$param = @{ Name = 'AccountPair' Check = { param ($ADObject, $Config, $ADParam) $newADParam = $ADParam | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential foreach ($pair in $Config.Pairs) { if ($ADObject.SamAccountName -notmatch $pair.Pattern) { continue } $pairName = & ([PSFScriptblock]::new($pair.Pair, $true)).ToGlobal() $ADObject.SamAccountName $filter = '(samAccountName={0})' -f $pairName if (Get-LdapObject @newADParam -LdapFilter $filter) { continue } New-AhsFinding -Check AccountPair -Threshold $pairName -Value $null -ADObject $ADObject } } LdapFilter = { param ($Config) $filters = foreach ($item in $Config.Pairs) { if ($item.LdapFilter) { '(samAccountName={0})' -f $item.LdapFilter } } if (@($filters).Count -lt 1) { return '(SamAccountName=<null>)' } # Something that is (hopefully) never true '(|{0})' -f ($filters -join '') } ObjectClass = 'Person' Properties = 'SamAccountName' Description = 'Ensures a matching accounts exists. Use to catch accounts that should have a matching pair but don''t.' Parameters = @{ # Expects entries of @{ LdapFilter = 'adm*'; Pattern = '^adm'; Pair = { $args[0] -replace '^adm' }} Pairs = @() } } Register-AhsCheck @param |