

function Get-AGMAppliance ([string]$id,[string]$filtervalue,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)

    Gets details about Appliances

    Will display all Appliances

    Get-AGMAppliance -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects
    Get-AGMAppliance -id 200
    Display only the object with an ID of 200

    Get-AGMAppliance -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMAppliance -filtervalue id=1234
    Looks for any object with id 1234

    Get-AGMAppliance -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMAppliance -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMAppliance -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display Appliances
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.


    $datefields = "syncdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /cluster -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /cluster/$id -datefields $datefields 
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /cluster -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /cluster -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

# Application

function Get-AGMApplication ([string]$id,[string]$appid,[string]$filtervalue,[string]$keyword,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)

    Gets details about Applications

    Will display all Applications

    Get-AGMApplication -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects
    Get-AGMApplication -id 200
    Display only the object with an ID of 200

    Get-AGMApplication -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMApplication -filtervalue id=1234
    Looks for any object with id 1234

    Get-AGMApplication -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMApplication -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMApplication -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display Applications
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "syncdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($appid) { $id = $appid }
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application -keyword $keyword -datefields $datefields -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMApplicationActiveImage ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets details about Application Active Images (mounts)

    Will display all Active Images after prompting for an Application ID

    Get-AGMApplicationActiveImage -id 200
    Display Active images for Application ID 200

    Get-AGMApplicationActiveImage -limit 2 -id 200
    Display two Active images for Application ID 200
    Get-AGMApplicationActiveImage -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMApplicationActiveImage -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display Active Images (mounts) for a specified Application

    $datefields = "backupdate,modifydate,consistencydate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$id/activeimage -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMApplicationAppClass ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id,[string]$operation,[string]$hostid)
    Gets details about the Application class of a specified application. This is used during mount operations.

    Will display the application class details after prompting for an Application ID

    Get-AGMApplicationAppClass -id 705065
    Display Application Class info for application ID 705065

    Get-AGMApplicationAppClass -id 705065 -hostid 1234
    Display Application Class info for application ID 705065 when mounting to host ID 1234

    Get-AGMApplicationAppClass -id 705065 -hostid 1234 -operation clone
    Display Application Class info for application ID 705065 when cloning to host ID 1234

    A function to display application class details for an application.

    if ($hostid)
        $extrarequests = "&hostid=" + $hostid
    if ($operation)
        $extrarequests = $extrarequests + "&operation=" + $operation
    if ($extrarequests)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$id/appclass -extrarequests $extrarequests
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$id/appclass         

function Get-AGMApplicationInstanceMember ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of members for an instance group type application (like an MS SQL Instance)

    Will display all members of a prompted application

    Get-AGMApplicationInstanceMember -id 705065
    Will display all members for application ID 705065

    A function to display members for a grouped instance application type.

    $datefields = "backupdate,modifydate,consistencydate,beginpit,endpit"
     # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$id/instancemembershipdetails -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMApplicationMember ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of members for a group type application

    Will display all members of a prompted application

    Get-AGMApplicationMember -id 705065
    Will display all members for application ID 705065

    A function to display members for a grouped application type.

    $datefields = "backupdate,modifydate,consistencydate,beginpit,endpit"
     # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$id/member -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMApplicationTypes 
    Get list of Application Types

    Will display a list of application types known to AGM

    A function to display Application Types.

    Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/types

function Get-AGMApplicationWorkflow ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of workflows for a specific application

    Will display all Audit entries

    Get-AGMApplicationWorkflow -id 705065
    Will display workflows for application ID 705065

    A function to display workflows for a specified application ID.

    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$id/workflow -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMApplicationWorkflowStatus ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$workflowid)
    Gets the status of a specific workflow for a specific application ID

    Get-AGMApplicationWorkflowStatus -id 705065 -workflowid 3378203
    Will display workflows for application ID 705065, workflow ID 3378203

    A function to display workflows status for a specified application ID and workflow ID

    if (($id) -and ($workflowid))
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$id/workflow/$workflowid -itemoverride

# Audit
function Get-AGMAudit ([string]$filtervalue,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[string]$id,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of Audit log entries. This could be a very long list.

    Will display all Audit entries

    Get-AGMAudit -id 1234
    Will display audit ID 1234.

    Get-AGMAudit -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMAudit -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMAudit -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

    Get-AGMAudit -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMAudit -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMAudit -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display audit log entries. The returned list can be huge. Always use limits or filters.
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "issuedate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /localaudit -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /localaudit/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /localaudit -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /localaudit -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

# Consistency group

function Get-AGMConsistencyGroup ([string]$id,[string]$filtervalue,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of Consistency Groups

    Will display all consistency groups.

    Get-AGMConsistencyGroup -id 1234
    Will display consistency group 1234.

    Get-AGMConsistencyGroup -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMConsistencyGroup -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMConsistencyGroup -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

    Get-AGMConsistencyGroup -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMConsistencyGroup -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMConsistencyGroup -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display consistency groups
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "syncdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /consistencygroup -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /consistencygroup/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /consistencygroup -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /consistencygroup -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

# cloud credentials
function Get-AGMCredential 
    Gets details about the stored cloud credentials

    Will display the cloud credentials

    A function to display cloud credentials

     Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /cloudcredential        

# Disk pool

function Get-AGMDiskPool([string]$id,[string]$filtervalue,[string]$keyword,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of disk pools known to AGM

    Will display all diskpools.

    Get-AGMDiskPool -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMDiskPool -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMDiskPool -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

    Get-AGMDiskPool -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMDiskPool -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMDiskPool -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display disk pools known to AGM. Diskpools are owned by Appliances.
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "modifydate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /diskpool -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /diskpool/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /diskpool -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /diskpool -keyword $keyword -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /diskpool -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

# Event

function Get-AGMEvent ([string]$id,[string]$filtervalue,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of events that AGM has tracked

    Will display all events. This may be a very long list.

    Get-AGMEvent -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMEvent -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMEvent -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

    Get-AGMEvent -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMEvent -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMEvent -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display events known to AGM. The returned list can be huge. Always use limits or filters.
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "eventdate,syncdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /event -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /event/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /event -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /event -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort


function Get-AGMHost ([string]$id,[string]$hostid,[string]$filtervalue,[string]$keyword,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of hosts known to AGM.

    Will display all hosts. This may be a very long list.

    Get-AGMHost -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMHost -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMHost -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

     Get-AGMHost -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMHost -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMHost -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display hosts known to AGM. The returned list can be huge. Always use limits or filters.
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "modifydate,syncdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($hostid) { $id = $hostid }
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /host -o       
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /host/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /host -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /host -keyword $keyword -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /host -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

#Image (backup)

function Get-AGMImage ([string]$id,[string]$imageid,[string]$filtervalue,[string]$keyword,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of images. It is not recommended to run this command without filters.

    Will display all images. This will be a very long list.

    Get-AGMImage -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMImage -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMImage -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

    Get-AGMImage -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMImage -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMImage -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display all images known to AGM. The returned list can be huge. Always use limits or filters.
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "backupdate,modifydate,consistencydate,expiration,beginpit,endpit"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    #$datefields = ""
    if ($imageid) { $id = $imageid}
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup -o 
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup -keyword $keyword -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMImageSystemStateOptions ([string]$imageid,[string]$id,[string]$target)
    Gets a list of system state recovery options for a specified image.

    Will request an image ID and then show the system state recovery options

    Get-AGMImageSystemStateOptions -id 1234
    Will show the system state recovery options for image ID 1234.

    Get-AGMImageSystemStateOptions -id 1234 -target GCP
    Will show the system state recovery options for image ID 1234 when being used with GCP

    A function to display system state recovery information.

    if ($id) { $imageid = $id }
    if (!($imageid))
        [string]$id = Read-Host "ImageID"
    if (!($target))
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$imageid/systemstateoptions
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$imageid/systemstateoptions/$target     


function Get-AGMJob ([string]$id,[string]$filtervalue,[string]$keyword,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of running and queued jobs on an AGM.

    Will display all running and queued jobs

    Get-AGMJob -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMJob -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMJob -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

    Get-AGMJob -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMJob -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMJob -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display jobs in the running or queued status on an AGM.
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "queuedate,expirationdate,startdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /job -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /job/$id -datefields $datefields -duration
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /job -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort -duration
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /job -keyword $keyword -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort -duration
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /job -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort -duration


function Get-AGMJobHistory ([string]$filtervalue,[string]$keyword,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of finished jobs on an AGM. It is not recommended to run this command without filters.

    Will display all running and completed jobs (regardless of status)

    Get-AGMJobHistory -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMJobHistory -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMJobHistory -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

    Get-AGMJobHistory -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMJobHistory -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMJobHistory -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display AGM job history. The returned list can be huge. Always use limits or filters.
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "queuedate,expirationdate,startdate,consistencydate,enddate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /jobhistory -o 
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /jobhistory -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort -duration
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /jobhistory -keyword $keyword -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort -duration
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /jobhistory -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort -duration


function Get-AGMJobStatus ([string]$filtervalue,[string]$keyword,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of running and finished jobs on an AGM. It is not recommended to run this command without filters.

    Will display all running and completed jobs (regardless of status)

    Get-AGMJobStatus -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMJobStatus -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMJobStatus -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

    Get-AGMJobStatus -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMJobStatus -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMJobStatus -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display AGM job status. This is a great way to find status of job regardless of whether it has finished or not. But the returned list can be huge. Always use limits or filters.
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "queuedate,expirationdate,startdate,consistencydate,enddate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /jobstatus -o 
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /jobstatus -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort -duration
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /jobstatus -keyword $keyword -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort -duration
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /jobstatus -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort -duration


function Get-AGMLDAPConfig
    Display the LDAP Config

    Will display the LDAP Config values

    A function to display the LDAP Config

    Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /ldap/config

function Get-AGMLDAPGroup 
    Display the LDAP Group Mapping

    Will display the LDAP Group to Role and Org Mapping

    A function to display the LDAP group config

    Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /ldap/group

# Logical group

function Get-AGMLogicalGroup ([string]$id,[string]$logicalgroupid,[string]$filtervalue,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of AGM Logical Groups. Logical groups are simple groups of Applications with the same SLT/SLP

    Will display all logical groups

    Get-AGMLogicalGroup -id 3
    Will display logical group ID 3

    Get-AGMLogicalGroup -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMLogicalGroup -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMLogicalGroup -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

    Get-AGMLogicalGroup -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMLogicalGroup -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMLogicalGroup -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display AGM Logical Groups
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "modifydate,syncdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($logicalgroupid) { $id = $logicalgroupid }
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /logicalgroup -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /logicalgroup/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /logicalgroup -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /logicalgroup -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMLogicalGroupMember ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id)
    Gets a list of members in an AGM Logical Group. Logical groups are simple groups of Applications with the same SLT/SLP

    Will display all members of a requested logical group

    Get-AGMLogicalGroupMember -id 6547835
    Will display logical group ID 6547835

    A function to display members in an AGM Logical Group

    if ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /logicalgroup/$id/member -itemoverride


function Get-AGMOrg ([string]$id,[string]$orgid,[string]$filtervalue,[string]$keyword,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of AGM Organizations (Orgs). Organizations are used to manage what things an AGM user can work with

    Will display all Orgs

    Get-AGMOrg -id 3
    Will display org ID 3

    Get-AGMOrg -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMOrg -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMOrg -filtervalue id=3
    Looks for any object with id 3

    Get-AGMOrg -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMOrg -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMOrg -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display AGM Orgs
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "modifydate,createdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($orgid) { $id = $orgid }
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /org -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /org/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /org -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /org -keyword $keyword -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /org -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort


function Get-AGMRight ([string]$id)
    Gets a list of AGM Rights. Rights are used to manage what an AGM User can do as part of their role.

    Will display all Rights

    Get-AGMRight -id "Backup Manage"
    Will display the right title "Backup Manage"

    A function to display AGM Rights

    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /right -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /right/$id
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /right -filtervalue $filtervalue -limit $limit -sort $sort
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /right -keyword $keyword -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /right -limit $limit -sort $sort


function Get-AGMRole ([string]$id,[string]$filtervalue,[string]$keyword,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of AGM Roles. Roles are used to manage what rights (ACLs) an AGM user has

    Will display all Roles

    Get-AGMRole -id 2
    Will display role ID 2

    Get-AGMRole -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMRole -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMRole -filtervalue id=1234
    Looks for any object with id 1234

    Get-AGMRole -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMRole -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMRole -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display AGM Roles
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "createdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /role -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /role/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /role -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /role -keyword $keyword -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /role -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMSession  ([String]$sessionid)
    Displays the current Session to AGM

    Will display the current session ID

    Get-AGMSession -sessionid "8b3cf06-c16c-42c9-b518-09c1e6874f65"
    Will display details about the specified session ID

    A function to display the session ID details. A session ID is created when you run Connect-AGM and destroyed when you run Disconnect-AGM

    if ((!($sessionid)) -and (!($agmsessionid)))
        Write-Host "Please specify a session ID or run Connect-AGM to generate one"
    if ($sessionid)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /session/$sessionid
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /session/$agmsessionid


function Get-AGMSLA ([string]$id,[string]$slaid,[string]$filtervalue,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

    Will display all SLPs

    Get-AGMSLA -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMSLA -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMSLA -filtervalue id=1234
    Looks for any object with id 1234

    Get-AGMSLA -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMSLA -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMSLA -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display AGM SLAs
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "modifydate,syncdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($slaid)  { $id = $slaid }
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /sla -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /sla/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /sla -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /sla -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMSLP ([string]$id,[string]$slpid,[string]$filtervalue,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of AGM Service Level Profiles (SLPs)

    Will display all SLPs

    Get-AGMSLP -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMSLP -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMSLP -filtervalue id=1234
    Looks for any object with id 1234

    Get-AGMSLP -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMSLP -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMSLP -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display AGM SLPs
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "modifydate,syncdate,createdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($slpid)  { $id = $slpid }
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /slp -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /slp/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /slp -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /slp -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMSLT ([string]$id,[string]$sltid,[string]$filtervalue,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of AGM Service Level Templates (SLTs)

    Will display all SLTs

    Get-AGMSLT -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMSLT -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMSLT -filtervalue id=1234
    Looks for any object with id 1234

    Get-AGMSLT -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMSLT -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMSLT -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display AGM SLTs
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($sltid)  { $id = $sltid }
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /slt -o
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /slt/$id
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /slt -filtervalue $filtervalue -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /slt -limit $limit -sort $sort

function Get-AGMSLTPolicy ([string]$id,[int]$limit)
    Gets a list of policies for a specific Service Level Template (SLT)

    Will display all policies for a requested SLT ID

    Get-AGMSLTPolicy -id 6452877
    Will display all policies for SLT ID 6452877

    A function to display AGM SLTs

    if ( (!($id)) -and (!($options)) )
        [string]$id = Read-Host "SLTID"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /slt/$id/policy -limit $limit


function Get-AGMUser ([string]$id,[string]$filtervalue,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of AGM Users

    Will display all Users

    Get-AGMUser -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMUser -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMUser -filtervalue id=1234
    Looks for any object with id 1234

    Get-AGMUser -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMUser -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMUser -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display AGM Users
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    $datefields = "createdate"
    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /user -o 
    elseif ($id)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /user/$id -datefields $datefields
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /user -filtervalue $filtervalue -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /user -datefields $datefields -limit $limit -sort $sort

# Version
function Get-AGMVersion
    Gets the AGM Version

    Will display the version of the AGM

    Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /config/version

function Get-AGMVersionDetail
    Gets the AGM Version with some extra details

    Will display the version of the AGM

    $datefields = "installed"
    Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /config/versiondetail -datefields $datefields


function Get-AGMWorkFlow ([string]$filtervalue,[string]$keyword,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Gets a list of workflows

    Will display all workflows

    Get-AGMWorkFlow -limit 2
    Will display a maximum of two objects

    Get-AGMWorkFlow -o
    To display all fields that can be filtered with filtervalue

    Get-AGMWorkFlow -filtervalue id=1234
    Looks for any object with id 1234

    Get-AGMWorkFlow -filtervalue "id>1234&name~sky"
    Looks for any object with id greater than 1234 and a name like sky.

    Get-AGMWorkFlow -sort id:desc
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending.

    Get-AGMWorkFlow -sort "id:desc,name:asc"
    Displays all objects sorting on ID descending and name ascending.

    A function to display Applications
    Multiple filtervalues need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the & symbol
    Filtervalues can be =, <, >, ~ (fuzzy) or ! (not)
    Multiple sorts need to be encased in double quotes and separated by the , symbol
    Sorts can only be asc for ascending or desc for descending.

    # if user doesn't ask for a limit, send 0 so we know to ignore it
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = "0"
    if (!($sort))
        $sort = ""
    if ($options)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /workflow -o
    elseif ($filtervalue)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /workflow -filtervalue $filtervalue -limit $limit -sort $sort
    elseif ($keyword)
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /workflow -keyword $keyword -limit $limit -sort $sort
        Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /workflow -limit $limit -sort $sort