
function New-HashString {
        Compute has from input value and return encoded Base64 string.
        Compute has from input value and return encoded Base64 string.
    .PARAMETER Value
        Specify a Base64 encoded value for which a hash will be computed.
        Author: Nickolaj Andersen
        Contact: @NickolajA
        Created: 2021-08-23
        Updated: 2021-08-23
        Version history:
        1.0.0 - (2021-08-23) Function created

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify a Base64 encoded value for which a hash will be computed.")]
    Process {
        # Convert from Base64 string to byte array
        $DecodedBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Value)
        # Construct a new SHA256Managed object to be used when computing the hash
        $SHA256Managed = New-Object -TypeName "System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed"

        # Compute the hash
        [byte[]]$ComputedHash = $SHA256Managed.ComputeHash($DecodedBytes)

        # Convert computed hash to Base64 string
        $ComputedHashString = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($ComputedHash)

        # Handle return value
        return $ComputedHashString