Function Get-ADDynamicGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Parse yaml describing dynamic security groups .DESCRIPTION Parse yaml describing dynamic security groups This parses the yaml without hitting Active Directory .FUNCTIONALITY Active Directory .PARAMETER InputObject Yaml dynamic group definition .PARAMETER Path Path to yaml containing dynamic group definition .EXAMPLE Get-ADDynamicGroup $Yaml .LINK .LINK Expand-ADDynamicGroup .LINK Invoke-ADGrouper .LINK about_ADGrouper #> [cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'yaml' )] param( [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'yaml', ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [string]$InputObject, [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'file', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [Alias('FullName')] [string[]]$Path ) begin { function Parse-Option { param($Target, $Name, $Type) $ThisItem = $Target.$Type.get_item($Name) $ThisRecurse = if($ThisItem -is [hashtable] -and $ThisItem.ContainsKey('Recurse')) {$ThisItem.Recurse} else {$Recurse} $ThisPurge = if($ThisItem -is [hashtable] -and $ThisItem.ContainsKey('Purge')) {$ThisItem.Purge} else {$Purge} $ThisExpand = if($ThisItem -is [hashtable] -and $ThisItem.ContainsKey('Expand')) {$ThisItem.Expand} else {$Expand} [pscustomobject]@{ Account = $Name Recurse = $ThisRecurse Purge = $ThisPurge Expand = $ThisExpand } } } process { $ToProcess = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'file') { foreach($File in $Path) { $ToProcess.AddRange( @(Get-Content $File -Raw) ) } } else { [void]$ToProcess.Add($InputObject) } $ValuesForTrue = '1', 'True', 'Yes', $True foreach($Yaml in $ToProcess) { $Groups = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml $Yaml foreach($GroupName in $Groups.keys) { $Group = $Groups[$GroupName] # Parse global options $Recurse = $False if($null -eq $Group.Recurse -or $ValuesForTrue -contains $Group.Recurse) { $Recurse = $True } $Expand = $False if($null -eq $Group.Expand -or $ValuesForTrue -contains $Group.Expand) { $Expand = $True } $Purge = $False if($ValuesForTrue -contains $Group.Purge) { $Purge = $True } $IncludeQuery = $null if($Group.IncludeQuery) { $IncludeQuery = $Group.IncludeQuery } $ExcludeQuery = $null if($Group.ExcludeQuery) { $ExcludeQuery = $Group.ExcludeQuery } [pscustomobject]@{ PSTypeName = '' TargetGroup = $GroupName Recurse = $Recurse Purge = $Purge Expand = $Expand IncludeQuery = $IncludeQuery Include = $Group.Include.keys | Foreach { Parse-Option -Target $Group -Name $_ -Type Include } Exclude = $Group.Exclude.keys | Foreach { Parse-Option -Target $Group -Name $_ -Type Exclude } ExcludeQuery = $ExcludeQuery } } } } } |