Function Get-AGMLibApplianceParameter([string]$applianceid,[string]$param,[switch]$allparams,[switch]$slots) { <# .SYNOPSIS Fetches output of parameters from appliances. This means we dont need access to the appliance to do this. We need to supply an ID for the relevant Appliance. You can learn the applianceid by running Get-AGMAppliance and using the value in the id field for the relevant appliance .EXAMPLE Get-AGMLibApplianceParameter -applianceid 1234 Display the value of all parameters for appliance with ID 1234 .EXAMPLE Get-AGMLibApplianceParameter -applianceid 1234 -param maxsnapslots Display the value of the maxsnapslots parameter for appliance with ID 1234 .EXAMPLE Get-AGMLibApplianceParameter -applianceid 1234 -slots Display the value of the commonly changed slot parameters for appliance with ID 1234 .DESCRIPTION A function to get parameters #> if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) ) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM" return } $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion if ($sessiontest.errormessage) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "AGM session has expired. Please login again using Connect-AGM" return } # first we need an applianceid if (!($applianceid)) { $appliancegrab = Get-AGMAppliance if ($ -eq 0) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find any appliances with Get-AGMAppliance" return } if ($ -eq 1) { $applianceid = $ } if ($ -gt 1) { write-host "" write-host "Select which Appliance you wish to get parameters from" write-host "" $i = 1 foreach ($appliance in $appliancegrab) { $id = $ $name = $ Write-Host -Object "$i`: $name (applianceid: $id)" $i++ } While ($true) { Write-host "" $listmax = $ [int]$appselection = Read-Host "Please select an appliance (1-$listmax)" if ($appselection -lt 1 -or $appselection -gt $listmax) { Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]" } else { break } } $applianceid = $[($appselection - 1)] } } if ($param) { Get-AGMAPIApplianceInfo -applianceid $applianceid -command "getparameter" -arguments "param=$param" } elseif ($slots) { $paramgrab = Get-AGMAPIApplianceInfo -applianceid $applianceid -command "getparameter" if ($paramgrab.maxsnapslots) { $paramarray = @() $paramarray += [pscustomobject]@{ maxsnapslots = $paramgrab.maxsnapslots reservedsnapslots = $paramgrab.reservedsnapslots snapshotonrampslots = $paramgrab.snapshotonrampslots maxstreamsnapslots = $paramgrab.maxstreamsnapslots reservedstreamsnapslots = $paramgrab.reservedstreamsnapslots streamsnaponrampslots = $paramgrab.streamsnaponrampslots maxvaultslots = $paramgrab.maxvaultslots reservedvaultslots = $paramgrab.reservedvaultslots onvaultonrampslots = $paramgrab.onvaultonrampslots maxlogtovaultslots = $paramgrab.maxlogtovaultslots reservedlogtovaultslots = $paramgrab.reservedlogtovaultslots } } $paramarray } else { Get-AGMAPIApplianceInfo -applianceid $applianceid -command "getparameter" } } |