#Requires -Version 5.1 #Requires -RunAsAdministrator function Import-ADFSTkMetadata { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='AllSPs', SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SingleSP', Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] $EntityId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SingleSP', Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)] $EntityBase, [string]$ConfigFile, [string]$LocalMetadataFile, [string[]]$ForcedEntityCategories, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='AllSPs')] [switch] $ProcessWholeMetadata, [switch]$ForceUpdate, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='AllSPs')] [switch] $AddRemoveOnly, #The time in minutes the chached metadatafile live [int] $CacheTime = 60, #The maximum SPs to add in one run (to prevent throttling). Is used when the script recusrive calls itself [int] $MaxSPAdditions = 80 ) process { try { # Add some variables $md5 = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider $utf8 = new-object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding # load configuration file if (!(Test-Path ( $ConfigFile ))) { Write-Error -message "Msg: Path:$mypath configFile: $ConfigFile" throw "throwing. Path:$mypath configfile:$ConfigFile" } else { [xml]$Settings=Get-Content ($ConfigFile) } # set appropriate logging via EventLog mechanisms if (Verify-ADFSTkEventLogUsage) { #If we evaluated as true, the eventlog is now set up and we link the WriteADFSTklog to it Write-ADFSTkLog -SetEventLogName $Settings.configuration.logging.LogName -SetEventLogSource $Settings.configuration.logging.Source } else { # No Event logging is enabled, just this one to a file Throw "Missing eventlog settings in config," } #region Get static values from configuration file $mypath= $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath('.\') Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Import-ADFSTkMetadata Script started" -EntryType Information Write-ADFSTkLog "Import-ADFSTkMetadata path: $mypath" #endregion #region Get SP Hash if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Settings.configuration.SPHashFile)) { Write-Error -message "Halting: Missing SPHashFile setting from $ConfigFile" throw "SPHashFile missing from configfile" } else { $SPHashFile = Join-Path $Settings.configuration.WorkingPath -ChildPath $Settings.configuration.CacheDir | Join-Path -ChildPath $Settings.configuration.SPHashFile Write-ADFSTkLog "Setting SPHashFile to: $SPHashFile" } if (Test-Path $SPHashFile) { try { $SPHashList = Import-Clixml $SPHashFile } catch { Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Could not import SP Hash File!" $SPHashFileItem = Get-ChildItem $SPHashFile Rename-Item -Path $SPHashFile -NewName ("{0}_{1}.{2}" -f $SPHashFileItem.BaseName, ([guid]::NewGuid()).Guid, $SPHashFileItem.Extension) $SPHashList = @{} } } else { $SPHashList = @{} } #endregion #region Getting Metadata #Cached Metadata file $CachedMetadataFile = Join-Path $Settings.configuration.WorkingPath -ChildPath $Settings.configuration.CacheDir | Join-Path -ChildPath $Settings.configuration.MetadataCacheFile #Join-Path $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath('.\cache\') SwamidMetadata.cache.xml Write-ADFSTkLog "Setting CachedMetadataFile to: $CachedMetadataFile" if ($LocalMetadataFile) { try { $MetadataXML = new-object Xml.XmlDocument $MetadataXML.PreserveWhitespace = $true $MetadataXML.Load($LocalMetadataFile) Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Successfully loaded local MetadataFile..." -EntryType Information } catch { Write-ADFSTkLog "Could not load LocalMetadataFile!" -MajorFault } } if ($MetadataXML -eq $null) { $UseCachedMetadata = $false if (($CacheTime -eq -1 -or $CacheTime -gt 0) -and (Test-Path $CachedMetadataFile)) #CacheTime = -1 allways use cached metadata if exists { if ($CacheTime -eq -1 -or (Get-ChildItem $CachedMetadataFile).LastWriteTime.AddMinutes($CacheTime) -ge (Get-Date)) { $UseCachedMetadata = $true try { #[xml]$MetadataXML = Get-Content $CachedMetadataFile $MetadataXML = new-object Xml.XmlDocument $MetadataXML.PreserveWhitespace = $true $MetadataXML.Load($CachedMetadataFile) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MetadataXML)) { Write-ADFSTkLog "Cached Metadata file was empty. Downloading instead!" -EntryType Error $UseCachedMetadata = $false } } catch { Write-ADFSTkLog "Could not parse cached Metadata file. Downloading instead!" -EntryType Error $UseCachedMetadata = $false } } else { $UseCachedMetadata = $false Remove-Item $CachedMetadataFile -Confirm:$false } } if (!$UseCachedMetadata) { #Get Metadata URL from config if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Settings.configuration.metadataURL)) { $metadataURL = 'https://localhost/metadata.xml' #Just for fallback } else { $metadataURL = $Settings.configuration.metadataURL } Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Downloading Metadata from $metadataURL " -EntryType Information try { Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Downloading From: $metadataURL to file $CachedMetadataFile" -EntryType Information #$Metadata = Invoke-WebRequest $metadataURL -OutFile $CachedMetadataFile -PassThru $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $webClient.DownloadFile($metadataURL, $CachedMetadataFile) Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Successfully downloaded Metadata from $metadataURL" -EntryType Information } catch { Write-ADFSTkLog "Could not download Metadata from $metadataURL" -MajorFault } try { Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Parsing downloaded Metadata XML..." -EntryType Information $MetadataXML = new-object Xml.XmlDocument $MetadataXML.PreserveWhitespace = $true $MetadataXML.Load($CachedMetadataFile) #$MetadataXML = [xml]$Metadata.Content Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Successfully parsed downloaded Metadata from $metadataURL" -EntryType Information } catch { Write-ADFSTkLog "Could not parse downloaded Metadata from $metadataURL" -MajorFault } } } # Assert that the metadata we are about to process is not zero bytes after all this if (Test-Path $CachedMetadataFile) { $MyFileSize=(Get-Item $CachedMetadataFile).length if ((Get-Item $CachedMetadataFile).length -gt 0kb) { Write-ADFSTkLog "Metadata file size is $MyFileSize" } else { Write-ADFSTkLog "Note: $CachedMetadataFile is 0 bytes" } } #endregion #Verify Metadata Signing Cert Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Verifying metadata signing cert..." -EntryType Information if (Verify-ADFSTkSigningCert $MetadataXML.EntitiesDescriptor.Signature.KeyInfo.X509Data.X509Certificate) { Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Successfully verified metadata signing cert!" -EntryType Information } else { Write-ADFSTkLog "Metadata signing cert is incorrect! Please check metadata URL or signtaure fingerprint in config." -MajorFault } #Verify Metadata Signature Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Verifying metadata signature..." -EntryType Information if (Verify-ADFSTkMetadataSignature $MetadataXML) { Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Successfully verified metadata signature!" -EntryType Information } else { Write-ADFSTkLog "Metadata signature test did not pass. Aborting!" -MajorFault } #region Read/Create file with $RawAllSPs = $MetadataXML.EntitiesDescriptor.EntityDescriptor | ? {$_.SPSSODescriptor -ne $null} $myRawAllSPsCount= $RawALLSps.count Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Total number of Sps observed: $myRawAllSPsCount" if ($ProcessWholeMetadata) { Write-ADFSTkLog "Processing whole Metadata file..." -EntryType Information $AllSPs = $MetadataXML.EntitiesDescriptor.EntityDescriptor | ? {$_.SPSSODescriptor -ne $null} # $AllSPs = $MetadataXML.EntitiesDescriptor.EntityDescriptor | ? {$_.SPSSODescriptor -ne $null -and $_.Extensions -ne $null} $myAllSPsCount= $ALLSPs.count Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Total number of Sps observed post filter selection: $myAllSPsCount" Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Calculating changes..." $AllSPs | % { $SwamidSPs = @() $SwamidSPsToProcess = @() }{ Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Working with `'$($_.EntityID)`'..." $SwamidSPs += $_.EntityId if (Check-ADFSTkSPHasChanged $_) { $SwamidSPsToProcess += $_ } #else #{ # Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Skipped due to no changes in metadata..." #} }{ Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Done!" $n = $SwamidSPsToProcess.Count Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Found $n new/changed SPs." $batches = [Math]::Ceiling($n/$MaxSPAdditions) Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Batches count: $batches" if ($n -gt 0) { if ($batches -gt 1) { for ($i = 1; $i -le $batches; $i++) { Write-ADFSTkLog "Working with batch $($i)/$batches" Start-Process -WorkingDirectory $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath('.\') -FilePath "$env:SystemRoot\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ArgumentList "-NoExit", "-Command & {Import-Module .\ADFSToolkit; Import-ADFSTkMetadata -MaxSPAdditions $MaxSPAdditions -CacheTime -1 -ForceUpdate -ConfigFile '$ConfigFile' ;Exit}" -Wait -NoNewWindow Write-ADFSTkLog "Done!" } } else { $SwamidSPsToProcess | % { Processes-ADFSTkRelyingPartyTrust $_ } } } # Checking if any Swamid Relying Party Trusts show be removed $NamePrefix = $Settings.configuration.MetadataPrefix $Sep= $Settings.configuration.MetadataPrefixSeparator $FilterString="$NamePrefix$Sep" Write-ADFSTkLog "Checking for Relying Parties removed from Metadata using Filter:$FilterString* ..." $CurrentSwamidSPs = Get-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust | ? {$_.Name -like "$FilterString*"} | select -ExpandProperty Identifier #$RemoveSPs = Compare-ADFSTkObject $CurrentSwamidSPs $SwamidSPs | ? SideIndicator -eq "<=" | select -ExpandProperty InputObject $CompareSets = Compare-ADFSTkObject -FirstSet $CurrentSwamidSPs -SecondSet $SwamidSPs -CompareType InFirstSetOnly Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Found $($CompareSets.MembersInCompareSet) RPs that should be removed." if ($ForceUpdate) { foreach ($rp in $CompareSets.CompareSet) { Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Removing `'$($rp)`'..." try { Remove-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -TargetIdentifier $rp -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Done!" } catch { Write-ADFSTkLog "Could not remove `'$($rp)`'! Error: $_" -EntryType Error } } } else { # $RemoveSPs | Get-ADFSTkAnswer -Caption "Do you want to remove Relying Party trust that are not in Swamid metadata?" | Remove-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -Confirm:$false foreach ($rp in ($CompareSets.CompareSet | Get-ADFSTkAnswer -Caption "Do you want to remove Relying Party trust that are not in Swamid metadata?")) { Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Removing `'$($rp)`'..." try { Remove-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -TargetIdentifier $rp -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Done!" } catch { Write-ADFSTkLog "Could not remove `'$($rp)`'! Error: $_" -EntryType Error } } } } } elseif($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaxSPAdditions') -and $MaxSPAdditions -gt 0) { Write-ADFSTkLog "Processing $MaxSPAdditions SPs..." -EntryType Information $AllSPsInMetadata = $MetadataXML.EntitiesDescriptor.EntityDescriptor | ? {$_.SPSSODescriptor -ne $null } # $AllSPsInMetadata = $MetadataXML.EntitiesDescriptor.EntityDescriptor | ? {$_.SPSSODescriptor -ne $null -and $_.Extensions -ne $null} $i = 0 $n = 0 $m = $AllSPsInMetadata.Count - 1 $SPsToProcess = @() do { if (Check-ADFSTkSPHasChanged $AllSPsInMetadata[$i]) { $SPsToProcess += $AllSPsInMetadata[$i] $n++ } else { Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Skipped due to no changes in metadata..." } $i++ } until ($n -ge $MaxSPAdditions -or $i -ge $m) $SPsToProcess | % { Processes-ADFSTkRelyingPartyTrust $_ } } elseif(! ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($EntityBase) ) ) { #Enter so that SP: N is checked against the can and ask if you want to force update. Insert the hash! Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Working with `'$EntityID`'..." if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($EntityBase)) { $sp = $MetadataXML.EntitiesDescriptor.EntityDescriptor | ? {$_.entityId -eq $EntityId} } else { $sp = $MetadataXML.EntitiesDescriptor.EntityDescriptor | ? {$_.entityId -eq $EntityId -and $_.base -eq $EntityBase} } if ($sp.count -gt 1) { $sp = $sp[0] #Why, but necessary!?! } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sp)){ Write-ADFSTkLog "No SP found!" -MajorFault } else { Processes-ADFSTkRelyingPartyTrust $sp } }else { Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Invoked without -ProcessWholeMetadata <no args> , -EntityID <with quoted URL>, nothing to do, exiting" } Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog "Script ended!" } Catch { Throw $_ } } } |