
function Add-ADGraphEdge {
    Helper function which determines all Edges (aka relations) of a given DistinguishedName.
    Helper function which determines all Edges (aka relations) of a given DistinguishedName.
    It uses recursive calling patterns.
    .PARAMETER StartObjectDN
    The DistinguishedName of the object which should be inspected.
    .PARAMETER RecursionLevel
    FailSafe for detection of circle relationships.
    .PARAMETER linkAttribute
    Should be members/memberOf be followed?
    Add-ADGraphEdge -startObjectDN "CN=joe,OU=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=com"
    Queries all relationships of the given user.
    General notes

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        $RecursionLevel = 0,
        [ValidateSet("memberOf", "members")]
        $LinkAttribute = "memberOf"
    Write-PSFMessage -String 'Add-ADGraphEdge.Start' -StringValues ($RecursionLevel), $StartObjectDN, $LinkAttribute
    if ($RecursionLevel -gt 20) { throw [ADGraphCircleException ]::new("Zirkelbezug, Level $RecursionLevel erreicht") }
    $newEdges = @()
    $startObject = $allExistingGroupsAndUsersHash[$StartObjectDN]
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Add-ADGraphEdge.startObject' -StringValues $startObject
    try {
        $linkDNlist = $startObject | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $LinkAttribute -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage "Could not find attribute $LinkAttribute"
    foreach ($linkDN in $linkDNlist) {
        $memberObject = $allExistingGroupsAndUsersHash[$linkDN]
        $attributes = @{ }
        # if (($startObject.ObjectClass -ne "user") -and ($memberObject.Epoche -ne $startObject.Epoche)) {
        # Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Add-ADGraphEdge.differentTimeline' -StringValues $StartObjectDN, $linkDN
        # $attributes.add("color", "red")
        # }
        if ($LinkAttribute -eq "memberOf") {
            # MemberOf Beziehung von Links nach Rechts
            $currentEdge = [ADGraphEdge]::new([PSCustomObject]@{
                    from       = $StartObjectDN
                    to         = $linkDN
                    attributes = $attributes
                    fromObject = $startObject
                    toObject   = $memberObject
            $newEdges += $currentEdge
        else {
            # Members Beziehung von Rechts nach Links
            $currentEdge = [ADGraphEdge]::new([PSCustomObject]@{
                    from       = $linkDN
                    to         = $StartObjectDN
                    attributes = $attributes
                    fromObject = $memberObject
                    toObject   = $startObject
            $newEdges += $currentEdge
        try {
            $newEdges += Add-ADGraphEdge -startObjectDN $linkDN -recursionLevel ($RecursionLevel + 1) -linkAttribute $LinkAttribute
        catch [ADGraphCircleException] {
            $circleError = $PSItem.Exception
            if ($RecursionLevel -gt 0) {

                throw $circleError
            else {
                $newEdges += $circleError.ExistingEdges
                return $newEdges