#========================================================================== # NAME: Split-Collection.ps1 # # DESCRIPTION: Splits a collection into smaller collections # # # AUTHOR: Johan Peterson (adm) # DATE : 2014-06-02 # # PUBLISH LOCATION: C:\Published Powershell Scripts\Functions # #========================================================================= # Version Date Author Note # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # 1.0 2014-06-02 Johan Peterson (adm) Initial Release # 1.1 2015-02-16 Johan Peterson (adm) First Publish #========================================================================= <# .Synopsis Splits a collection into smaller collections .DESCRIPTION Use this cmdlet to cut down a collection into smaller chunks and process them one at the time. Can be used to add lots of users in a group .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Split-Collection -Collection (1..50) -Count 5 | % {$_ -join ','} .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $AllUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter * PS C:\> Split-Collection -Collection $AllUsers -Count 500 | % {Add-ADGroupMember AllUsersGroup -Members $_} #> function Split-Collection { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] #The collection to be splitted (ex. 1..100) $Collection, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=11)] [int] #The number of items in each new collection chunk (ex. -Collection (1..10) -Number 3 ==> (1..3) (4..6) (7..9) (10)) $Count ) , @($Collection | Select -First $Count) if ($Collection.Count -gt $Count) { Split-Collection -Collection ($Collection | Select -Last ($Collection.Count-$Count)) -Count $Count } } |