.SYNOPSIS Converts a Github Wiki markdown page to a notebook .DESCRIPTION Converts a Github Wiki markdown page to a notebook .PARAMETER FilePath The full path to the markdown page .PARAMETER NotebookDirectory The directory to store the notebook .PARAMETER NotebookType The type of notebook to create .EXAMPLE $Wikilocation = 'C:\Users\mrrob\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\ClonedForked\' $GitLocation = 'C:\Users\mrrob\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\ClonedForked\SqlServerAndContainersGuide' $dotnetnotebookpath = "$GitLocation\Notebooks\dotnet\" $notdotnetnotebookpath = "$GitLocation\Notebooks\notdotnet\" Copy-Item -Path $Wikilocation\images -Destination $GitLocation\Notebooks\ -Recurse -Force $wikipages = Get-ChildItem $Wikilocation\*md foreach ($page in $wikipages) { Convert-AdsGithubWikiToNotebook -FilePath $page.FullName -NotebookDirectory $dotnetnotebookpath -NotebookType DotNetPowerShell -WhatIf Convert-AdsGithubWikiToNotebook -FilePath $page.FullName -NotebookDirectory $notdotnetnotebookpath -NotebookType PowerShell -WhatIf } Gets all of the markdown pages in the wiki location and converts them to dot net and not dotnet notebooks .NOTES Rob Sewell 15/08/2020 - Initial #> function Convert-AdsGithubWikiToNotebook { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$FilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$NotebookDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('SQL', 'PowerShell', 'DotNetPowerShell')] [string]$NotebookType ) if (Test-Path $FilePath) { $page = Get-Item $FilePath } else { Write-Warning "There doesn't appear to be anything here $filepath" Return } $content = Get-Content $page.FullName $cells = @() $lasttype = 'Text' $vars = 'Text', 'Code' $blockcontent = '' $content.ForEach{ Write-Verbose "Starting Line" $line = $psitem $line = $line.Replace('[[', '.Replace(']]', ')') if ($line.StartsWith(' ')) { Write-Verbose "This is a code line: $line" $type = 'code' } else { $type = 'text' Write-Verbose "This is a not code line: $line" } if ($lasttype -eq $type) { Write-Verbose "Set blockcontent" $blockcontent = $blockcontent + "`r" + $line } else { $celltype = $vars -ne $type | Out-String $celltype = $celltype.Replace("`r`n", '') $block = New-ADSWorkBookCell -Type $celltype -Text $blockcontent $blockcontent = $line $cells = $cells + $block } $lasttype = $type $message = "Text $text " Write-Verbose $message Write-Verbose "Code - $code" Write-Verbose "Finished Line" } if ($cells) { $path = $NotebookDirectory + $page.Name.replace('.md', '.ipynb') switch ($NotebookType) { DotNetPowerShell { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$path", "Creating DotNetPowerShell Notebook ")) { New-ADSWorkBook -Path $path -cells $cells -Type DotNetPowerShell } } PowerShell { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$path", "Creating PowerShell Notebook ")) { New-ADSWorkBook -Path $path -cells $cells -Type PowerShell } } SQL { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$path", "Creating SQL Notebook ")) { New-ADSWorkBook -Path $path -cells $cells -Type SQL } } } } else { Write-Warning "Don't appear to have any content in $($page.Name)" } } |