Function TestIsAdfsProxyRunning { $testName = "TestIsAdfsProxyRunning"; $serviceStateOutputKey = "ADFSProxyServiceState"; $testResult = New-Object TestResult -ArgumentList($testName); try { $adfsProxyServiceState = Get-ServiceState($adfsProxyServiceName); if ($adfsProxyServiceState -ne "Running") { $testResult.Result = [ResultType]::Fail; $testResult.Detail = "Current state of $adfsProxyServiceName is: $adfsProxyServiceState"; } $testResult.Output = @{$serviceStateOutputKey = $adfsProxyServiceState}; return $testResult; } catch [Exception] { return Create-ErrorExceptionTestResult $testName $_.Exception } } Function TestSTSReachableFromProxy() { $testName = "STSReachableFromProxy" $exceptionKey = "STSReachableFromProxyException" try { $mexUrlTestResult = New-Object TestResult -ArgumentList($testName); $mexUrlTestResult.Output = @{$exceptionKey = "NONE"} $proxyInfo = gwmi -Class ProxyService -Namespace root\ADFS $stsHost = $proxyInfo.HostName + ":" + $proxyInfo.HostHttpsPort $mexUrl = "https://" + $stsHost + "/adfs/services/trust/mex"; $webClient = New-Object net.WebClient; try { $data = $webClient.DownloadData($mexUrl); #If the mex is successfully downloaded from proxy, then the test is deemed succesful } catch [Net.WebException] { $exceptionEncoded = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($_.Exception.ToString()); $mexUrlTestResult.Result = [ResultType]::Fail; $mexUrlTestResult.Detail = $exceptionEncoded; $mexUrlTestResult.Output.Set_Item($exceptionKey, $exceptionEncoded) } return $mexUrlTestResult; } catch [Exception] { return Create-ErrorExceptionTestResult $testName $_.Exception } } Function TestNoNonSelfSignedCertificatesInRootStore { $testName = "TestNoNonSelfSignedCertificateInRootStore"; $testResult = New-Object TestResult -ArgumentList($testName) $certificateOutputKey = "NonSelfSignedCertificates"; try { $nonSelfSignedCertificates = Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\root -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Issuer -ne $_.Subject} | Select-Object FriendlyName, Issuer, Subject, Thumbprint; if ($nonSelfSignedCertificates.Count -ne 0) { $testResult.Detail = "There were non-self-signed certificates found in the root store. Move them to the intermediate store."; $testResult.Result = [ResultType]::Fail; $testResult.Output = @{$certificateOutputKey = $nonSelfSignedCertificates}; } return $testResult; } catch [Exception] { return Create-ErrorExceptionTestResult $testName $_.Exception } } Function TestProxySslBindings { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $AdfsSslThumbprint ) $testName = "TestProxySslBindings"; $testResult = New-Object TestResult -ArgumentList($testName); Out-Verbose "Parameter AdfsSslThumbprint = $AdfsSslThumbprint"; try { $bindings = GetSslBindings; Out-Verbose "Attempting to get federation service name."; $proxyInfo = Get-WmiObject -Class ProxyService -Namespace root\ADFS $federationServiceName = $proxyInfo.HostName; Out-Verbose "Retrieved federation service name: $federationServiceName."; $adfsPort = $proxyInfo.HostHttpsPort; $tlsPort = $proxyInfo.TlsClientPort; Out-Verbose "Retrieved ADFS Port: $adfsPort TLS Port: $tlsPort"; $erroneousBindings = @{} # Expected SSL bindings Out-Verbose "Attempting to validate expected SSL bindings." $ret = IsSslBindingValid -Bindings $bindings -BindingIpPortOrHostnamePort $($federationServiceName + ":" + $adfsPort) -CertificateThumbprint $AdfsSslThumbprint if (!($ret.IsValid)) { $erroneousBindings[$($federationServiceName + ":" + $adfsPort)] = $ret["Detail"]; } $bindings.Remove($($federationServiceName + ":" + $adfsPort)); $ret = IsSslBindingValid -Bindings $bindings -BindingIpPortOrHostnamePort $($federationServiceName + ":" + $tlsPort) -CertificateThumbprint $AdfsSslThumbprint -VerifyCtlStoreName $false; if (!($ret.IsValid)) { $erroneousBindings[$($federationServiceName + ":" + $tlsPort)] = $ret["Detail"]; } $bindings.Remove($($federationServiceName + ":" + $tlsPort)); # Check custom bindings that match the AD FS Application Id foreach ($key in $bindings.Keys) { if ($bindings[$key]["Application ID"] -eq $adfsApplicationId) { Out-Verbose "Checking custom SSL certificate binding $key."; # We can only validate the Thumbprint here since we do not know which ip/hostname port this binding is for. $ret = IsSslBindingValid -Bindings $bindings -BindingIpPortOrHostnamePort $key -CertificateThumbprint $AdfsSslThumbprint -VerifyCtlStoreName $false; if (!($ret.IsValid)) { $erroneousBindings[$key] = $ret["Detail"]; } } } if ($erroneousBindings.Count -ne 0) { $testResult.Result = [ResultType]::Fail; $testResult.Detail = "There were SSL bindings found that were incorrect. Check the output for more detail."; $testResult.Output = @{"ErroneousBindings" = $erroneousBindings}; } return $testResult; } catch [Exception] { return Create-ErrorExceptionTestResult $testName $_.Exception } } |