function Invoke-AhsCheck { <# .SYNOPSIS Verify AD object health, based on the configuration provided. .DESCRIPTION Verify AD object health, based on the configuration provided. This applies the registered and configured checks against corresponding objects in AD. For more details on how to define checks, see the help on Register-AhsCheck. The configuration - whether provided through hashtable or config file - looks like this: @{ NameOfCheck1 = @{ NameOfParameter = 42 } NameOfCheck2 = @{ } # Execute with default parameter settings } Only configured checks will be executed, even if explicitly specifying the "-IncludeCheck" parameter. To apply _all_ checks no matter what, specify the "_All" option: @{ _All = $true # Execute all checks, including those no configuration is provided for NameOfCheck1 = @{ NameOfParameter = 42 } NameOfCheck2 = @{ SomeThreshold = 128 } } By default, all object classes that apply to a check are used. To limit that, also provide the "_ObjectClasses" option: @{ _All = $true # Execute all checks, including those no configuration is provided for _ObjectClasses = 'Person', 'Group' # Only execute checks against persons and groups. NameOfCheck1 = @{ NameOfParameter = 42 } NameOfCheck2 = @{ SomeThreshold = 128 } } .PARAMETER Configuration A configuration hashtable, defining how the scan should be performed. See the Description for notes on how this should be defined. .PARAMETER ConfigFile Path to a configuration file to read. See the Description for notes on how this should be defined. .PARAMETER All Rather than loading a specific config file, execute al available checks with the default configuration. .PARAMETER IncludeCheck Only execute these checks. .PARAMETER ExcludeCheck Do not execute these checks. .PARAMETER IncludeClass Only execute checks against these object classes. .PARAMETER ExcludeClass Do not execute checks against these object classes. .PARAMETER SearchRoot Only scan objects under this OU. .PARAMETER Server The server/domain to connect to for the scan. .PARAMETER Credential The credentials to use for scanning. .PARAMETER EnableException This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions. This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-AhsCheck -ConfigFile C:\Scripts\adobjecthealth.config.psd1 Executes the configuration defined / provided. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Config')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Config')] [hashtable] $Configuration, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')] [PSFFile] $ConfigFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'All')] [switch] $All, [PsfArgumentCompleter('ADObjectHealthScan.Check.Name')] [string[]] $IncludeCheck, [PsfArgumentCompleter('ADObjectHealthScan.Check.Name')] [string[]] $ExcludeCheck, [PsfArgumentCompleter('ADObjectHealthScan.Check.Class')] [string[]] $IncludeClass, [PsfArgumentCompleter('ADObjectHealthScan.Check.Class')] [string[]] $ExcludeClass, [string] $SearchRoot, [string] $Server, [PSCredential] $Credential, [switch] $EnableException ) begin { $adParam = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential, SearchRoot $config = $Configuration if ($ConfigFile) { $config = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $ConfigFile | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Object -First 1 } if ($All) { $config = @{ _All = $true } } if (-not $config) { $config = @{} } $allClasses = (Get-AhsCheck).ObjectClass | Sort-Object -Unique if (-not $config._ObjectClasses) { $config._ObjectClasses = $allClasses } if ($IncludeClass) { $config._ObjectClasses = $config._ObjectClasses | Where-Object { $_ -in $IncludeClass } } if ($ExcludeClass) { $config._ObjectClasses = $config._ObjectClasses | Where-Object { $_ -notin $ExcludeClass } } if (-not $SearchRoot -and $config._SearchRoot) { $adParam.SearchRoot = $config._SearchRoot } } process { # Resolve Checks if ($config._All) { $checks = $script:ScanExtensions.Values } else { $checks = foreach ($checkName in $config.Keys) { if ($checkName -match '^_') { continue } if (-not $script:ScanExtensions[$checkName]) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Invoke-AhsCheck.Error.CheckNotFound' -StringValues $checkName continue } $script:ScanExtensions[$checkName] } } $checks = $checks | Where-Object { (-not $IncludeCheck -or $_.Name -in $IncludeCheck) -and (-not $ExcludeCheck -or $_.Name -notin $ExcludeCheck) } # Resolve Check Configuration $effectiveConfig = @{ } foreach ($check in $checks) { $effectiveConfig[$check.Name] = $check.Parameters.Clone() foreach ($parameter in $config.$($check.Name).Keys) { $effectiveConfig[$check.Name][$parameter] = $config.$($check.Name).$parameter } } #region Perform all Scanning $objectClasses = $checks.ObjectClass | Sort-Object -Unique | Where-Object { $_ -in $config._ObjectClasses } foreach ($objectClass in $objectClasses) { $classChecks = $checks | Where-Object ObjectClass -Contains $objectClass # Calculate LDAP Filter $filterSegments = foreach ($check in $classChecks) { & $check.LdapFilter $effectiveConfig[$check.Name] } $ldapFilter = '(&(objectCategory={0})(|{1}))' -f $objectClass, ($filterSegments -join '') # Calculate Properties $properties = @('samAccountName', 'distinguishedName', 'userAccountControl') + $($classChecks.Properties) | Remove-PSFNull | Sort-Object -Unique # Collect Objects Write-PSFMessage -String 'Invoke-AhsCheck.Query.Send' -StringValues $objectClass, $ldapFilter $adObjects = Get-LdapObject @adParam -LdapFilter $ldapFilter -Property $properties # For Each object, generate findings foreach ($adObject in $adObjects) { foreach ($check in $classChecks) { try { & $check.Check $adObject $effectiveConfig[$check.Name] $adParam } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Error -String 'Invoke-AhsCheck.Error.CheckFailed' -StringValues $check.Name, $adObject.DistinguishedName -ErrorRecord $_ -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet -EnableException $EnableException.ToBool() } } } } #endregion Perform all Scanning } } |