
# Checks whether the domain has MX records pointing to MS cloud
# Jun 16th 2020
function HasCloudMX
        $results=Resolve-DnsName -Name $Domain -Type MX -DnsOnly -NoHostsFile -NoIdn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select nameexchange | select -ExpandProperty nameexchange

        return ($results -like "*").Count -gt 0

# Checks whether the domain has SPF records allowing sending from cloud
# Jun 16th 2020
function HasCloudSPF
        $results=Resolve-DnsName -Name $Domain -Type txt -DnsOnly -NoHostsFile -NoIdn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select strings | select -ExpandProperty strings 

        return ($results -like "**").Count -gt 0

# Checks whether the domain has SPF records allowing sending from cloud
# Sep 23rd 2020
function HasDMARC
            $results=Resolve-DnsName -Name "_dmarc.$Domain" -Type txt -DnsOnly -NoHostsFile -NoIdn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select strings | select -ExpandProperty strings 

        return ($results -like "v=DMARC1*").Count -gt 0

# Checks whether the domain has DesktopSSO enabled
# Jun 16th 2020
function HasDesktopSSO
        (Get-CredentialType -UserName "nn@$domain").EstsProperties.DesktopSsoEnabled -eq "True"

# Checks whether the user exists in Azure AD or not
# Jun 16th 2020
function DoesUserExists
        $exists = $false 

        if($Method -eq "Normal")
            # Get the credential type information
            $credType=Get-CredentialType -UserName $User 

            # Works only if desktop sso (aka. Seamless SSO) is enabled
            if($credType.EstsProperties.DesktopSsoEnabled -eq "True")
                # Return empty if throttling
                if($credType.ThrottleStatus -eq 1)
                    Write-Warning "Requests throttled!"
                    Remove-Variable exists
                    $exists = $credType.IfExistsResult -eq 0 -or $credType.IfExistsResult -eq 6
                Remove-Variable exists
        elseif($Method -eq "Login")
            # Try to log in as the user
            $randomGuid = New-Guid
            $body = @{

                $jsonResponse=Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Method POST -Body $body -Headers $headers
                $exists = $True # May be should change password..?
                $errorDetails = ($_.ErrorDetails.Message | convertfrom-json).error_description
                if($errorDetails.startsWith("AADSTS50053")) # The account is locked, you've tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect user ID or password.
                    $exists = $True
                elseif($errorDetails.StartsWith("AADSTS50126")) # Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password.
                    $exists = $True
                elseif($errorDetails.StartsWith("AADSTS50076")) # Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a new location, you must use multi-factor authentication to access '{resource}'
                    $exists = $True
                elseif($errorDetails.StartsWith("AADSTS50034")) # The user account {identifier} does not exist in the {tenant} directory. To sign into this application, the account must be added to the directory.
                    $exists = $False
                    Remove-Variable exists

        return $exists