function Send-3PARRequest { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter the resource URI (ex. /volumes)")] [ValidateScript({if ($_.startswith('/')) {$true} else {throw "-URI must begin with a '/' (eg. /volumes) in its value. Please correct the value and try again."}})] [string]$uri, [parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter request type (GET POST DELETE)")] [string]$type, [parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Body of the message")] [array]$body ) $APIurl = 'https://'+$global:3parArray+':8080/api/v1' $url = $APIurl + $uri #Construct header $headers = @{} $headers["Accept"] = "application/json" $headers["Accept-Language"] = "en" $headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" $headers["X-HP3PAR-WSAPI-SessionKey"] = $global:3parKey $data = $null # Request If ($type -eq 'GET') { Try { $data = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url" -Headers $headers -Method $type -UseBasicParsing return $data } Catch { Show-RequestException -Exception $_ throw } } If (($type -eq 'POST') -or ($type -eq 'PUT')) { Try { $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json $data = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url" -Body $json -Headers $headers -Method $type -UseBasicParsing return $data } Catch { Show-RequestException -Exception $_ throw } } If ($type -eq 'DELETE') { Try { $data = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url" -Headers $headers -Method $type -UseBasicParsing return $data } Catch { Show-RequestException -Exception $_ throw } } } |