function Remove-AGMApplication ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$appid) { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a nominated application .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMApplication You will be prompted for an Application ID .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMApplication 2133445 Deletes Application ID 2133445 .DESCRIPTION A function to delete applications #> Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$appid -method delete } function Remove-AGMImage ([string]$imagename) { <# .SYNOPSIS Expires a nominated image .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMImage You will be prompted for Image Name .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMImage Image_2133445 Expires Image_2133445 .DESCRIPTION A function to expire images #> if (!($imagename)) { $imagename = Read-Host "ImageName" } $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue backupname=$imagename if ($ { $id = $ } else { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $imagename" return } Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$id/expire } Function Remove-AGMMigrate ([string]$imageid) { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a migration job .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMMigrate You will be prompted for ImageID .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMMigrate -imageid 56072427 Removes migration for Image ID 56072427 .DESCRIPTION A function to remove migration jobs #> if (!($imageid)) { $imageid = Read-host "Image ID" } if (!($imageid)) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "No Image ID was supplied" return } $body = [ordered]@{} $body += @{ action = "migratecancel" } $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$imageid/migrate -body $json } function Remove-AGMOrg ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id) { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a nominated org .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMOrg You will be prompted for org ID .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMOrg 2133445 Deletes OrgID 2133445 .DESCRIPTION A function to delete orgs #> Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /org/$id -method "delete" } function Remove-AGMRole ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id) { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a nominated role .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMRole You will be prompted for role ID .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMRole 2133445 Deletes RoleID 2133445 .DESCRIPTION A function to delete roles #> Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /role/$id -method "delete" } function Remove-AGMSLA ([string]$id,[string]$slaid,[string]$appid) { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a nominated SLA .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMSLA You will be prompted for an SLA ID .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMSLA -id 2133445 Deletes SLAID 2133445 .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMSLA -slaid 2133445 Deletes SLAID 2133445 .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMSLA -appid 1234 Deletes the SLA for AppID 1234 .DESCRIPTION A function to delete SLAs #> if ($id) { $slaid = $id } if ( ($appid) -and (!($slaid)) ) { $slaid = (Get-AGMSLA -filtervalue appid=$appid).id } if (!($slaid)) { [string]$slaid = Read-Host "SLA ID to remove" } Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /sla/$slaid -method "delete" } function Remove-AGMUser([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id) { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a nominated user .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMUser You will be prompted for user ID .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMUser 2133445 Deletes UserID 2133445 .DESCRIPTION A function to delete users #> Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /user/$id -method "delete" } function Remove-AGMJob([string]$jobname) { <# .SYNOPSIS Cancels a nominated job .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMJob You will be prompted for job Name .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMJob Job_2133445 Cancels Job_2133445 .DESCRIPTION A function to cancel jobs #> if (!($jobname)) { $jobname = Read-Host "JobName" } if ($jobname) { $jobgrab = Get-AGMJob -filtervalue jobname=$jobname if ($ { $id = $ } else { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $jobname" return } } $body = @{status="cancel"} $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json $cancelgrab = Put-AGMAPIData -endpoint /job/$id -body $json if ($cancelgrab.errormessage) { $cancelgrab } elseif ($cancelgrab.changerequesttext) { $cancelgrab | select-object jobname, changerequesttext, status } else { $cancelgrab } } function Remove-AGMMount([string]$imagename,[switch][alias("d")]$delete,[switch][alias("f")]$force) { <# .SYNOPSIS Unmounts a nominated image .EXAMPLE Remove-AGMMount You will be prompted for image Name .EXAMPLE Remove-AGM -imagename Image_2133445 Unmounts Image_2133445 but does not delete it .EXAMPLE Remove-AGM -imagename Image_2133445 -d Unmounts Image_2133445 and deletes it .DESCRIPTION A function to unmount images #> if (!($imagename)) { $imagename = Read-Host "ImageName" } if ($imagename) { $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue backupname=$imagename if ($ { $id = $ } else { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $imagename" return } } if ($delete) { $deleterequest="true" } else { $deleterequest="false" } if ($force) { $forcerequest="true" } else { $forcerequest="false" } $body = @{delete=$deleterequest;force=$forcerequest} $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$id/unmount -body $json } |