.SYNOPSIS Retrieves overall details of the computer .DESCRIPTION The Get-AdfsSystemInformation gathers information regarding operating system and hardware .EXAMPLE Get-AdfsSystemInformation | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File ".\ADFSFarmDetails.txt" Get the operating system data of the server and save it in JSON format #> Function Get-AdfsSystemInformation() { [CmdletBinding()] Param() try { $role = Get-ADFSRole } catch { $role = "none" } $systemOutput = New-Object PSObject; $osVersionPropertyName = "OSVersion" $adfsVersionPropertyName = "AdfsVersion" try { $OSVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $osVersionPropertyName -value $OSVersion -Force; $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $adfsVersionPropertyName -value (Get-AdfsVersion($OSVersion)) -Force; } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $osVersionPropertyName -value $null -Force $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $adfsVersionPropertyName -value $null -Force } $osNamePropertyName = "OSName" $lastRebootTimePropertyName = "LastRebootTime" try { $operatingSystem = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem; $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $osNamePropertyName -value $operatingSystem.Caption -Force; $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $lastRebootTimePropertyName -value $operatingSystem.ConvertToDateTime($operatingSystem.LastBootUpTime).ToUniversalTime() -Force; } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $osNamePropertyName -value $null -Force; $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $lastRebootTimePropertyName -value $null -Force; } $domainPropertyName = "MachineDomain" $machineTypePropertyName = "MachineType" $physicalMemoryPropertyName = "PhsicalMemory" $top10ProcessesByMemoryPropertyName = "Top10ProcessesByMemory" try { $computerSystem = Get-WmiObject -class win32_computersystem; $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $domainPropertyName -value $computerSystem.Domain -Force $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $machineTypePropertyName -value $computerSystem.Model -Force; try { $totalMemoryInMb = (Get-WmiObject -class "Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_HyperVDynamicMemoryIntegrationService" -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MaximumMemoryMBytes) } catch { # class (Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_HyperVDynamicMemoryIntegrationService) does not exist in Windows 2008 R2/Windows 7 or earlier operating systems # explicitly set to empty to force code to recalculate the physical memory $totalMemoryInMb = "" } if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($totalMemoryInMb)) { $totalMemory = ($computerSystem | Measure-Object -Property TotalPhysicalMemory -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum) $totalMemoryInMb = [Math]::Round($totalMemory / 1Mb) } $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $physicalMemoryPropertyName -value $totalMemoryInMb -Force try { #Get the top 10 with the highest private working set memory, adding the percentage of total $processes = gwmi -Class Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process -Property @("Name","WorkingSetPrivate") $top10ProcessesByMemory = $processes | sort WorkingSetPrivate -Descending | Where-Object {$_.Name -ne "_Total"} | ` Select-Object -First 10 -Property ` Name,` @{Name="MemoryInMB";Expression = {$_.WorkingSetPrivate / 1Mb}},` @{Name="MemoryPercentOfTotal";Expression = {100 * $_.WorkingSetPrivate / $totalMemory}} $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $top10ProcessesByMemoryPropertyName -value $top10ProcessesByMemory -Force; } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $top10ProcessesByMemoryPropertyName -value $null -Force; } } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $domainPropertyName -value $null -Force $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $machineTypePropertyName -value $null -Force $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $physicalMemoryPropertyName -value $null -Force $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $top10ProcessesByMemoryPropertyName -value $null -Force; } $ipAddressPropertyName = "IPAddress" try { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $ipAddressPropertyName -value (Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Namespace "root\CIMV2" | where{$_.IPEnabled -eq "True"}).IPAddress[0] -Force; } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $ipAddressPropertyName -value $null -Force; } $timeZonePropertyName = "TimeZone" try { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $timeZonePropertyName -value ([System.TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.StandardName) -Force } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $timeZonePropertyName -value $null -Force } $processorsCountPropertyName = "NumberOfLogicalProcessors" $maxClockSpeedPropertyName = "MaxClockSpeed" try { $processor = Get-WmiObject -class win32_processor; $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $processorsCountPropertyName -value $processor.NumberOfLogicalProcessors -Force; $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $maxClockSpeedPropertyName -value $processor.MaxClockSpeed -Force; } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $processorsCountPropertyName -value $null -Force $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $maxClockSpeedPropertyName -value $null -Force } $hostsPropertyName = "Hosts" try { $hostsEntry = @{}; $hostsFile = Join-Path $env:SystemRoot "system32\drivers\etc\hosts" $regex = [regex] "\s+"; foreach ($line in Get-Content $hostsFile) { $ip = new-object System.Net.IPAddress -ArgumentList 0 $trimmed = $line.Trim(); if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($trimmed) -and !($trimmed.StartsWith("#")) -and ($items = $regex.Split($trimmed)).Count -ge 2 -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($items[1]) -and !$hostsEntry.ContainsKey($items[1]) -and [system.net.ipaddress]::TryParse($items[0], [ref] $ip)) { $hostsEntry.Add($items[1], $items[0]); } } $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $hostsPropertyName -value $hostsEntry -Force; } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $hostsPropertyName -value $null -Force; } $hotFixesPropertyName = "Hotfixes" try { $hotFixEntries = @{}; $hotFixes = Get-WmiObject Win32_QuickFixEngineering | Select HotfixId, InstalledOn; foreach ($hotFix in $hotFixes) { if (!($hotFixEntries.ContainsKey($hotFix.HotfixId))) { $hotFixEntries.Add($hotFix.HotfixId, $hotFix.InstalledOn); } } $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $hotFixesPropertyName -value $hotFixEntries -Force; } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $hotFixesPropertyName -value $null -Force; } $adfsWmiPropsPropertyName = "AdfsWmiProperties" try { $adfsWmiProperties = @{}; if ($role -eq "STS") { foreach ($adfsWmiProperty in (Get-WmiObject -namespace root/ADFS -class SecurityTokenService).Properties) { if (!($adfsWmiProperties.ContainsKey($adfsWmiProperty.Name))) { $adfsWmiProperties.Add($adfsWmiProperty.Name, $adfsWmiProperty.Value); } } } $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $adfsWmiPropsPropertyName -value $adfsWmiProperties -Force; } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $adfsWmiPropsPropertyName -value $null -Force; } $sslBindingsPropertyName = "SslBindings" try { $bindings = @(@{}); $bindingCount = -1; $bindingsStr = netsh http show sslcert #remove all title/extra lines $bindingsStr = $bindingsStr | foreach{$tok = $_.Split(":"); IF ($tok.Length -gt 1 -and $tok[1].TrimEnd() -ne "" -and $tok[0].StartsWith(" ")){$_}} foreach ($bindingLine in $bindingsStr) { if ($bindingLine.Trim().ToLower().StartsWith("ip:port")) { $bindings += @{}; $bindingCount = $bindingCount + 1; $bindings[$bindingCount].Add("IPPort", $bindingLine.Trim().Split(':')[2].Trim() + ":" + $bindingLine.Trim().Split(':')[3].Trim()); Continue; } if ($bindingLine.Trim().ToLower().StartsWith("hostname:port")) { $bindings += @{}; $bindingCount = $bindingCount + 1; $bindings[$bindingCount].Add("HostnamePort", $bindingLine.Trim().Split(':')[2].Trim() + ":" + $bindingLine.Trim().Split(':')[3].Trim()); Continue; } if ($bindingCount -ge 0) { $bindings[$bindingCount].Add($bindingLine.Trim().Split(':')[0].Trim(), $bindingLine.Trim().Split(':')[1].Trim()); } } $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $sslBindingsPropertyName -value $bindings -Force; } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $sslBindingsPropertyName -value $null -Force; } if ($role -ne "none") { $adfsServiceAcountPropertyName = "AdfssrvServiceAccount" try { $adfsServiceAccount = (Get-WmiObject win32_service | Where-Object {$_.name -eq "adfssrv"}).StartName; $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $adfsServiceAcountPropertyName -value $adfsServiceAccount -Force; } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name $adfsServiceAcountPropertyName -value $null -Force; } } # No Try-catch needed for this property $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -name "Role" -value $role -Force; #get ADHealthAgent update information $agentInformationPropertyName = "AdHealthAgentInformation" try { $agentInformation = New-Object AdHealthAgentInformation $agentInformation.Version = (GetAdHealthAgentRegistryKeyValue -ValueName ([RegistryValueName]::CurrentVersion) -DefaultValue "Unknown") $agentInformation.UpdateState = (GetAdHealthAgentRegistryKeyValue -ValueName ([RegistryValueName]::UpdateState) -DefaultValue "None") $agentInformation.LastUpdateAttemptVersion = (GetAdHealthAgentRegistryKeyValue -ValueName ([RegistryValueName]::VersionOfUpdate) -DefaultValue "None") $agentInformation.NumberOfFailedAttempts = (GetAdHealthAgentRegistryKeyValue -ValueName ([RegistryValueName]::NumberOfFailedAttempts) -DefaultValue 0) # InstallerExitCode is no longer available $agentInformation.InstallerExitCode = "Unknown" $NotFound = "NotFound"; $LastUpdateAttemptTimeLong = GetAdHealthAgentRegistryKeyValue -ValueName ([RegistryValueName]::LastUpdateAttempt) -DefaultValue $NotFound if($LastUpdateAttemptTimeLong -eq $NotFound) { #use DateTime.min as LastUpdateAttempt value if it is not found in registry $agentInformation.LastUpdateAttemptTime = [dateTime]::MinValue } else { #convert from filetime to utc $LastUpdateAttemptUTC = [datetime]::FromFileTime($LastUpdateAttemptTimeLong).ToUniversalTime() $agentInformation.LastUpdateAttemptTime = $LastUpdateAttemptUTC } $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name $agentInformationPropertyName -Value $agentInformation -Force } catch { $systemOutput | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name $agentInformationPropertyName -Value $null -Force } return $systemOutput; } |