
function Get-AzureADDeviceRecord {
        Retrieve an Azure AD device record.
        Retrieve an Azure AD device record.
        Specify the Device ID of an Azure AD device record.
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
        Specify a hash table consisting of the authentication headers.
        Author: Nickolaj Andersen
        Contact: @NickolajA
        Created: 2021-06-07
        Updated: 2022-01-01
        Version history:
        1.0.0 - (2021-06-07) Function created
        1.0.1 - (2022-01-01) Added support for passing in the authentication header table to the function

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify the Device ID of an Azure AD device record.")]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify a hash table consisting of the authentication headers.")]
    Process {
        $GraphURI = "`$filter=deviceId eq '$($DeviceID)'"
        $GraphResponse = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Get" -Uri $GraphURI -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $AuthToken -ErrorAction Stop).value
        # Handle return response
        return $GraphResponse