function Start-AGMLibPolicy ([string]$policyid,[string]$jobclass,[string]$label) { <# .SYNOPSIS Runs on-demand jobs for one policy .EXAMPLE Start-AGMLibPolicy Runs a guided menu to let you start a policy or policies in an SLT .EXAMPLE Start-AGMLibPolicy -policyid 1234 Runs on-demand jobs for all apps using policy ID 1234 .EXAMPLE Start-AGMLibPolicy -policyid 1234 -label "testrun" Runs on-demand jobs for all apps using policy ID 1234 where each image gets a label of "testrun" .DESCRIPTION A function to start large numbers of on-demand jobs -policyid Will start an on-demand job for all apps using this policy ID #> # its pointless procededing without a connection. if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) ) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM" return } else { $sessiontest = (Get-AGMSession).session_id if ($sessiontest -ne $AGMSESSIONID) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM" return } } # will need this later to handle DBs. if ($capturetype) { $backuptype = $capturetype } if ($backuptype) { if (( $backuptype -ne "db") -and ( $backuptype -ne "log")) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Requested backuptype $backuptype is invalid, use either `'-backuptype db`' or `'-backuptype log`'" return } } if (!($backuptype)) { $backuptype = "" } # we could let user fail, but this is a composite function, so lets be polite. if ($policyid) { $policygrab = Get-AGMLibPolicies | where-object { $ -eq $policyid } if ($policygrab.op.count -ne 1) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find policy ID $policyid Please check the Policy ID with Get-AGMLibPolicies" return } $sltname = $policygrab.sltname } # if we have got to here and have no policy ID, we go to guided mode if (!($policyid)) { $policygrab = Get-AGMLibPolicies Clear-Host write-host "Policy ID selection menu - which Policy ID will be run" Write-host "" $policygrab | Format-table * While ($true) { Write-host "" $listmax = $policygrab.sltid.count [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select a policy ID to run (1-$listmax)" if ($userselection -lt 1 -or $userselection -gt $listmax) { Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]" } else { break } } $policyid = $[($userselection - 1)] $sltname = $policygrab.sltname[($userselection - 1)] # help the user write-host -nonewline "Running this command: Start-AGMLibPolicy -policyid $policyid" } # we now have to find all apps using this policy and run a backup for each one. $applist = Get-AGMApplication -filtervalue sltname=$sltname if ($applist.count -eq 0) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find any applications using policy ID $policyid and SLT Name $sltname. Please check the Policy ID with Get-AGMLibPolicies." return } # now create JSON $policy = @{id=$policyid} $body = [ordered]@{} if ($label) { $body += @{label=$label} } $body += @{policy=$policy} if ($backuptype) { $body += @{backuptype=$backuptype} } $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json foreach (appid in $ { $runbackup = Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$appid/backup -body $json } $runbackup } |