.NOTES Company: BitTitan, Inc. Title: Get-SyncAction.ps1 Author: SUPPORT@BITTITAN.COM Requirements: Version: 1.1 Date: DECEMBER 22, 2016 Disclaimer: This script is provided ‘AS IS’. No warrantee is provided either expresses or implied. Copyright: Copyright© 2016 BitTitan. All rights reserved. .SYNOPSIS Prompts the user for input (and validates it), and returns an integer that corresponds with a sync/delete operation. .DESCRIPTION Helper function for the Sync-ADtoO365 tool. #> function Get-SyncAction { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Interactive' )] [switch]$Interactive, [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'NonInteractive' )] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [ValidateSet(0, 1, 2, 3)] [int]$Option ) Begin {} Process { # Define option set to output running context when running in silent mode (interactive switch omitted) $optionSet = @{ 0 = 'Simulate without delete' 1 = 'Simulate delete' 2 = 'Sync without delete' 3 = 'Sync with delete' } # If in silent mode, find the key that correlates with the option specified in the hash-table above, and print it's output if ( -not ($Interactive) ) { $runningContext = $option $Message = $optionSet.Item($runningContext) Write-Verbose "Option specified was: $Message" } # user input or specified parameter value will be stored to '$result' $result = $null # If interactive switch is specified, be prompted with the below if ( ($Interactive) ) { Write-Debug "'Interactive' swtich specified, will prompt for user input `n" # Display all sync options to user Write-Host "Select synchronization option:" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "0 - Simulate without delete" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "1 - Simulate deltete" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "2 - Sync without delete" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "3 - Sync with delete" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Ctrl+C - Exit `n" # enter loop until valid input is received while ($true) { $result = Read-Host -Prompt "Select 0 - 3" if ( ($result -match "^\d+$") -and ([int]$result -ge 0) -and ([int]$result -le 3) ) { Write-Host "Option $result specified." -ForegroundColor Green return [int]$result } elseif ($result -notcontains 0..3) { Write-Warning "Invalid input specified: Specify option 0 - 3, or hit 'Ctrl'+'C' to exit" } } if ($null -eq $result) { Write-Warning 'No valid input specified, returning to console...' return $null } } # end if block for interactive mode # Else block below will return the value specified in the option parameter else { Write-Verbose 'Running in NonInteractive mode' $result = $Option return $result } } # end Process block End {} # end End block } #end Get-SyncAction function |