# Determine our script root $parent = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $script:root = Split-Path $parent -Parent # Load module via definition Import-Module $script:root\ADFSDiagnostics.psd1 -Force InModuleScope ADFSDiagnostics { # Shared constants $sharedError = "Error message" $sharedErrorException = "System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Error message" Describe "TestTLSMismatch" { It "should pass because all TLS versions are enabled" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName IsTlsVersionEnabled -MockWith { return $true } # Act $ret = TestTlsMismatch # Assert $ret.Result | should be Pass } Context "Specific TLS versions" { ("1.0", "1.1", "1.2") | ForEach-Object { It "should warn because only TLS $_ is enabled" { # Arrange $tlsVersion = $_ Mock -CommandName IsTlsVersionEnabled -MockWith { return $false } -ParameterFilter { $version -ne $tlsVersion } Mock -CommandName IsTlsVersionEnabled -MockWith { return $true } -ParameterFilter { $version -eq $tlsVersion } # We mock the warning function to avoid writing to console Mock -CommandName Out-Warning -MockWith { } # Act $ret = TestTLSMismatch # Assert $ret.Result | should be Warning $ret.Detail | should be "Detected that only TLS $tlsVersion is enabled. Ensure that this is also enabled on your other STS and Proxy servers." Assert-MockCalled Out-Warning } } } It "should fail because all TLS versions are disabled" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName IsTlsVersionEnabled -MockWith { return $false } # Act $ret = TestTlsMismatch # Assert $ret.Result | should be Fail $ret.Detail | should be "Detected that all TLS versions are disabled. This will cause problems between your STS and Proxy servers. Fix this by enabling the correct TLS version." } It "should error" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName IsTlsVersionEnabled -MockWith { throw $sharedError } # Act $ret = TestTLSMismatch # Assert $ret.Result | should be Error $ret.ExceptionMessage | should be $sharedError $ret.Exception | should be $sharedErrorException } } Describe "TestAdfsEventLogs" { ($adfs2x, $adfs3) | ForEach-Object { Context "AD FS version $_" { $adfsVersionToTest = $_ Mock -CommandName Get-AdfsVersion -MockWith { return $adfsVersionToTest } ($adfsRoleSTS, $adfsRoleProxy) | ForEach-Object { Context "server role $_" { $adfsRoleToTest = $_ Mock -CommandName Get-AdfsRole -MockWith { return "$adfsRoleToTest" } It "should pass because Get-WinEvent returned null" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName Get-WinEvent -MockWith { return $null } # Act $ret = TestAdfsEventLogs # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Pass } It "should pass because Get-WinEvent returned an empty array" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName Get-WinEvent -MockWith { return @() } # Act $ret = TestAdfsEventLogs # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Pass } It "should fail" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName Get-WinEvent -MockWith { return @(New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ "TimeCreated" = (Get-Date) "Id" = 270 "LevelDisplayName" = "Error" "Message" = "The federation server proxy was not able to authenticate to the Federation Service." }) } # Act $ret = TestAdfsEventLogs # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Fail $ret.Detail | should beexactly "There were events found in the AD FS event logs that may be causing issues with the AD FS and WAP trust. Check the output for more details." $ret.Output.Events.Id | should beexactly 270 $ret.Output.Events.LevelDisplayName | should beexactly "Error" $ret.Output.Events.Message | should beexactly "The federation server proxy was not able to authenticate to the Federation Service." } } } It "should error because of invalid server role." { # Arrange Mock -CommandName Get-AdfsRole -MockWith { return "none" } # Act $ret = TestAdfsEventLogs # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Error $ret.Exceptionmessage | should beexactly "Unable to determine server role." $ret.Exception | should beexactly "System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Unable to determine server role." } } } It "should error because invalid AD FS Version" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName Get-AdfsVersion -MockWith { return $null } # Act $ret = TestAdfsEventLogs # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Error $ret.ExceptionMessage | should beexactly "Unable to determine AD FS version." $ret.Exception | should beexactly "System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Unable to determine AD FS version." } } Describe "TestTimeSync" { Mock -CommandName Test-RunningRemotely -MockWith { return $false } Context "server role STS" { Mock -CommandName Get-AdfsRole -MockWith { return $adfsRoleSTS } Mock -CommandName Out-Warning -MockWith { } Context "only run locally" { It "should pass" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName IsServerTimeInSyncWithReliableTimeServer -MockWith { return $true } # Act $ret = TestTimeSync # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Pass } It "should fail" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName IsServerTimeInSyncWithReliableTimeServer -MockWith { return $false } # Act $ret = TestTimeSync # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Fail $ret.Detail | should beexactly "This server's time is out of sync with reliable time server. Check and correct any time synchronization issues." } } Context "run farm-wide" { BeforeAll { $adfsServers = @("sts1.contoso.com", "sts2.contoso.com", "sts3.contoso.com") # since we have to mock out the remote PSSessions that gets created we just return the a PSSession to localhost # we create these session before the actual test because once we mock New-PSSession we cannot unmock it $localPSForPassTest = @() $localPSForFailTest = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $adfsServers.Count; $i++) { $localPSForPassTest += New-PSSession -ComputerName localhost -ErrorAction Stop $localPSForFailTest += New-PSSession -ComputerName localhost -ErrorAction Stop } } It "should pass" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName IsServerTimeInSyncWithReliableTimeServer -MockWith { return $true } $script:itr = 0 Mock -CommandName New-PSSession -MockWith { $session = $localPSForPassTest[$itr] $script:itr += 1 return $session } # Since we get all of the functions from the private folder and run Invoke-Expression on them; that replaces the function's mock with the original function. # We avoid this by setting the invoke expression within this script block to do nothing. Mock Invoke-Command { Return $ScriptBlock.InvokeWithContext(@{"Invoke-Expression" = {}}, @()) } # Act $ret = TestTimeSync -adfsServers $adfsServers # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Pass } It "should warn because it is unable to connect to remote server" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName IsServerTimeInSyncWithReliableTimeServer -MockWith { return $true } Mock -CommandName New-PSSession -MockWith { return $null } # Act TestTimeSync -adfsServers $adfsServers # Assert Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Out-Warning -Times 3 } It "should fail" { # # Arrange Mock -CommandName IsServerTimeInSyncWithReliableTimeServer -MockWith { return $false } $script:itr = 0 Mock -CommandName New-PSSession -MockWith { $session = $localPSForFailTest[$itr] $script:itr += 1 return $session } # Since we get all of the functions from the private folder and run Invoke-Expression on them this replaces the function's mock with the original function. # We avoid this by setting the invoke expression within this script block to do nothing. Mock Invoke-Command { Return $ScriptBlock.InvokeWithContext(@{"Invoke-Expression" = {}}, @()) } # # Act $ret = TestTimeSync -adfsServers $adfsServers # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Fail ($adfsServers + "Localhost") | ForEach-Object { $ret.Output.ServersOutOfSync | should contain $_ } } } } Context "server role Proxy" { Mock -CommandName Get-AdfsRole -MockWith { return $adfsRoleProxy } It "should pass" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName IsServerTimeInSyncWithReliableTimeServer -MockWith { return $true } # Act $ret = TestTimeSync # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Pass } It "should fail" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName IsServerTimeInSyncWithReliableTimeServer -MockWith { return $false } # Act $ret = TestTimeSync # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Fail $ret.Detail | should beexactly "This server's time is out of sync with reliable time server. Check and correct any time synchronization issues." } } It "should not run" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName Test-RunningRemotely -MockWith { return $true } # Act $ret = TestTimeSync # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly NotRun $ret.Detail | should beexactly "This test does not need to run remotely." } It "should error" { # Arrange Mock -CommandName Get-AdfsRole -MockWith { return "none" } Mock -CommandName Test-RunningRemotely -MockWith { return $false } # Act $ret = TestTimeSync # Assert $ret.Result | should beexactly Error $ret.ExceptionMessage | should beexactly "Unable to determine server role." $ret.Exception | should beexactly "System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Unable to determine server role." } } } |