Function Test-ActiveDirectory { <# .SYNOPSIS Runs Pester tests to validate whether the Active Directory configuration and health matches the previously recorded known-good state of the configuration. .DESCRIPTION .. .PARAMETER ADSnapshotFile Optional: The path to a snapshot of Active Directory that you want to validate against the Gold config. If not provided, a current config is retrieved at runtime via the Get-ADConfig cmdlet. .PARAMETER ADGoldFile The path to the 'gold' known-good snapshot of Active Directory that you want to validate against. The cmdlet looks for a file named ADGoldConfig-*.xml in the current directory .EXAMPLE Test-ActiveDirectory #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [string] $ADSnapshotFile, [string] $ADGoldFile = (Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $Pwd 'GoldConfig-*.xml') | Select-Object -Last 1).fullname ) Write-Host $PSScriptRoot & $PSScriptRoot/../ActiveDirectory.tests.ps1 -ADSnapShotFile $ADSnapshotFile -ADGoldFile $ADGoldFile } |