# ______________________________________________ # | | # # | func_convert.ps1 | # # |______________________________________________| # # ======================== # # FORMAT # # # DESCRIPTION : converting content for all APPs. # ConvertTo-Digit(). # DESCRIPTION : display a number with a specific digit. # RETURN : string. function ConvertTo-Digit([int]$NUMBER,[int]$DIGIT) { $RESULT = "{0:d$DIGIT}" -f [int]$NUMBER; return $RESULT; } # Convert-TextWithSpace(). # DESCRIPTION : display a string with space to complete a specific length. # RETURN : string. function Convert-TextWithSpace([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$TEXT,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][int]$PAD) { $LENGTH = $TEXT.Length; If ($LENGTH -lt $PAD) { $TEXT = $TEXT.PadRight($PAD) } return $TEXT; } # ConvertTo-UTF8BOM(). # DESCRIPTION : workaround function for correctly convert files in UTF8 with BOOM. # RETURN : x function ConvertTo-UTF8BOM([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$PATH,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$FILTER) { Get-ChildItem "$PATH" -Filter "$FILTER" | Foreach-Object { $Local:CURRENT = (Split-Path -Path $_ -Leaf) $Local:NEW = "_" + $CURRENT; If (Test-Path -Path "${PATH}\${NEW}") { Remove-Item -Path "${PATH}\${NEW}" -Force; } Get-Content -Path "${PATH}\${CURRENT}" -Encoding UTF8 | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 "$PATH\${NEW}"; Remove-Item -Path "${PATH}\${CURRENT}" -Force; Rename-Item -Path "${PATH}\${NEW}" -NewName "${PATH}\${CURRENT}" -Force; } } |