered]@{ name = 'SecretKey'; value = $secretkey }
    # add all the networks!
    foreach ($netinfo in $network,$network1,$network2,$network3,$network4,$network5,$network6,$network7,$network8,$network9,$network10,$network11,$network12,$network13,$network14,$network15)
        if ($netinfo)
            $nicinfo = @()
            $nicinfo = @( @{ name = 'SubnetId' ; value = $netinfo.split(";")[0] } )
            $networksplit1 = $netinfo.split(";")[1]
            foreach ($value in $networksplit1.split(","))
                $nicinfo += @( @{ name = 'SecurityGroupId' ; value = $value } )
            $networksplit2 = $netinfo.split(";")[2]
            foreach ($value in $networksplit2.split(","))
                if ($value -ne "" ) { $nicinfo += @( @{ name = 'privateIpAddresses' ; value = $value } ) }

            $systemstateoptions += @( 
                [ordered]@{ name = 'NICInfo'; structurevalue = $nicinfo }
    # bootdisk size
    $systemstateoptions += @( 
        [ordered]@{ name = 'BootDiskSize'; value = $bootdisksize }
    $body += [ordered]@{ systemstateoptions = $systemstateoptions }
    if ($migratevm) { $body += @{ migratevm = "true" } } else { $body += @{ migratevm = "false" } }

    $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json -depth 4

    if ($jsonprint -eq "yes")
        $compressedjson = $body | ConvertTo-Json -compress -depth 4
        Write-host "This is the final command:"
        Write-host ""
        Write-host "Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$imageid/mount -body `'$compressedjson`'"

    Post-AGMAPIData  -endpoint /backup/$imageid/mount -body $json