
     Code generated by: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2023 v5.8.219
     Generated on: 26.3.2023. 11:42
     Generated by: chx
        Script generated by PowerShell Studio 2023

         Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2023 v5.8.219
         Created on: 26.3.2023. 00:58
         Created by: chxus
         Organization: CHXOFT
         Filename: 7-ZipSetupManager.psm1
         Module Name: 7-ZipSetupManager

        .EXTERNALHELP 7-ZipSetupManager.psm1-Help.xml

    function Get-7ZipDownloadLink
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
                       Position = 1,
                       HelpMessage = 'Get 32bit installer.')]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
                       Position = 2)]
        $7zipDownloadWebpage = (Invoke-WebRequest
        if (-not ($x86))
            $setup = $7zipDownloadWebpage.href -like "*7z*-x64.exe"
            if ($setup.Count -gt 1)
                $setup = $setup.Split([Environment]::NewLine) | Select-Object -First 1
            $setup = $7zipDownloadWebpage.href -like "*7z*.exe" -cnotlike "*x64*"
            if ($setup.Count -gt 1)
                $setup = $setup.Split([Environment]::NewLine) | Select-Object -First 1
        $name = $setup.Split('/')
        $name = $name[1]
        $DownloadLink = "$setup"
        if ($GetFileNameOnly)
            return $name
            return $DownloadLink
        .EXTERNALHELP 7-ZipSetupManager.psm1-Help.xml

    function Get-7ZipInstallationPath
        $GetPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-Zip*
        if (-not ($GetPath))
            $GetPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-ChildItem HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-Zip*
        if ($GetPath)
            $GetPath = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-ItemProperty $GetPath.PsPath
            $InstallPath = $GetPath.InstallLocation
            $Version = $GetPath.DisplayVersion
            if ($CheckAll)
                if ($GetPath.DisplayName -like '*x64*')
                    $Pathx86 = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-ChildItem HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-Zip*
                    if ($Pathx86)
                        $Pathx86 = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-ItemProperty $Pathx86.PsPath
                        $InstallPathx86 = $Pathx86.InstallLocation
                        $InstallPath = $InstallPath + "`n" + $InstallPathx86
            if ($Property)
                return $GetPath
            elseif ($GetVersionOnly)
                return $Version
                return $InstallPath
            return $false
        .EXTERNALHELP 7-ZipSetupManager.psm1-Help.xml

    function Get-7ZipSetup
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
                       Position = 1,
                       HelpMessage = 'Enter valid path to download.',
                       HelpMessageBaseName = 'Download path')]
            [Parameter(Position = 2)]
            [Parameter(Position = 3)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
                       Position = 4,
                       DontShow = $true)]
        # Get-7ZipDownloadLink
        if ($x86)
            $DownloadLink = Get-7ZipDownloadLink -x86
            $FileName = Get-7ZipDownloadLink -GetFileNameOnly
            $DownloadLink = Get-7ZipDownloadLink
            $FileName = Get-7ZipDownloadLink -GetFileNameOnly
        $DownloadPath = (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-Location).Path + "\$FileName"
        if ($path)
            if (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Resolve-Path -Path "$Path" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                $DownloadPath = $Path + $FileName
                return 'Path does not exist.'
        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadLink -OutFile $DownloadPath -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($AndStartInstallation)
            if (-not ($Silent))
                Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Start-Process -FilePath $DownloadPath -Wait
                Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Start-Process -FilePath $DownloadPath -ArgumentList "/S" -Wait
            return 'Installation complete.'
            return "Downloaded to: $DownloadPath"
        .EXTERNALHELP 7-ZipSetupManager.psm1-Help.xml

    function Uninstall-7Zip
        # Get-7ZipInstallationPath
        $path = Get-7ZipInstallationPath -CheckAll
        if (-not ($path))
            return '7-Zip is not installed.'
            $check = $path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Measure-Object -Line
            if ($check.Lines -eq 2)
                Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning 'Found both 64bit and 32bit installations, removing 64bit first, to remove the 32bit also run this command again.'
            $uninstall = Get-7ZipInstallationPath -Property
            $uninstall = $uninstall.UninstallString
            if ($Silent)
                Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Start-Process -FilePath $uninstall -ArgumentList "/S" -Wait -ErrorAction Stop
                Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Start-Process -FilePath $uninstall -Wait -ErrorAction Stop
            $path = Get-7ZipInstallationPath -CheckAll
            if (-not ($path))
                return '7-Zip for Windows uninstalled completely.'
                $check = $path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Measure-Object -Line
                if ($check.Lines -eq 2)
                    return 'Uninstall canceled or error occured, both versions present 64 and 32 bit.'
                    return 'Uninstall canceled or there is 32bit version left to uninstall.'