
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Format type data generated 03/02/2021 16:48:05 by COMPANY\artd
This file was created using the New-PSFormatXML command that is part
of the PSScriptTools module.
      <!--Created 03/02/2021 16:48:05 by COMPANY\artd-->
        <ScriptBlock>"{0} [{1}]" -f $_.Hostname,$_.IPAddress</ScriptBlock>
        <!--Delete the AutoSize node if you want to use the defined widths.
        <AutoSize />-->
                  $u = $_.Uptime.tostring()
                  $i = $u.LastIndexOf(".")
                  if ($ -match 'console' -AND $_.PctFreeSpace -le 10) {
                  elseif ($ -match 'console' -AND $_.PctFreeSpace -le 30) {
                  else {
                  if ($ -match 'console' -AND $_.PctFreeMemory -le 10) {
                  elseif ($ -match 'console' -AND $_.PctFreeMemory -le 30 ) {
                  else {
                  if ($ -match 'console' -AND $_.PctSecurityLog -le 15) {
                  elseif ($ -match 'console' -AND $_.PctSecurityLog -le 50 ) {
                  else {
                if ($ -match 'console' -AND $_.ServiceAlert) {
                else {
      <!--Created 03/02/2021 17:32:16 by COMPANY\artd-->
        <Label>Domain Controller</Label>
        <!--Delete the AutoSize node if you want to use the defined widths.
        <AutoSize />-->
            <Wrap />
      <!--Created 03/04/2021 15:29:50 by COMPANY\artd-->
        <!--Delete the AutoSize node if you want to use the defined widths.-->
        <AutoSize />