
    Validates user properties in Microsoft 365 using PowerShell Pester tests.

    This script performs validation of user properties in Microsoft 365 by leveraging the Microsoft Graph API and Pester testing framework. It supports filtering users based on their type (members, guests, etc.), enabling/disabling output to an Excel file, and customizing the domain name and Excel file path through parameters.

    Specifies the domain name to use for user validation. Defaults to the primary domain in Microsoft 365.

.PARAMETER ExcelFilePath
    Specifies the path to an Excel file where the validation results will be saved. If not provided, it defaults to a predefined path.

    Filters the users to validate based on their type. Valid options are 'all', 'members', 'guests', 'enabled', 'disabled'. Defaults to 'all'.

    Specifies whether to skip importing the Excel validation file. If set to $true, no Excel file will be imported.

    .\Test-UserValidation.tests.ps1 -NoExcel $true
    Validates all users in the default domain and does not generate an Excel report.

    .\Test-UserValidation.tests.ps1 -DomainName 'contoso.com' -ExcelFilePath 'C:\Reports\UserValidation.xlsx'
    Validates all users in the 'contoso.com' domain and saves the report to the specified Excel file.

    Requires the Pester, ImportExcel, and Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement modules.
    Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access user data via Microsoft Graph.


param (
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
    [string] $DomainName = (Get-MgDomain | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault -eq $true }).Id,
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
    [string] $ExcelFilePath = $env:ExcelFilePath,
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
    [ValidateSet('all', 'members', 'guests', 'enabled', 'disabled')]
    [string] $UserFilter = 'all',
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
    [bool] $NoExcel = [bool]::Parse($env:NoExcel)

#Requires -Module Pester, ImportExcel, Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement, PSFramework

$properties = @(

BeforeAll {
    # Define the default Excel file path
    $defaultPath = "$RootPath/assets/365ValidationParameters.xlsx"

    if ($NoExcel) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Skipping Excel file loading due to NoExcel parameter."
        return #
    else {
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ExcelFilePath) -and (Test-Path -Path $ExcelFilePath)) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Using provided Excel file path: $ExcelFilePath"
        else {
            $ExcelFilePath = $defaultPath
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Default Excel file being used: $ExcelFilePath"
        try {
            $excelData = Import-Excel -Path $ExcelFilePath | ForEach-Object {
                $_.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {
                        $_.Value = "NA" # Replace with your desired default value
                $_ # Output the modified object
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Error importing Excel file: $($_.Exception.Message). Using default Excel file path: $defaultPath"
BeforeDiscovery {
    # Connect to the Graph SDK with the correct permissions
    Connect-MgGraph -NoWelcome -Scopes AuditLog.Read.All, Directory.Read.All

    # Set up filter query based on the user filter parameter
    $filterQuery = switch ($UserFilter) {
        'members' { "userType eq 'Member'" }
        'guests' { "userType eq 'Guest'" }
        'enabled' { "accountEnabled eq true" }
        'disabled' { "accountEnabled eq false" }
        default { '' }

    # Construct the URI with the appropriate filter
    $Headers = @{ConsistencyLevel = "Eventual" }  
    $Uri = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users?`$count=true&`$top=999&`$select=" + ($properties -join ',')
    if ($filterQuery) {
        $Uri += "&`$filter=$filterQuery"
    [array]$Data = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers
    [array]$Users = $Data.Value

    If (!($Users)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Can't find any users... exiting!" ; break

    # Paginate until we have all the user accounts
    While ($Null -ne $Data.'@odata.nextLink') {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output ("Fetching more user accounts - currently at {0}" -f $Users.count)
        $Uri = $Data.'@odata.nextLink'
        [array]$Data = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers
        $Users = $Users + $Data.Value
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message ("All available user accounts fetched ({0}) - now processing" -f $Users.count)

#Region User Fields
Describe "Validating User Fields" -Tag "Entra", "Users", "All" {
    Context "Job Title" -Tag "Basic" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Job Title" {
            $_.JobTitle | Should -BeTrue -Because "Job Title is required for all users"

    Context "Street Address" -Tag "Basic", "Location" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Street Address" {
            $_.StreetAddress | Should -BeTrue -Because "Street Address is required for all users"

    Context "City" -Tag "Basic", "Location"  -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a City" {
            $_.city | Should -BeTrue -Because "City is required for all users"

    Context "State" -Tag "Basic", "Location"  -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a State" {
            $_.State | Should -BeTrue -Because "State is required for all users"

    Context "Postal Code" -Tag "Basic", "Location" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Postal Code" {
            $_.PostalCode | Should -BeTrue -Because "Postal Code is required for all users"
    Context "Country" -Tag "Basic", "Location" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Country" {
            $_.Country | Should -BeTrue -Because "Country is required for all users"

    Context "Department" -Tag "Basic" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Department" {
            $_.Department | Should -BeTrue -Because "Department is required for all users"

    Context "Office Location" -Tag "Basic" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have an Office Location" {
            $_.OfficeLocation | Should -BeTrue -Because "Office Location is required for all users"

    Context "Assigned Licenses" -Tag "Basic" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have an Assigned License" {
            $_.AssignedLicenses | Should -BeTrue -Because "Assigned Licenses are required for all users"

    Context "Account Enabled" -Tag "Basic" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have an Account Enabled" {
            $_.AccountEnabled | Should -BeTrue -Because "Account Enabled is required for all users"
    Context "Company Name" -Tag "Basic" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Company Name" {
            $_.CompanyName | Should -BeTrue -Because "Company Name is required for all users"

    Context "Mobile Phone" -Tag "Basic", "Communication" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Mobile Phone Number" {
            $_.MobilePhone | Should -BeTrue -Because "Mobile Phone is required for all users"

    Context "Business Phone" -Tag "Basic", "Communication" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Business Phone Number" {
            $_.BusinessPhones | Should -BeTrue -Because "Business Phone is required for all users"

    Context "Fax Number" -Tag "Basic", "Communication"  -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Fax Number" {
            $_.FaxNumber | Should -BeTrue -Because "Fax Number is required for all users"

    Context "Manager" -Tag "Basic", "Manager" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Manager" {
            $_.Manager | Should -BeTrue -Because "Manager is required for all users"

    Context "Sponsors" -Tag "Basic", "Sponsor" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Sponsor" {
            $_.Sponsor | Should -BeTrue -Because "Sponsor is required for all users"

    Context "UPN Formatting" -Tag "Custom" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) UPN should have a first initial last name all lower case" {
            $firstName = $_.DisplayName
            $lastName = $_.Surname

            $expectedUPN = $firstName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $lastName.ToLower() + "@$DomainName"
            $hascorrectformat = $_.UserPrincipalName -eq $expectedUPN
            $hascorrectformat | Should -BeTrue -Because "UPN should be in the format of first initial last name all lower case"

    Context "User Type" -Tag "User" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a User Type" {
            $_.UserType | Should -Be "Member" -Because "User Type should be 'Member'"

    Context "Employee Hire Date" -Tag "HR" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a Hire Date" {
            $_.EmployeeHireDate | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because "Employee Hire Date should not be empty"

    Context "Employee ID" -Tag "HR" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have an Employee ID" {
            $_.EmployeeID | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because "Employee ID should not be empty"

#Region User Sign Ins
Describe "Validating User Sign Ins" -Tag "Entra", "Users", "All" {
    Context "7 Days" -Tag "SignIns" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have logged in within the last 7 days" {
            $signInActivity = $_.SignInActivity
            ($signInActivity.LastSignInDateTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)) -or ($signInActivity.LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)) | Should -BeTrue -Because "User should have logged in within the last 7 days"

    Context "14 Days" -Tag "SignIns" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have logged in within the last 14 days" {
            $signInActivity = $_.SignInActivity
            ($signInActivity.LastSignInDateTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-14)) -or ($signInActivity.LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-14)) | Should -BeTrue -Because "User should have logged in within the last 14 days"

    Context "30 Days" -Tag "SignIns" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have logged in within the last 30 days" {
            $signInActivity = $_.SignInActivity
            ($signInActivity.LastSignInDateTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)) -or ($signInActivity.LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)) | Should -BeTrue -Because "User should have logged in within the last 30 days"

    Context "60 Days" -Tag "SignIns" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have logged in within the last 60 days" {
            $signInActivity = $_.SignInActivity
            ($signInActivity.LastSignInDateTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-60)) -or ($signInActivity.LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-60)) | Should -BeTrue -Because "User should have logged in within the last 60 days"

    Context "90 Days" -Tag "SignIns" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have logged in within the last 90 days" {
            $signInActivity = $_.SignInActivity
            ($signInActivity.LastSignInDateTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)) -or ($signInActivity.LastSuccessfulSignInDateTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)) | Should -BeTrue -Because "User should have logged in within the last 90 days"

#Region Custom User Standards
Describe "Validating Custom User Standards" -Tag "Entra", "Users", "All", "Custom", "CompanyStandard" {
    Context "Company Name Standard Verification" -Tag "CompanyStandard" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a matching Company Name in Excel data" {
            $user = $_
            $validCompanyName = $excelData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CompanyName -Unique
            try {
                $user.CompanyName | Should -BeIn $validCompanyName -Because "Company Name should be in the list of valid company names"
            catch {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.Id)) {
                    $selectedCompanyName = Read-Host "The company name of $($user.DisplayName) is not valid. Please enter a valid company name from the list: $($validCompanyName -join ', '), or just press ENTER to skip this update"
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($selectedCompanyName) -or $selectedCompanyName -eq 'SKIP') {
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Skipping update for $($user.DisplayName)"
                        throw "Update skipped for $($user.DisplayName). Test failed."
                    elseif ($selectedCompanyName -in $validCompanyName) {
                        Update-MgUser -UserId $user.Id -CompanyName $selectedCompanyName
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Updated the company name of $($user.DisplayName) to $selectedCompanyName"
                    else {
                        throw "Invalid company name selected. Test failed."
                else {
                    throw "Cannot update company name because user ID is null or empty. Test failed."

    Context "Street Standard Verification" -Tag "CompanyStandard" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a matching Street in Excel data" {
            $user = $_
            $validStreetName = $excelData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty StreetAddress -Unique
            try {
                $user.StreetAddress | Should -BeIn $validStreetName -Because "Street Address should be in the list of valid street names"
            catch {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.Id)) {
                    $selectedStreet = Read-Host "The street address of $($user.DisplayName) is not valid. Please enter a valid street address from the list: $($validStreetName -join ', '), or just press ENTER to skip this update"
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($selectedStreet) -or $selectedStreet -eq 'SKIP') {
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Skipping update for $($user.DisplayName)"
                        throw "Update skipped for $($user.DisplayName). Test failed."
                    elseif ($selectedStreet -in $validStreetName) {
                        Update-MgUser -UserId $user.Id -StreetAddress $selectedStreet
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Updated the street address of $($user.DisplayName) to $selectedStreet"
                    else {
                        throw "Invalid street address selected. Test failed."
                else {
                    throw "Cannot update street address because user ID is null or empty. Test failed."

    Context "City Standard Verification" -Tag "CompanyStandard" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a matching City in Excel data" {
            $user = $_
            $validCityName = $excelData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty City -Unique
            try {
                $user.City | Should -BeIn $validCityName -Because "City should be in the list of valid city names"
            catch {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.Id)) {
                    $selectedCity = Read-Host "The city of $($user.DisplayName) is not valid. Please enter a valid city from the list: $($validCityName -join ', '), or just press ENTER to skip this update"
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($selectedCity) -or $selectedCity -eq 'SKIP') {
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Skipping update for $($user.DisplayName)"
                        throw "Update skipped for $($user.DisplayName). Test failed."
                    elseif ($selectedCity -in $validCityName) {
                        Update-MgUser -UserId $user.Id -City $selectedCity
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Updated the city of $($user.DisplayName) to $selectedCity"
                    else {
                        throw "Invalid city selected. Test failed."
                else {
                    throw "Cannot update city because user ID is null or empty. Test failed."

    Context "State Standard Verification" -Tag "CompanyStandard" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a matching State in Excel data" {
            $user = $_
            $validStates = $excelData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty State -Unique
            try {
                $user.State | Should -BeIn $validStates -Because "State should be in the list of valid states"
            catch {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.Id)) {
                    $selectedState = Read-Host "The state of $($user.DisplayName) is not valid. Please enter a valid state from the list: $($validStates -join ', '), or just press ENTER to skip this update"
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($selectedState) -or $selectedState -eq 'SKIP') {
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Skipping update for $($user.DisplayName)"
                        throw "Update skipped for $($user.DisplayName). Test failed."
                    elseif ($selectedState -in $validStates) {
                        Update-MgUser -UserId $user.Id -State $selectedState
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Updated the state of $($user.DisplayName) to $selectedState"
                    else {
                        throw "Invalid state selected. Test failed."
                else {
                    throw "Cannot update state because user ID is null or empty. Test failed."

    Context "Zip Code Standard Verification" -Tag "CompanyStandard" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a matching Zip Code in Excel data" {
            $user = $_
            $validPostalCode = $excelData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PostalCode -Unique
            try {
                $user.PostalCode | Should -BeIn $validPostalCode -Because "Postal Code should be in the list of valid postal codes"
            catch {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.Id)) {
                    $selectedPostalCode = Read-Host "The postal code of $($user.DisplayName) is not valid. Please enter a valid postal code from the list: $($validPostalCode -join ', '), or just press ENTER to skip this update"
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($selectedPostalCode) -or $selectedPostalCode -eq 'SKIP') {
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Skipping update for $($user.DisplayName)"
                        throw "Update skipped for $($user.DisplayName). Test failed."
                    elseif ($selectedPostalCode -in $validPostalCode) {
                        Update-MgUser -UserId $user.Id -PostalCode $selectedPostalCode
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Updated the postal code of $($user.DisplayName) to $selectedPostalCode"
                    else {
                        throw "Invalid postal code selected. Test failed."
                else {
                    throw "Cannot update postal code because user ID is null or empty. Test failed."

    Context "Country Standard Verification" -Tag "CompanyStandard" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a matching Country in Excel data" {
            $user = $_
            $validCountry = $excelData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Country -Unique
            try {
                $user.Country | Should -BeIn $validCountry -Because "Country should be in the list of valid countries"
            catch {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.Id)) {
                    $selectedCountry = Read-Host "The country of $($user.DisplayName) is not valid. Please enter a valid country from the list: $($validCountry -join ', '), or just press ENTER to skip this update"
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($selectedCountry) -or $selectedCountry -eq 'SKIP') {
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Skipping update for $($user.DisplayName)"
                        throw "Update skipped for $($user.DisplayName). Test failed."
                    elseif ($selectedCountry -in $validCountry) {
                        Update-MgUser -UserId $user.Id -Country $selectedCountry
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Updated the country of $($user.DisplayName) to $selectedCountry"
                    else {
                        throw "Invalid country selected. Test failed."
                else {
                    throw "Cannot update country because user ID is null or empty. Test failed."

    Context "Department Standard Verification" -Tag "CompanyStandard" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a matching Department in Excel data" {
            $user = $_
            $validDepartments = $excelData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Department -Unique
            try {
                $user.Department | Should -BeIn $validDepartments -Because "Department should be in the list of valid departments"
            catch {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.Id)) {
                    $selectedDepartment = Read-Host "The department of $($user.DisplayName) is not valid. Please enter a valid department from the list: $($validDepartments -join ', '), or just press ENTER to skip this update"
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($selectedDepartment) -or $selectedDepartment -eq 'SKIP') {
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Skipping update for $($user.DisplayName)"
                        throw "Update skipped for $($user.DisplayName). Test failed."
                    elseif ($selectedDepartment -in $validDepartments) {
                        Update-MgUser -UserId $user.Id -Department $selectedDepartment
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Updated the department of $($user.DisplayName) to $selectedDepartment"
                    else {
                        throw "Invalid department selected. Test failed."
                else {
                    throw "Cannot update department because user ID is null or empty. Test failed."

    Context "Job Title Standard Verification" -Tag "CompanyStandard" -ForEach @( $Users ) {
        It "User $($_.DisplayName) should have a matching Job Title in Excel data" {
            $user = $_
            $validJobTitles = $excelData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Title -Unique
            try {
                $user.JobTitle | Should -BeIn $validJobTitles -Because "Job Title should be in the list of valid job titles"
            catch {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.Id)) {
                    $selectedJobTitle = Read-Host "The job title of $($user.DisplayName) is not valid. Please enter a valid job title from the list: $($validJobTitles -join ', '), or just press ENTER to skip this update"
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($selectedJobTitle) -or $selectedJobTitle -eq 'SKIP') {
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Skipping update for $($user.DisplayName)"
                        throw "Update skipped for $($user.DisplayName). Test failed."
                    elseif ($selectedJobTitle -in $validJobTitles) {
                        Update-MgUser -UserId $user.Id -JobTitle $selectedJobTitle
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Updated the job title of $($user.DisplayName) to $selectedJobTitle"
                    else {
                        throw "Invalid job title selected. Test failed."
                else {
                    throw "Cannot update job title because user ID is null or empty. Test failed."