function Write-ADFSTkLog { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParametersetName="Default")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Set", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [string] #The path to the logfile. This needs to be set once in the script. The path will be stored in a global variable 'LogFilePath' $SetLogFilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Set", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [string] #The name of the eventlog. This needs to be set once in the script. The name will be stored in a global variable 'EventLogName' $SetEventLogName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Set", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [string] <#The Source that will be used in the eventlog. Use New-EventLog -LogName <EventLogName> -Source <NewSource> to add a new source to a eventlog. This needs to be set once in the script. The name will be stored in a global variable 'EventLogSource'#> $SetEventLogSource, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Get", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [switch] #Returns the path to the LogFile. $GetLogFilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Get", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [switch] #Returns the name of the EventLog that will be used. $GetEventLogName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Get", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [switch] #Returns the Source of the EventLog that will be used. $GetEventLogSource, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] #The message to be written in the log... $Message, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [int] #The EventID if EventLog is used $EventID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string] #Used in LogFile and on Screen to clarify the message. In EventLog the Level on the event is set to EntryType. Default is Information [ValidateSet("Information", "Error", "Warning")] $EntryType="Information", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [switch] #If used the EntryType will be set as "Error" the message will be thown as an error. $MajorFault, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [int] #Only for EventLog. Task Category on the event is set to Category. If -Verbose is used, Category will be set to 4 $Category=1, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [switch] #Used in LogFile and on Screen make the message underlined $Underline, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [char] #The char used to make the underline (see parameter Underline). Default is '-' $UnderlineChar='-', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [switch] #Use this to get output on the screen $Screen, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [switch] #Use this to log to file $File, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [switch] #Use this to log to EventLog $EventLog, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [switch] #Doesn't write Date and Time in the beginning of the row $SkipDateTime, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Default", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ConsoleColor] #Sets the color the screen-text should be written in $ForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Gray ) Begin { if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Set") { if ($SetLogFilePath -ne [string]::Empty) { $FilePath = $SetLogFilePath.SubString(0,$SetLogFilePath.LastIndexOf('\')) if (! (Test-Path ($FilePath))) { Write-Warning "The path `'$FilePath`' doesn't exist! Please create it and try again..." } else { Write-Verbose "Setting LogFilePath to `'$SetLogFilePath`'..." $global:LogFilePath = $SetLogFilePath } } if ($SetEventLogName -ne [string]::Empty) { try { $TestEventLog = Get-EventLog $SetEventLogName -Newest 1 Write-Verbose "Setting EventLogName to `'$SetEventLogName`'..." $global:EventLogName = $SetEventLogName } catch { Write-Warning "The EventLogName provided does not exist! Please try again with another namne..." } } if ($SetEventLogSource -ne [string]::Empty) { Write-Verbose "Setting EventLogSource to `'$SetEventLogSource`'..." $global:EventLogSource = $SetEventLogSource } } elseif ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Get") { if ($GetLogFilePath) { Write-Host "LogFilePath: `'$LogFilePath`'" } if ($GetEventLogName) { Write-Host "EventLogName: `'$EventLogName`'" } if ($GetEventLogSource) { Write-Host "EventLogSource: `'$EventLogSource`'" } } } Process { ### Write main script below ### if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Default") { if ($MajorFault) { $EntryType = "Error" } if ($verbosePreference -eq "Continue") { $Category = 4 } $CurrentTime = (Get-Date).ToString() if (!$Screen.IsPresent -and !$File.IsPresent -and !$EventLog.IsPresent) { $Screen = $true if ($EventLogName -ne $null -and $EventLogSource -ne $null) { $EventLog = $true } if ($LogFilePath -ne $null) { $File = $true } } if ($Screen -and -not $MajorFault -and -not $Silent) { #Write-Verbose "Logging to Screen..." if (!$SkipDateTime) { Write-Host "$($CurrentTime): " -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline } if ($EntryType -eq "Error") { Write-Error $Message if ($Underline) { Write-Error "$([string]::Empty.PadLeft($ScreenMessage.Length,$UnderlineChar))" } } elseif ($EntryType -eq "Warning") { Write-Warning $Message if ($Underline) { Write-Warning "$([string]::Empty.PadLeft($ScreenMessage.Length,$UnderlineChar))" } } else { if ($verbosePreference -eq "Continue") { Write-Verbose $Message if ($Underline) { Write-Verbose "$([string]::Empty.PadLeft($ScreenMessage.Length,$UnderlineChar))" } } else { Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor if ($Underline) { Write-Host "$([string]::Empty.PadLeft($ScreenMessage.Length,$UnderlineChar))" } } } } if ($File) { if ($LogFilePath -eq [string]::Empty) { Write-Warning "The LogFilePath is not set! Use -SetLogFilePath first!" } else { $FileMessage = "" if (!$SkipDateTime) { $FileMessage = "$CurrentTime - " } $FileMessage += "$($EntryType): $Message" #Write-Verbose "Logging to File `'$LoggFilePath`'..." Add-Content -Path $LogFilePath -Value $FileMessage if ($Underline) { Add-Content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "$([string]::Empty.PadLeft($FileMessage.Length,$UnderlineChar))" } } } if ($EventLog) { if ($EventLogName -eq [string]::Empty) { Write-Warning "The SetEventLogName is not set! Use -SetEventLogName first!" } elseif ($EventLogSource -eq [string]::Empty) { Write-Warning "The EventLogSource is not set! Use -SetEventLogSource first!" } else { #Write-Verbose "Logging to EventLog `'$EventLogName`' as Source `'$EventLogSource`'..." Write-EventLog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $EventLogSource -EventId $EventID -Message $Message -EntryType $EntryType -Category $Category } } if($EntryType -eq "Warning") { $global:Warnings++ $global:LastWarning = $Message } elseif($EntryType -eq "Error") { $global:Errors++ $global:LastError = $Message } if ($MajorFault) { throw $Message } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Use this cmdlet to add logging to your script. Can log to Screen/File and EventLog .DESCRIPTION Start by setting FilePath and/or EventLogName/EventLogSource. The values are stored in global variables and don't need to be set again. Call Write-ADFSTkLog with one or more parameters depending on how much logging needed. If a Warning is logged the following global variables will be changed: $Warnings will increase with 1 $LastWarning will be set to $Message If an Error is logged the following global variables will be changed: $Errors will increase with 1 $LastError will be set to $Message If -MajorFault is provided, EntryType will automatically be set as Error and after logging has been done, the Message will be thrown. If a variable namned $Silent is used and equals $true in the script calling Write-ADFSTkLog, no logging to screen will be done .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Write-ADFSTkLog -Message "Hello World!" 2012-02-02 16:40:16: Hello World! -Message parameter are not needed as long as the message is written first C:\PS> Write-ADFSTkLog "Hello World!" -EntryType Warning WARNING: 2012-02-02 16:41:23: Hello World! C:\PS> Write-ADFSTkLog -SetLogFilePath C:\Logs\myLogfile.txt C:\PS> Write-ADFSTkLog "Hello textfile!" -File -Screen -Underline 2012-02-02 16:46:31: Hello textfile! ------------------------------------ .EXAMPLE If none of the parameters (-Screen, -File or -EventLog) is provided, all defined ways will be used. Default will only be the screen, a -SetLogFilePath has been set, the logging will be to screen and file, etc C:\PS> Write-ADFSTkLog -SetLogFilePath C:\Logs\myLogfile.txt C:\PS> Write-ADFSTkLog "Look, I don't use any parameters! :)" 2012-02-02 16:59:46: Look, I don't use any parameters! :) C:\PS> Get-Content $LogFilePath 2012-02-02 16:46:31 - Information: Hello textfile! -------------------------------------------------- 2012-02-02 16:59:46 - Information: Look, I don't use any parameters! :) C:\PS> Write-ADFSTkLog "Something isn't quite right!" -EntryType Warning WARNING: 2012-02-02 17:00:45: Something isn't quite right! C:\PS> Get-Content $LogFilePath 2012-02-02 16:46:31 - Information: Hello textfile! -------------------------------------------------- 2012-02-02 16:59:46 - Information: Look, I don't use any parameters! :) 2012-02-02 17:00:45 - Warning: Something isn't quite right! C:PS> $Warnings 2 C:PS> $Errors 0 C:PS> $LastWarning Something isn't quite right! #> } function Write-ADFSTkVerboseLog { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [parameter(Position=0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] #The message to be written in the log... $Message, [string] #Used in LogFile and on Screen to clarify the message. In EventLog the Level on the event is set to EntryType. Default is Information [ValidateSet("Information", "Error", "Warning")] $EntryType="Information", [switch] #Use this to log to EventLog $EventLog, [switch] #Use this to log to file $File, [int] #The EventID if EventLog is used $EventID ) if ($verbosePreference -eq "Continue") { if (!$File.IsPresent -and !$EventLog.IsPresent) { if ($EventLogName -ne $null -and $EventLogSource -ne $null) { $EventLog = $true } if ($LogFilePath -ne $null) { $File = $true } } if ($EventLog) { Write-ADFSTkLog -Message $Message -EventLog -EventID $EventID -EntryType $EntryType } if($File) { Write-ADFSTkLog -Message $Message -File -EventID $EventID -EntryType $EntryType } Write-ADFSTkLog -Message $Message -EntryType $EntryType -Screen } <# .SYNOPSIS Use this cmdlet to add Verbose-logging to your script. Logging will always be to screen, but can also be done to File and/or EventLog .DESCRIPTION Start by setting FilePath and/or EventLogName/EventLogSource with Write-ADFSTkLog. Category will always be set to 4 .EXAMPLE Scriptfile below (Test-Script.ps1) --- [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param() Write-VerboseLiULog "This is a verbose message" --- C:\PS> .\Test-Script.ps1 C:\PS> .\Test-Script.ps1 -Verbose VERBOSE: This is a verbose message .EXAMPLE Scriptfile below (Test-Script.ps1) --- [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param() Write-ADFSTkLog -SetLogFilePath .\myLogfile.txt Write-VerboseLiULog "This is a verbose message" --- C:\PS> .\Test-Script.ps1 -File -Verbose VERBOSE: Setting LogFilePath to '.\myLogfile.txt'... VERBOSE: 2012-01-04 12:56:50: This is a verbose message C:\PS> Get-Content .\myLogfile.txt 2012-01-04 12:58:13 - Information: This is a verbose message #> } |