#cd C:\prj\letsencrypt\solutions\letsencrypt-win\letsencrypt-win\ACMESharp.POSH #Add-Type -Path .\bin\Debug\ACMESharp.POSH.dll <# Configure/install certs Install-ACMECertificateToIIS -Ref <cert-ref> -ComputerName <target-server> - optional (defaults to local) -Website <website-name> - optional (defaults to 'Default Web Site') -HostHeader <hostheader-name> - optional (defaults to none) -IPAddress <ip-address> - optional (defaults to all) -Port <port-num> - optional (defaults to 443) -VaultProfile <vp> #> function Install-CertificateToIIS { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Certificate, [string]$WebSite = "Default Web Site", [string]$IPAddress, [int]$Port, [string]$SNIHostname, [switch]$SNIRequired, [switch]$Replace, [string]$VaultProfile, [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]$RemoteSession ) ## TODO: We'll need to either "assume" that the user has ## already imported the module or explicitly re-import it ## and we'll also have to address the Default Noun Prefix ##Import-Module ACMESharp $vpParams = @{} if ($VaultProfile) { $vpParams.VaultProfile = $VaultProfile } $ci = Get-ACMECertificate @vpParams -Ref $Certificate if ($ci.IssuerSerialNumber) { $ic = Get-ACMEIssuerCertificate @vpParams -SerialNumber $ci.IssuerSerialNumber if ($ic) { if (-not $ic.CrtPemFile) { throw "Unable to resolve Issuer Certificate PEM file $($ci.IssuerSerialNumber)" } } } if (-not $ci.KeyPemFile) { throw "Unable to resolve Private Key PEM file" } if (-not $ci.CrtPemFile) { throw "Unable to resolve Certificate PEM file" } ## Export out the PFX to a local temp file $pfxTemp = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $crt = Get-ACMECertificate @vpParams -Ref $Certificate -ExportPkcs12 $pfxTemp -Overwrite if (-not $crt.Thumbprint) { throw "Unable to resolve certificate Thumbprint" } ## Assemble a number of arguments and ## settings based on input parameters $webBindingArgs = @{ Name = $WebSite Protocol = "https" } $sslBinding = @{ Host = "" Port = "443" } if ($IPAddress) { $webBindingArgs.IPAddress = $IPAddress $sslBinding.Host = $IPAddress } if ($Port) { $webBindingArgs.Port = $Port $sslBinding.Port = "$Port" } if ($SNIHostname) { $webBindingArgs.HostHeader = $SNIHostname } ## We craft a ScriptBlock to do the real work in such a way that we can invoke ## it locally or remotely based on the right combination of input parameters [scriptblock]$script = { param( [string]$CrtThumbprint, [string]$pfxTemp, [byte[]]$pfxBytes, [bool]$SNIRequired, [bool]$Replace, [hashtable]$webBindingArgs, [hashtable]$sslBinding ) Write-Warning "Params:" Write-Warning " * $CrtThumbprint" Write-Warning " * $pfxTemp" Write-Warning " * $($pfxBytes.Length)" Write-Warning " * $SNIRequired" Write-Warning " * $Replace" Write-Warning " * $webBindingArgs" Write-Warning " * $sslBinding" ## If we're running locally, then the PFX temp file already exists ## If we're running remotely, we need to save the PFX bytes to a temp file if ($pfxBytes) { if (-not $pfxTemp) { $pfxTemp = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() } [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($pfxTemp, $pfxBytes); Write-Verbose "Exported PFX bytes to temp file [$pfxTemp]" } ## Import the PFX file to the local machine store and make sure its there ## NOTE: instead of using the native PKI Cert path provider and cmdlets, we're using the ## .NET framework directly because it will work on older platforms (Win2008, PS3) $crtStore = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store "My","LocalMachine" $crtBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($pfxTemp) $crt = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $crt.Import($crtBytes, $null, "Exportable,PersistKeySetâ) Write-Verbose "Using certificate [$($crt.Thumbprint)]" $crtStore.Open("MaxAllowed") $exists = $crtStore.Certificates | ? { $_.Thumbprint -eq $crt.Thumbprint } if (-not $exists) { Write-Verbose "Importing certificate from PFX [$pfxTemp]" $crtStore.Add($crt) $exists = $crtStore.Certificates | ? { $_.Thumbprint -eq $crt.Thumbprint } if (-not $exists) { throw "Failed to import Certificate or import was misplaced" } } else { Write-Verbose "Existing certificate with matching Thumbprint found; SKIPPING" } $crtStore.Close() ## This is used later on for creating the SSL Binding $crtPath = "Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$($CrtThumbprint)" if (Test-Path $pfxTemp) { del $pfxTemp } ## We need the MS Web Admin Module Import-Module WebAdministration ## General guidelines for this procedure were borrowed from: ## ## See if there is already a matching Web Binding Write-Verbose "Testing for existing Web Binding" $existingWebBinding = Get-WebBinding @webBindingArgs if ($existingWebBinding) { Write-Warning "Existing Web Binding found matching specified parameters; SKIPPING" } else { $webBindingCreateArgs = @{} if ($SNIRequired) { $webBindingCreateArgs.SslFlags = 1 } Write-Verbose "Creating Web Binding..." New-WebBinding @webBindingArgs @webBindingCreateArgs $newWebBinding = Get-WebBinding @webBindingArgs if (-not $newWebBinding) { throw "Failed to create new Web Binding" } Write-Verbose "Web Binding was created" } ## See if there is already a matching SSL Binding Write-Verbose "Testing for existing SSL Binding" $sslBindingPath = "IIS:\SslBindings\$($sslBinding.Host)!$($sslBinding.Port)" Write-Verbose " ...testing for [$sslBindingPath]" if (Test-Path -Path $sslBindingPath) { if ($Replace) { Write-Warning "Deleting existing SSL Binding"; Remove-Item $sslBindingPath } else { throw "Existing SSL Binding found" } } Write-Verbose "Creating SSL Binding..." Write-Verbose " path [$sslBindingPath]" Get-Item $crtPath | New-Item $sslBindingPath $newSslBinding = Get-Item $sslBindingPath if (-not $newSslBinding) { throw "Failed to create new SSL Binding" } Write-Verbose "SSL Binding was created" } if ($RemoteSession) { $pfxBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($pfxTemp); $invArgs = @( ,$ci.Thumbprint ,$null ## $pfxTemp ,$pfxBytes ,$SNIRequired.IsPresent ,$Replace.IsPresent ,$webBindingArgs ,$sslBinding ) Invoke-Command -Session $RemoteSession -ArgumentList $invArgs -ScriptBlock $script } else { $invArgs = @( ,$ci.Thumbprint ,$pfxTemp ,$null ## $pfxBytes ,$SNIRequired.IsPresent ,$Replace.IsPresent ,$webBindingArgs ,$sslBinding ) $script.Invoke($invArgs) } ## Delete the local PFX temp file if (Test-Path $pfxTemp) { del $pfxTemp } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Install-CertificateToIIS |