
# This is where the strings go, that are written by
# Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks
    'Assert-ADConnection.Failed'               = 'Failed to connect to {0} as {1}' # $target, $userName

    'Disable-AdsInheritance.NoChange.Skipping' = 'No change needed, skipping {0}' # $pathItem
    'Disable-AdsInheritance.Processing'        = 'Starting process to disable inheritance on {0}' # $pathItem
    'Disable-AdsInheritance.ReadAcl.Failed'    = 'Failed to access acl on {0}' # $pathItem
    'Disable-AdsInheritance.Updating.Acl'      = 'Disabling inheritance' #

    'Enable-AdsInheritance.AccessRule.Remove'  = 'Flagging accessrule for deletion: {0} --> {1} ({2})' # $_.IdentityReference, $_.ActiveDirectoryRights, $_.AccessControlType
    'Enable-AdsInheritance.NoChange.Skipping'  = 'No change needed, skipping {0}' # $pathItem
    'Enable-AdsInheritance.Processing'         = 'Starting process to enable inheritance on {0}' # $pathItem
    'Enable-AdsInheritance.ReadAcl.Failed'     = 'Failed to access acl on {0}' # $pathItem
    'Enable-AdsInheritance.Updating.Acl'       = 'Enabling inheritance' #
    'Get-AdsAcl.NoSecurityProperty'            = 'No security information found on {0}. Ensure you have sufficient access.' # $pathItem
    'Get-AdsAcl.ObjectError'                   = 'Error accessing item: {0}' # $pathItem
    'Get-AdsAcl.Processing'                    = 'Retrieving Acl from {0}' # $pathItem
    'Get-AdsOrphanAce.Read.Failed'             = 'Failed to access {0}' # $pathItem
    'Get-LdapObject.CredentialError'           = 'Invalid username/password' #
    'Get-LdapObject.SearchError'               = 'Failed to execute ldap request.' #
    'Get-LdapObject.Searchfilter'              = 'Searching with filter: {0}' # $LdapFilter
    'Get-LdapObject.SearchRoot'                = 'Searching {0} in {1}' # $SearchScope, $searcher.SearchRoot.Path
    'Remove-AdsOrphanAce.NoOrphans'            = 'No orphaned Ace found on {0}' # $pathItem
    'Remove-AdsOrphanAce.Read.Failed'          = 'Failed to access {0}' # $pathItem
    'Remove-AdsOrphanAce.Removing'             = 'Removing {0} Access rule' # ($rulesToPurge | Measure-Object).Count
    'Remove-AdsOrphanAce.Searching'            = 'Searching {0} for orphaned access rules' # $pathItem
    'Set-AdsAcl.NoPath'                        = 'Failed to update Acl - no path specified and none on input object' #
    'Set-AdsAcl.SettingSecurity'               = 'Updating security settings' #
    'Set-AdsOwner.AlreadyOwned'                = '{0} is already owned by {1}' # $pathItem, $idReference
    'Set-AdsOwner.UnresolvedIdentity'          = 'Failed to resolve Identity: {0}' # $Identity
    'Set-AdsOwner.UpdatingOwner'               = 'Updating owner to {0}' # $idReference