# Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. Function Set-AGMConsistencyGroup ([string]$clusterid,[string]$applianceid,[string]$groupid,[string]$groupname,[string]$description) { <# .SYNOPSIS A command to set the group name or description of a consistency group .EXAMPLE Set-AGMConsistencyGroup -applianceid 143112195179 -groupid "12345" -groupname "newname" -description "better description than the last one" To learn applianceid, use this command: Get-AGMAppliance and use the clusterid as applianceid. To learn groupid, use this command: Get-AGMConsistencyGroup .DESCRIPTION A function to modify Consistency Groups #> if ($applianceid) { [string]$clusterid = $applianceid} if (!($clusterid)) { $clusterid = Read-Host "Appliance ID" } if (!($groupid)) { [string]$groupid = Read-Host "Group ID" } # cluster needs to be like: sources":[{"clusterid":"144488110379"},{"clusterid":"143112195179"}] $sources = @() foreach ($cluster in $clusterid.Split(",")) { $sources += [ordered]@{ id = $cluster } } # {"groupname":"teddybear","description":"WANT A BETTER","cluster":{"id":"70194"},"host":{},"id":"353953"} # {"groupname":"teddybear","description":"WANT A BETTER2","cluster":{"id":"70194"},"host":{"id":"70631"},"id":"353953"} $body = [ordered]@{} if ($description) { $body += @{ description = $description } } if ($groupname) { $body += @{ groupname = $groupname } } $body += [ordered]@{ cluster = $sources; id = $groupid } $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json PUT-AGMAPIData -endpoint /consistencygroup/$groupid -body $json } Function Set-AGMConsistencyGroupMember ([string]$groupid,[switch]$add,[switch]$remove,[string]$applicationid) { <# .SYNOPSIS A command to set the members of a consistency group .EXAMPLE Set-AGMConsistencyGroupMember -groupid "12345" -add -applicationid "1234" To add application ID 1233 to groupid 12345 .EXAMPLE Set-AGMConsistencyGroupMember -groupid "12345" -add -applicationid "1234,5678" To add application ID 1233 and 5678 to groupid 12345 .EXAMPLE Set-AGMConsistencyGroupMember -groupid "12345" -remove -applicationid "1234" To remove application ID 1233 from groupid 12345 To learn groupid, use this command: Get-AGMConsistencyGroup To learn application ID, use this command: Get-AGMApplication .DESCRIPTION A function to modify Consistency Group members #> if (!($groupid)) { [string]$groupid = Read-Host "Group ID" } if ( (!($add)) -and (!($remove)) ) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "You need to specify either -add or -remove" return } if (($add) -and ($remove)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Do not specify add and remove at the same time" return } # [{"action":"add","members":[210645]}] # [{"action":"remove","members":[210647]}] # [{"action":"add","members":[210647,210645]}] $body1 = [ordered]@{} if ($add) { $json = '[{"action":"add","members":[' +$applicationid +']}]' } if ($remove) { $json = '[{"action":"remove","members":[' +$applicationid +']}]' } Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /consistencygroup/$groupid/member -body $json } Function Set-AGMCredential ([string]$name,[string]$zone,[string]$id,[string]$credentialid,[string]$clusterid,[string]$applianceid,$filename,[string]$projectid) { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a cloud credential .EXAMPLE Set-AGMCredential -credentialid 1234 -name cred1 -zone australia-southeast1-c -clusterid 144292692833 -filename keyfile.json To update just the JSON file to the same appliances for credential ID 1234 .EXAMPLE Set-AGMCredential -credentialid 1234 -name cred1 -zone australia-southeast1-c -filename keyfile.json To update the JSON file and also the name and default zone for credential ID 1234 .DESCRIPTION A function to update cloud credentials. You need to supply the #> if ($id) { $credentialid = $id } if (!($credentialid)) { [string]$credentialid = Read-Host "Credential ID" } if ($applianceid) { [string]$clusterid = $applianceid} if (!($filename)) { $filename = Read-Host "JSON key file" } if ( Test-Path $filename ) { $jsonkey = Get-Content -Path $filename -raw $jsonkey = $jsonkey.replace("\n","\\n") $jsonkey = $jsonkey.replace("`n","\n ") $jsonkey = $jsonkey.replace('"','\"') } else { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The file named $filename could not be found." return } if (!($projectid)) { $jsongrab = Get-Content -Path $filename | ConvertFrom-Json if (!($jsongrab.project_id)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The file named $filename does not contain a valid project ID." return } else { $projectid = $jsongrab.project_id } } #if user doesn't specify name and zone, then learn them $credentialgrab = Get-AGMCredential -credentialid $credentialid if (!($ { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The credential ID $credentialid could not be found." return } else { if (!($name)) { $name = $ } if (!($zone)) { $zone = $credentialgrab.region } if(!($clusterid)) { $clusterid = $credentialgrab.sources.clusterid -join "," } } # convert credential ID into some nice JSON $sources = "" foreach ($cluster in $clusterid.Split(",")) { $sources = $sources +',{"clusterid":"' +$cluster +'"}' } # this removes the leading comma $sources = $sources.substring(1) # we constuct our JSON first to run test $json = '{"name":"' +$name +'","cloudtype":"GCP","region":"' +$zone +'","endpoint":"","credential":"' $json = $json + $jsonkey $json = $json +'","orglist":[],"projectid":"' +$projectid +'",' $json = $json +'"sources":[' +$sources +']}' # if the test fails we error out $testcredential = Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /cloudcredential/testconnection -body $json if ($testcredential.errors) { $testcredential return } $json = '{"id":"' +$credentialid +'","name":"' +$name +'","cloudtype":"GCP","region":"' +$zone +'","endpoint":"","credential":"' $json = $json + $jsonkey $json = $json +'","orglist":[],' $json = $json +'"sources":[' +$sources +']}' Put-AGMAPIData -endpoint /cloudcredential/$credentialid -body $json } function Set-AGMImage([string]$imagename,[string]$backupname,[string]$imageid,[string]$label,[string]$expiration) { <# .SYNOPSIS Changes a nominated image .EXAMPLE Set-AGMImage -imagename Image_2133445 -label "testimage" Labels Image_2133445 with the label "testimage" .EXAMPLE Set-AGMImage -imagename Image_2133445 -expiration "2021-09-01" Sets the expiration date for Image_2133445 to 2021-09-01 .DESCRIPTION A function to change images. #> if ((!($label)) -and (!($expiration))) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please specify either a new label with -label, or a new expiration date with -expiration" return } if (($label) -and ($expiration)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please specify either a new label with -label, or a new expiration date with -expiration. Please don't specify both." return } if ($backupname) { $imagename = $backupname } if ((!($imagename)) -and (!($imageid))) { $imagename = Read-Host "ImageName" } if ($imageid) { $id = $imageid } if ($imagename) { $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue backupname=$imagename if ($ { $id = $ } else { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $imagename" return } } if ($label) { $body = @{label=$label} $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json } if ($expiration) { $unixexpiration = Convert-ToUnixDate $expiration $json = '{"@type":"backupRest","expiration":' +$unixexpiration + '}' } Put-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$id -body $json } Function Set-AGMHostPort ([string]$clusterid,[string]$applianceid,[string]$hostid,[string]$iscsiname) { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds new Host ports .EXAMPLE New-AGMHost -applianceid 143112195179 -hostid "12345" iscsiname "iqn1" Adds iSCSI port name iqn1 to host ID 105008 on appliance ID 143112195179 To learn applianceid, use this command: Get-AGMAppliance and use the clusterid as applianceid. If you have multiple applianceIDs, comma separate them To learn hostid, use this command: Get-AGMHost .DESCRIPTION A function to add Host ports #> if ($applianceid) { [string]$clusterid = $applianceid} if (!($clusterid)) { $clusterid = Read-Host "Appliance ID" } if (!($hostid)) { [string]$hostid = Read-Host "Host ID" } if (!($iscsiname)) { [string]$iscsiname = Read-Host "iSCSI Name" } # cluster needs to be like: sources":[{"clusterid":"144488110379"},{"clusterid":"143112195179"}] $sources = @() foreach ($cluster in $clusterid.Split(",")) { $sources += [ordered]@{ clusterid = $cluster } } $iscsiobject = @( $iscsiname ) $body = [ordered]@{} $body += @{ sources = $sources; iscsi_name = $iscsiobject } $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /host/$hostid/port -body $json } Function Set-AGMSLA ([string]$id,[string]$slaid,[string]$appid,[string]$logicalgroupid,[string]$dedupasync,[string]$expiration,[string]$logexpiration,[string]$scheduler) { <# .SYNOPSIS Enables or disables an SLA Note that if both an SLA ID and an App ID are supplied, the App ID will be ignored. .EXAMPLE Set-AGMSLA -slaid 1234 -dedupasync disable Disables dedupasync for SLA ID 1234. .EXAMPLE Set-AGMSLA -slaid 1234 -expiration disable Disables expiration for SLA ID 1234. .EXAMPLE Set-AGMSLA -logicalgroupid 1235 -expiration disable Disables expiration for Logical Group ID 1235 .EXAMPLE Set-AGMSLA -appid 5678 -expiration disable Disables expiration for App ID 5678. .EXAMPLE Set-AGMSLA -appid 5678 -logexpiration disable Disables log expiration for App ID 5678. .EXAMPLE Set-AGMSLA -slaid 1234 -scheduler enable Enables the scheduler for SLA ID 1234. .EXAMPLE Set-AGMSLA -slaid 1234 -scheduler disable Disables the scheduler for SLA ID 1234. .DESCRIPTION A function to modify an SLA #> if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) ) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM" return } if ($id) { $slaid = $id } if (($appid) -and (!($slaid))) { $slaid = (Get-AGMSLA -filtervalue appid=$appid).id if (!($slaid)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find an SLA ID for App ID $appid Please use Get-AGMSLA to find the correct SLA ID or Get-AGMApplication to find the correct App ID" return } } if ($logicalgroupid) { $logicalgroupgrab = (Get-AGMLogicalGroup $logicalgroupid).sla if (!($logicalgroupgrab)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find any SLA ID for Logical Group ID $logicalgroupid Please use Get-AGMLogicalGroup to find the correct managed Group ID" return } $slpid = $ $sltid = $ } if ( (!($slaid)) -and (!($logicalgroupid)) ) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "No SLA ID or App ID or Logical Group ID was supplied. Please either supply an appid like: -appid 1234 or an SLA ID like -slaid 5678 or logical groupID like -logicalgroupid" return } $body = New-Object -TypeName psobject if ($dedupasync.ToLower() -eq "enable"){ $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name dedupasyncoff -Value "false" } if ($dedupasync.ToLower() -eq "disable"){ $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name dedupasyncoff -Value "true" } if ($expiration.ToLower() -eq "enable"){ $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name expirationoff -Value "false" } if ($expiration.ToLower() -eq "disable"){ $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name expirationoff -Value "true" } if ($logexpiration.ToLower() -eq "enable"){ $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name logexpirationoff -Value "false" } if ($logexpiration.ToLower() -eq "disable"){ $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name logexpirationoff -Value "true" } if ($scheduler.ToLower() -eq "enable"){ $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name scheduleoff -Value "false" } if ($scheduler.ToLower() -eq "disable"){ $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name scheduleoff -Value "true" } if ($logicalgroupid) { $slp = @{id=$slpid} $slt = @{id=$sltid} $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name slp -Value $slp $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name slt -Value $slt } $jsonbody = $body | ConvertTo-Json if (!($logicalgroupid)) { Put-AGMAPIData -endpoint /sla/$slaid -body $jsonbody } else { Put-AGMAPIData -endpoint /logicalgroup/$logicalgroupid/sla -body $jsonbody } } Function Set-AGMUser ([string]$userid,[string]$timezone,[string]$rolelist,[string]$orglist) { <# .SYNOPSIS Changes a User .EXAMPLE Set-AGMUser -userid 123 -rolelist "2,3" -orglist "4,5" Sets a user to use the specified roles and orgs. IMPORTANT - The rolelist and orglist will REPLACE the existing roles and orgs, not ADD to them. USE WITH CARE .DESCRIPTION A function to change a User #> if (!($userid)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Specify a user id (that can be learned with Get-AGMUSer) with -userid" return } if ($rolelist) { $rolebody = @() foreach ($role in $rolelist.Split(",")) { $rolebody += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{id="$role"} } } if ($orglist) { $orgbody = @() foreach ($org in $orglist.Split(",")) { $orgbody += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{id="$org"} } } $body = [ordered]@{ name = $name; dataaccesslevel = "0"; timezone = $timezone; rolelist = $rolebody orglist = $orgbody } $jsonbody = $body | ConvertTo-Json Put-AGMAPIData -endpoint /user/$userid -body $jsonbody } |