Function Set-AGMLibSLA ([string]$appid,[string]$slaid,[string]$logicalgroupid,[string]$expiration,[string]$scheduler,[switch][alias("e")]$everysla,[switch][alias("s")]$showsla) { <# .SYNOPSIS Enables or disables an SLA Note that if both an SLA ID and an App ID are supplied, the App ID will be ignored. .EXAMPLE Set-AGMLibSLA Run a guided wizard .EXAMPLE Set-AGMLibSLA -logicalgroupid 99214 -scheduler enable -expiration enable Enabled the scheduler and expiration for all apps in one logical group .EXAMPLE Set-AGMLibSLA -everysla -scheduler disable -expiration disable Disable every SLA for both scheduler and expiration. Use with caution! .DESCRIPTION A function to enable or disable the scheduler or expiration #> # its pointless procededing without a connection. if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) ) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM" return } else { $sessiontest = (Get-AGMSession).session_id if ($sessiontest -ne $AGMSESSIONID) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM" return } } if ($id) { $slaid = $id } if (($appid) -and (!($slaid))) { $slaid = (Get-AGMSLA -filtervalue appid=$appid).id if (!($slaid)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find an SLA ID for App ID $appid Please use Get-AGMSLA to find the correct SLA ID or Get-AGMApplication to find the correct App ID" return } } if ($logicalgroupid) { $logicalgroupgrab = (Get-AGMLogicalGroup $logicalgroupid).sla if (!($logicalgroupgrab)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find any SLA ID for Logical Group ID $logicalgroupid Please use Get-AGMLogicalGroup to find the correct managed Group ID" return } } if ( (!($slaid)) -and (!($logicalgroupid)) -and (!($everysla))) { #guided mode write-host "" Write-Host "This command is used to enable or disable the scheduler and/or expiration." Write-Host "This is either for a specific application, a specific logical group or every application" write-host "" Write-Host "1`: Lets get started (default)" Write-Host "2`: I need to know the current state - please run Get-AGMLibSLA" $userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-2)" if ($userchoice -eq 2) { $slagrab = Get-AGMLibSLA $slagrab Read-Host -Prompt "Press enter to continue" } write-host "" Write-Host "Step one: What change do you want to make to the scheduler state (we will determine which apps are affected by this in step 3)" Write-Host "1`: I don't want to change the scheduler (default)" Write-Host "2`: I want to enable the scheduler" Write-Host "3`: I want to disable the scheduler" $userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-3)" if ($userchoice -eq 3) { $scheduler = "disable" } if ($userchoice -eq 2) { $scheduler = "enable" } write-host "" Write-Host "Step two: What change do you want to make to the Expiration state" Write-Host "1`: I don't want to change expiration (default)" Write-Host "2`: I want to enable expiration" Write-Host "3`: I want to disable expiration" $userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-3)" if ($userchoice -eq 3) { $expiration = "disable" } if ($userchoice -eq 2) { $expiration = "enable" } $command = ""; if ($scheduler) { $command += " -scheduler $scheduler" }; if ($expiration) { $command += " -expiration $expiration" } Write-Host "" Write-Host "Step 3: What do you want to work with?" Write-Host "1`: I want to work with one application (default)" Write-Host "2`: I want to work with one logical group" Write-Host "3`: I want to work with every application known to AGM" $userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-3)" if ($userchoice -eq "") { $userchoice = 1 } if ($userchoice -eq 1) { $appgrab = Get-AGMApplication -sort "hostname:asc,appname:asc" | where-object {$_.sla.length -gt 0} $printarray = @() $i = 1 foreach ($app in $appgrab) { $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{ id = $i apptype = $app.apptype hostname = $ appname = $app.appname appid = $ slaid = $ } $i += 1 } $printarray | Format-Table While ($true) { Write-host "" $listmax = $printarray.appid.count [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select an ID to run (1-$listmax)" if ($userselection -lt 1 -or $userselection -gt $listmax) { Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]" } else { break } } $slaid = $printarray.slaid[($userselection - 1)] Write-Host "Guided selection is complete. The values entered resulted in the following command:" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Set-AGMLibSLA -slaid $slaid $command" Write-Host "" Write-Host "1`: Run the command now (default)" Write-Host "2`: Run the command now and then show the new status" Write-Host "3`: Exit without running the command" $appuserchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-3)" if ($appuserchoice -eq "") { $appuserchoice = 1} if ($appuserchoice -eq 2) { $showsla = $true} if ($appuserchoice -eq 3) { return } } if ($userchoice -eq 2) { Write-Host "" $logicalgroupgrab = Get-AGMLogicalGroup -sort name:asc | where-object {$_.sla.length -gt 0} | Select-Object id,name $printarray = @() $i = 1 foreach ($group in $logicalgroupgrab) { $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{ id = $i groupname = $ logicalgroupid = $ } $i += 1 } $printarray | Format-Table While ($true) { Write-host "" $listmax = $printarray.logicalgroupid.count [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select an ID to run (1-$listmax)" if ($userselection -lt 1 -or $userselection -gt $listmax) { Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]" } else { break } } $logicalgroupid = $printarray.logicalgroupid[($userselection - 1)] Write-Host "Guided selection is complete. The values entered resulted in the following command:" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Set-AGMLibSLA -logicalgroupid $logicalgroupid $command" Write-Host "" Write-Host "1`: Run the command now (default)" Write-Host "2`: Run the command now and then show the new status" Write-Host "3`: Exit without running the command" $groupuserchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-3)" if ($groupuserchoice -eq "") { $groupuserchoice = 1} if ($groupuserchoice -eq 2) { $showsla = $true} if ($groupuserchoice -eq 3) { return } } if ($userchoice -eq 3) { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Are you sure? This will affect every Application known to AGM." Write-Host "1`: Let me think about this (default)" Write-Host "2`: Yes I am sure, lets continue" $userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-2)" if ($userchoice -ne 2) { return } else { $everysla = $true } Write-Host "Guided selection is complete. The values entered resulted in the following command:" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Set-AGMLibSLA -everysla$command" Write-Host "" Write-Host "1`: Run the command now and exit (default)" Write-Host "2`: Run the command now and then show the new settings" Write-Host "3`: Exit without running the command" $everyuserchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-3)" if ($everyuserchoice -eq "") { $everyuserchoice = 1} if ($everyuserchoice -eq 2) { $showsla = $true} if ($everyuserchoice -eq 3) { return } } } if ((!($scheduler)) -and (!($expiration))) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "You need to specify -scheduler enable or -scheduler disable and/or -expiration enable or -expiration disable " return } if ($slaid) { if ((!($scheduler)) -and ($expiration)) { Set-AGMSLA -slaid $slaid -expiration $expiration } if (($scheduler) -and (!($expiration))) { Set-AGMSLA -slaid $slaid -scheduler $scheduler } if (($scheduler) -and ($expiration)) { Set-AGMSLA -slaid $slaid -expiration $expiration -scheduler $scheduler } } if ($logicalgroupid) { if ((!($scheduler)) -and ($expiration)) { Set-AGMSLA -logicalgroupid $logicalgroupid -expiration $expiration } if (($scheduler) -and (!($expiration))) { Set-AGMSLA -logicalgroupid $logicalgroupid -scheduler $scheduler } if (($scheduler) -and ($expiration)) { Set-AGMSLA -logicalgroupid $logicalgroupid -expiration $expiration -scheduler $scheduler } } if ($everysla) { $slagrab = Get-AGMSLA foreach ($sla in $slagrab) { $target = $ if ((!($scheduler)) -and ($expiration)) { Set-AGMSLA -slaid $target -expiration $expiration } if (($scheduler) -and (!($expiration))) { Set-AGMSLA -slaid $target -scheduler $scheduler } if (($scheduler) -and ($expiration)) { Set-AGMSLA -slaid $target -expiration $expiration -scheduler $scheduler } } } if ($showsla -eq $true) { if ($slaid) { Get-AGMLibSLA -slaid $slaid} if ($logicalgroupid) { Get-AGMLibSLA -logicalgroupid $logicalgroupid} if ($everysla) { Get-AGMLibSLA Read-Host -Prompt "Press enter to continue" } } } |